JGTC S3 Pre-Season Challenge #1

:banghead: This is really frustrating. I just can't lay down competitive times with the DS2. I'm struggling just to stay at the tail end of everyone else who's posted. Bloody Indian customs are taking forever to clear my DFP :(
so, the 4 guys who are test driving cars... will also have to send times for the challenges or only for the qualify? (race 3)
Is there an answer to this one already?
:banghead: This is really frustrating. I just can't lay down competitive times with the DS2. I'm struggling just to stay at the tail end of everyone else who's posted. Bloody Indian customs are taking forever to clear my DFP :(
Just hope they don't hold it for ransom! I sent a DFP to Brazil from the US and the Brazilian authorities made me pay several hundred dollars or they were going to keep it! My friend got his DFP and the authorities got their blood money....aaaarrrgg!!
Good luck man, I can't even get around the test course with a DS2. I give ya credit for the valiant attempt...as long as you're not faster then me:)
Just hope they don't hold it for ransom! I sent a DFP to Brazil from the US and the Brazilian authorities made me pay several hundred dollars or they were going to keep it! My friend got his DFP and the authorities got their blood money....aaaarrrgg!!
Good luck man, I can't even get around the test course with a DS2. I give ya credit for the valiant attempt...as long as you're not faster then me
Well it's being shipped by DHL so I hope there won't be any problems. According to the tracking info it cleared customs today, so hopefully it should be here soon!

As for this challenge, the car has no stability going through turn 5 with the DS2...without subtle steering control this turn is a scary moment lap after lap.

My time so far:
On second thought (after seeing your times) I hope they do hold it for ransom:) You got me by a second!! My splits for Sector 1 and 2 are about the same, but I completly blow it on the last sector.
ok, I can hang with T-1, sort of, only a few .1's behind ....
T-2 , now I'm down a second
Dropping more on the last run in
As with WRS, 2 seconds behind in the end... running 1:02.xxx ... and that's shaving a full second off :yuck: :banghead:
Sitting here, shaking my head .... eating dust, smelling exhaust

:boggled: :cheers:
time to see what I can do with the Supra in #2
Hi guy's,

thought to put my 2 cents in as well. I'm in the same boat as ZeratulSG using the DS2. Tried for a few hours yesterday and this is absolutly the best I'm getting. :ill:
Does the DFP make that much of a difference ??? If so, I better get one.
T1 19.649
T2 37.354

Hi guy's,

thought to put my 2 cents in as well. I'm in the same boat as ZeratulSG using the DS2. Tried for a few hours yesterday and this is absolutly the best I'm getting.
Does the DFP make that much of a difference ??? If so, I better get one.
T1 19.649
T2 37.354

The DFP takes a bit of getting used to (and may be part of my problem, I'm not used to the DS2 anymore), but the subtle throttle, brake, and steering control, as well as the feedback, makes a world of difference for me. You can really respond to the car as it transitions through turns. So much more enjoyable too! I would highly recommend it for any serious GT players (not so useful for the more arcade-style racing games, and just too much work for rally IMO, I feel like I'm gonna break the wheel :) ).
I love the DFP in the Rally races...actually in all the races. I used a DS2 for about a month with GT3 then got the DFP and VRC (virtual racing cockpit) see attachment. I'm on my third wheel at the moment and have 1 in reserve.Generally it's the pedal assembly that goes bad. You can take it apart and do calibrations and maintenance when needed. The wheel itself is quite durable, just don't tighten the clamps too hard or they'll break. I've gotten an average of 1 1/2 years per wheel(averaging 2 hours a day)or about 1000 hours between replacements. Works out to about 13 cents an hour, worth every penny for the realism it gives you. That's my 2 cents!! Also most drivers should get more hours then me as I'm very very hard on that thing.


  • VRC_logitech2.gif
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Is that what they look like? And what's the damage on the wallet for one?

Wouldn't have the room for one, but I have a mate who mite be interested.

Hmm, that looks a little flimsy to me. I have to build my own with a nice racing seat, I guess. What did the DFP compared to the DS2 gave you in lap times ? I really can't see that 1sec. I'm behind !
Iceman, maybe I'm having problems with my eyes or something but you're not even entered in the JGTC series. Are you running just for fun or you're looking to join?
What I find, with the DFP, is that it allows such fine adjustments to input, that you find yourself driving SO much smoother overall.

Also, you would find that after a while, you will start to react to the feedback from the wheel, instinctively. Which means that if the car starts to get out of shape, you feel it before you see anything on the screen. And can react quicker.

Combined with the ability to trail-brake, and such-like, you will get faster and faster.

But it does take time, and unless you are an alien, once you start to use a DFP you shouldn't go back to the DS2 until you can go faster than your DS2 times.

Now I can't use the DS2, I'm all over the shop.

Get one, 'Your worth it!' :D

Hmm, that looks a little flimsy to me. I have to build my own with a nice racing seat, I guess. What did the DFP compared to the DS2 gave you in lap times ? I really can't see that 1sec. I'm behind !
Probably the most sturdy one on the market. The VRC was designed and built by 30 year race car veteran Bob Earl who has won many of the top races worldwide in his career. Since retiring from racing he got involved with the GT series and other driving simulators and decided to design a cocpit that puts you in the position of a Formula 1 driver. Adjusts to any size ,made in Calif. A very comfortable cockpit.Have seen some great kits to build your own on the internet and have seen many well done homemade jobs.Anyway you go a DFP and Cockpit makes the driving experience greatly enhanced over a DS2, once you get used to it.....very very important. But once you go that route you'll never go back!
Like Neil says "Get one you're worth it"
the dfp is faster for anything faster or equal to a touring car. for sports cars the ds2 is faster imo
Iceman, maybe I'm having problems with my eyes or something but you're not even entered in the JGTC series. Are you running just for fun or you're looking to join?

I don't even know yet my self ?! I'm just checking things out and after I saw a 1 sec. gap in 1 lap, I started to ask questions. Something wrong with that ? Hope not, cuz I like to race and compete. Just let me know, if I'm welcome or not ???
Bear in mind when I say I'm faster with the DFP, we're talking a few tenths per sector at most, not a few seconds. However the big key is that I struggle with consistency with the DS2...

Last night's session definitely helped me though, my thumbs are slowly regaining their memory of how to use the DS2. Still keep tanking it every other lap though :(

I just found out I'm likely to be moving about the world a bit for the next few weeks, and now my DFP is in India (and no point shipping it anywhere for short-term trips) :banghead: Looks like I may be running a few rounds this season with the ol' Dual Shock. Oh well, I'll still have fun, maybe that championship win will have to wait another season :sly:
Challenge # :1
Driver :GTXDriver
Controller (DFP/DS2) :DS2

Car :ASL Garaiya
Power :319
Weight :1125

Best Lap :1'00.951
Sector Times :0'19.854,0'37.592

It's the result of 30 minutes racing.It's not the best,but I have only a little time for it.Sorry.Someone has to be the last.
Challenge # :1
Driver :SHigSpeed
Controller (DFP/DS2) DFP

Car :ASL Garaiya
Power :319
Weight :1125

Best Lap :1'00.288
Sector Times :0'19.631,0'37.343

All the challenges are now updated with the official times I received in PM. :)

so what happened to all the other times that are in the 59 second time frame, they not included or something, and i did PM you all 3 of my times in 1 PM on friday i think...
so what happened to all the other times that are in the 59 second time frame, they not included or something, and i did PM you all 3 of my times in 1 PM on friday i think...

Times not PMed and only posted in the GTP threads = worth nothing