JGTC S3 Pre-Season Challenge #3

That's a tough one man, it would be very gracious of you, but it's also a slippery slope. I like the gracious, but many times they come back to haunt you " Hey EV4L you let so and so slide once, how about me?" I'm glad I'm not the Boss. I own my own business and I hate being the Boss, therefore I'm not a very good one...I'm way way too gracious and at the bottom of that slippery slope never to return to the top!! Good Luck man, ya sorta lose and win either way!

I do remember being DQ'd by you for not sending you one of 3 sector times....you $%#@&^%$#:)
Anyway that's when I started reading and following your instructions as closly as possible. If I remember right you were "setting an example" about reading and following rules.
What the hell, let it slide...hahaha!

What to do eh?

I really don't want to race against 10 guys, but then again, I don't want to race against 30 guys who may or may not show up.

Also, if you give someone leaniancy, people will abuse this. Also, I don't like being mean to people, but if the number is small enough, like 3 or 4 people, make an example of them and ban them from racing this season.

I really don't see what was so hard about submitting a time before the deadline. (I have done this in other series, but I never plan on it here. Also, those missed deadlines were because I didn't want to do it anymore out of bored - V8's - !)

Hope this helps. :sly:
I really don't see what was so hard about submitting a time before the deadline. (I have done this in other series, but I never plan on it here. Also, those missed deadlines were because I didn't want to do it anymore out of bored - V8's - !)

Hope this helps. :sly:

Oh I knew it you were a slacker in reality, you're really hiding your game well. :lol: See, the truth always comes out one day or another. :D
The deadline is 24hrs past. If they didn't send a PM, they miss out on a teammate. I mean, I don't want me or anyone else to get teamed with someone who isn't going to participate.

Stragglers can just race solo. Actually, at this point in JGTC series history, a season as Part-Time should almost be a prerequisite for going Full-Time and getting a teammate.

Look at that qual time! I'm such a nub!
So guys what do you think, should I be kind on this one and take the times posted in the challenge threads even if it's not been PMed to me?

If the rules are clearly posted then it really should be a requirement to hold everyone accountable. As Drew says, once you grant an "official" exemption, you're on your way to Perdition.

After, how hard can it be to click on PM?
Agree. If you can't be relied on to submit a time to get in the series, you can't be relied on to submit during the series.

Sure, been 1-2 hours late is almost acceptable, things happen that you can't help. But a day...
Mind saying what difficulty setting you used on this one, EV4L? I finally set it at -8, which seemed to reduce the blockage pretty well. I did suspect there might have been one slightly quicker setting that could have produced a better shot up the hill on lap one.

My trouble with the Honda is that it is so forgiving and so controllable sideways that I end up exceeding the grip level everywhere. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

And this was the only Challenge you had time to run?
I have to get myself together and spend a lot of time racing here.Looks like this is a very good team gathered here.Hope still lives inside me...
Well, I'm not last...

Soyfu, man, we tied! Too bad it was for last place...

EDIT: eatsvipers4lunch, when exactly is class assignment/car lottery again?
Best 1st lap : 1'17.665
Best lap : 1'10.620

Top speed set at 320 to only use 5 gears. AI at -10 on RH. Gained 1st position right after turn 1 at the start of going uphill. S2000 LM = sick 👍
Agree. If you can't be relied on to submit a time to get in the series, you can't be relied on to submit during the series.

Sure, been 1-2 hours late is almost acceptable, things happen that you can't help. But a day...
Agree, but I would allow exceptions if someone has a valid reason. Remember with time zone differences some of us lose out already (I have to submit up to 10 hours early because of where I may be)...also when I first arrived in Switzerland I did not have Internet access at home. Luckily I managed to find an Internet cafe at the local McDonald's, but otherwise I would've been several hours late (waiting to get to work the next morning)