Jihad over ice cream.

  • Thread starter Carl.
Wasn't sure to post it in the comedy corner, but here it goes (I know it's slightly old news):


The fast-food chain, Burger King, is withdrawing its ice-cream cones after the lid of the dessert offended a Muslim. The man claimed the design resembled the Arabic inscription for Allah, and branded it sacrilegious, threatening a "jihad".

The chain is being forced to spend thousands of pounds redesigning the lid with backing from The Muslim Council of Britain.
It apologised and said: "The design simply represents a spinning ice-cream cone." The offending lid was spotted in a branch in Park Royal last week by business development manager Rashad Akhtar, 27, of High Wycombe.

He was not satisfied by the decision to withdraw the cones and has called on Muslims to boycott Burger King. He said: "This is my jihad. How can you say it is a spinning swirl? If you spin it one way to the right you are offending Muslims."

A Muslim Council spokesman said: "We commend the sensitive and prompt action that Burger King has taken."



If it's an offending cartoon, then ok, I understand. But a ice cream cone logo that just happened to look like Allah in Arabic is just rediculous.
Some of these people will do anything to start a fight over something, it's a pity that you hear about so much trouble being cause by muslins or supposed muslims in many cases because the majority of them are decent people and this bad publicity isn't doing them any favours.
I see the resemblance, but it's purely coincidental. It's obviously spinning ice cream, and nothing more. This is the kind of mentality that makes us wonder just how peaceful Islam actually is. I mean, this guy is probably a nutcase, but if he's honestly threatening jihad over a dessert, you've got to wonder what they're teaching in certain mosques...
There they go again. Trying to change every d*mn thing to suit them.

If I was part of BK, I'd have to say "Screw 'em."
Seriously, there's a big difference between those two. Turn your head to the side and look at them upright, you'll see lots of differences. There are a different number of lines, they go different directions, some are connected in one picture where they aren't in the other picture.
They might as well re-design the shape of springs then as well, because they're just about as similar when on their side.

There's has to be laws about this sort of theing put into place, it's not a muslim country, so they shouldn't have as much say on how things are done. They don't like it, they can leave. Like I said, most are decent people, most that see the resemblance would simply put it aside as coincidental and not let it bother them. This guy is just looking for a fight, BK have done more than I would have done had I been in charge and taken the Ice creams off the menu, for now at least probably until a re-designed logo is printed on all the new cartons, but that's not enough for this guy. I'd tell him to get lost, infact I'd offer to even buy him a one way plane ticket back to some country that doesn't have piped wated and a sewage system and fast food outlets.
Yet again proving that anything can be offensive to someone who is looking for an excuse to get offended. Idiot.
Dumbass... And he's supposed to be a "business development manager" - in which case you assume he had SOME common sense in his head - Guess not..

Dammit !​
This article made me go out and buy 500 rounds of .45 acp HP jacketed + P rounds ....and I am drawing little allah faces on them .
No, it could happen anywhere theres a large muslim community, because crap like this does, it's been happening all over Europe.
Sure hope they don't tell all their friends in Durka-durka-stan! We could have a massive Mohammed Jihad on our hands.


I didn't even know BK sold ice cream.
Integra Type R
Sure hope they don't tell all their friends in Durka-durka-stan! We could have a massive Mohammed Jihad on our hands.
Well, it is an American company...
I'm still upset with the white castle logo. If follow the dividing line in the middle and look to the left and right, you'll see what could make a cross if it weren't for their logo in the way. I think they're trying to say that their brand is Jesus.


The arby's logo has what looks like a Jesus fish at the bottom.


Wendy's has something that kinda resembles a yin-yang in the squiggles under the brand name.


If you turn your head sideways, the Micky D's logo looks like a three - as in trinity.

Is it offensive to have something designed to look like Allah to Muslims? If the design looked like God (intentionally or not) I wouldn't be offended.
I'm more surprised it didn't happen in the US.

We are, after all, the masters of wierd lawsuits, and offensive things.

Actually, these days, the Brits have been doing their best to match us on that.
Nike had to withdraw an Air shoe--don't know when--because the "Air" was written all graffiti-like and resembled the Allah symbol. Or did someone already mention this? I saw that in my marketing book, which won'y get much use, by the way.
Mr. Burger King's daughter is crying right now. She innocently drew that up with her wee little crayons on the kitchen table, and now look what it has become. :shakeshead:

He should be more pissed of at this:

Three cows and a pig on one burger is just too much.
1400 calories just from the burget eh? Throw in another 300-400 for the drink and fries and you've get the entire day's worth of calories right there.

For the record, I do like to eat that way once in a while. I'll skip breakfast, go eat a 1700 calorie lunch, and barely have anything for dinner.
Is it offensive to have something designed to look like Allah to Muslims? If the design looked like God (intentionally or not) I wouldn't be offended.

Well, realize that's because you're a reasonable human being. The whole thing is hilarious, and I can't believe that Burger King doesn't have any backbone.
Well, realize that's because you're a reasonable human being. The whole thing is hilarious, and I can't believe that Burger King doesn't have any backbone.
Companies can't have backbones anymore, because of the miracle of litigation.

For the record, I do like to eat that way once in a while. I'll skip breakfast, go eat a 1700 calorie lunch, and barely have anything for dinner.
I'm sort of the same way. I subscribe to the diet called "don't be a dumbass." I eat junk food, frozen pizzas, and ice cream, but *gasp*, I'm not 300 pounds! You can eat pretty much whatever you want, as long as you don't do it excessively. Sure, that pizza is 940 calories, but the rest of my meals that day (which are usually very well-balanced) only add up to another 900. Maybe a late snack, and my daily intake is about 2000-2300 calories. Even though my metabolism has slowed in recent years, my weight stays about the same, and I retain my dashing physique. The guy who eats a Grand Slam breakfast, a Big Mac lunch, and then a frozen pizza is the guy with the weight problem.
We are becoming so politically correct it’s disgusting; shame on Burger King for not standing up to this tool.