John Kerry - or something.

  • Thread starter 1X83Z
No, they're not. In fact, socialism and democracy often go hand in hand, because it's very easy for the public to vote themselves "bread and circuses"... which they do with great regularity.

Im glad to see you expressing views in a quality manner, which it seems, often times are similar to my own.

However, I wanted to mention about cheaney.

He is not a strong candidate for the presidency in 2008, but I do believe that anyone with a tendancy to vote republican recognizes the fact that cheaney has played a role in the history of the world before the current administration.

Did you know that v.p. cheaney proposed a plan for the first gulf war, which was "toned down" my Norman schwartizcoff (sp?) due to the outlandish nature of the attack.

Yet in the actual assault, the battle plan used was that of cheaney's in this toned down form.

A man who can operate at the level of generals and world changers, is always a good man to take note of.

This I believe is an example of good decision making, as well as excellent foresight in a venture of great magnitude.

I think cheaney is a good v.p., but not a good presidential candidate.

I guess I should bring up the "executive order" issue for gepheart (sp?).
But that subject just isn't very intresting. (this guy is no threat for the election.)

I could bring up a theory of mine about elections as well as the supreme court rumors.

Rumors are that a justice may step down from the supreme court sometime soon. I forget the specific one mentioned, but just knowing there is one is enough for me. (source: special report, foxnews.)

The theory I mentioned was a simple one if worded right... Im tired so this will be short...

Democrates dont vote in the same consistant manner as republicans during mid-term elections.

Sorry, just gotta go...
Originally posted by GoKents

He is not a strong candidate for the presidency in 2008, but I do believe that anyone with a tendancy to vote republican recognizes the fact that cheaney has played a role in the history of the world before the current administration.

Did you know that v.p. cheaney proposed a plan for the first gulf war, which was "toned down" my Norman schwartizcoff (sp?) due to the outlandish nature of the attack.

Yet in the actual assault, the battle plan used was that of cheaney's in this toned down form.

Weird - then-senator Cheney must be a real hawk. Too bad he no longer makes public appearances. And it doesn't matter - President Bush quit listening to Mr Cheney when his popularity took a dive.

By the way - nobody in US history has ever figured out how to spell General Norm's name - hence the 'General Norm' treatment.

I think cheaney is a good v.p., but not a good presidential candidate.

Agreed. I'd much rather see US Senator John McCain run and bring some moderation and thorough knowledge and passion to the White House than Mr Cheney.

Rumors are that a justice may step down from the supreme court sometime soon. I forget the specific one mentioned, but just knowing there is one is enough for me. (source: special report, foxnews.)

Better knowing that the one considering stepping down was a Republican appointee - he/she'd better step down soon, in case President Bush doesn't get another term!