John Titor:Man From The Future?

  • Thread starter THE GAME
I don't see what was wrong with that post at all, or where it "accused" you of being religious.

Darwin was wrong about Evolution, until his theory became the commonly accepted theory, as it went against the then-current theory. IF your opinions about the structure of the Universe are contrary to the current theory, then your opinions are currently wrong. There's a problem with this?
I don't see what was wrong with that post at all, or where it "accused" you of being religious.

Darwin was wrong about Evolution, until his theory became the commonly accepted theory, as it went against the then-current theory. IF your opinions about the structure of the Universe are contrary to the current theory, then your opinions are currently wrong. There's a problem with this?

"Not to denigrate your opinions on the Universe, but that's all they are - opinions. If they fly in the face of current theory, then your opinions are currently wrong."

What's the point of saying this? And what's the point of my opinion being currently wrong against current theory. Pfff. Sometimes you're just full of ... air. :D
The point is, you're presenting your opinions as fact - even arguing against what is regarded as current theory with phrases such as:

My take is this.

Hence my take on

I disagree with

I don't believe

in my honest opinion

if you ask me

There is no more reason to believe that

doesn't make it any more believeable.

there is no reason to believe

I think

Say that

We could conjecture

I think

In my humble opinion

I think

I doubt

You are of course perfectly entitled to your opinions. After all, the Universe is a very profound philosophical matter. Do not present them as bona fide truths just because you think the current theory isn't correct - what arrogance to say that you know better than the best scientific minds in the field, Arwin. They are your opinions and, since you disagree with current theory, your opinions are currently (note: currently) wrong. This doesn't just apply to you - as I outlined above. IF anyone disagrees with the current theory then they are also, currently, wrong, as I mentioned with Darwin. For other examples, look to Galileo who, at the time, disagreed with the Catholic Church and was, at the time, wrong although we now know him to be right. More recently, check the opinions of the medical community about the MMR jab.
I used 'hedging' to make sure people understood I was presenting my own take and not stating it as a universal truth. But fair enough, if you're automatically wrong if you don't agree with 'current' theory (which still changes about every year), then I guess I'm wrong. I was just trying to say that I know of no factual observation or measurement that goes against what I said. And as long as that is the case, you could also argue both theories are currently correct. It just depends on what standard you take. Your paralel with Galileo in that sense does not fly, because his theory very clearly matched the factual observations a lot better.
Your paralel with Galileo in that sense does not fly, because his theory very clearly matched the factual observations a lot better.

Indeed - but he was, to the best "scientific" (read: "religious") minds of the time, out of line with the then-current theory. To the point that he was persecuted for his scientific observations and imprisoned.

Now that's what I call having the courage of your convictions :D

And as long as that is the case, you could also argue both theories are currently correct. It just depends on what standard you take.

Indeed - in a parallel universe current theory agrees with you. Furthermore, Schroedinger's theory would have us think that both theories are both correct and incorrect simultaneously in the big box of cosmology until the box is opened and one is proven.

Isn't the Universe fun? :D
Not all the way off topic, but still...

Over here in bloody DK, each and every media has been completely upside down with the Presidential Election. So much a radiostation had mediums in the studio to "predict" the outcome... We're talking some 10-14 days ago...

Well - most of the mediums said that it was "very difficult" as they have to - still came up with either Bush or Kerry. But one came out, very blunt, and said that she couldn't see the outcome of the election, but that there was NO way that Bush would be in office with the exit of 2005..

All this being related to Titor saying the US' second Civil War will be starting in 2005...

Alrigth already, I'll drop the stick now and leave the horse alone ;)
All this being related to Titor saying the US' second Civil War will be starting in 2005...

Alrigth already, I'll drop the stick now and leave the horse alone ;)

:lol: Have you been to the site where Titor first posted...its hysterically funny :lol:

The guy has watched "Back to the Future" one too many times...did you see the pictures of his car fitted out with a time machine...It wasn't a Delorian, he used a's straight out of a comic book :lol:

And whilst its quite funny watching Arwin and Famine argue in this thread, the silly thing is you keep resurrecting this pathetic John Titor story.

How about you create a new thread "Time Travel: Facts and Fiction". I'll contribute, I know of a real "Time machine" that has been built :D There is a theory that binary rotating stars can distort space and cause time to loop, well it turns out that there is something else that does this too.
Yes - I'd caught that too. It really only needs to be a pair (or more - more is good) or massive (mass, not size) objects. A binary system like Beta Hydri - which is a contact binary system - or any pair of objects where one is a pulsar, neutron star or black hole. Not to mention superstring. Anything like this which can cause extreme distortions in space also causes extreme distortions in time - the space-time continuum.
I have a space time continuum in my refridgerator . my beer keeps going to the past but I always have more for the future and at present I seem to be full of it. :)
Just like arwin and yourself ! :)
Yes - I'd caught that too. It really only needs to be a pair (or more - more is good) or massive (mass, not size) objects. A binary system like Beta Hydri - which is a contact binary system - or any pair of objects where one is a pulsar, neutron star or black hole. Not to mention superstring. Anything like this which can cause extreme distortions in space also causes extreme distortions in time - the space-time continuum.

Yes, something of enormous mass will distort space, but more recently discovered is that objects of enormous speed also distort space in the same way.

It turns out that laser light creates a distortion around it much like the magnetic field around a wire carrying current. When arranged in a cage like structure, these lasers actually make a time machine! There is one built in a lab. The proof is, when they fire radioactive particles with a half life of a thousandth of a second, they don't decay. When the particles are removed they instantly decay.

The only explanation at the moment is that time inside the cage, "stands still". It is a time loop. Theory goes, if something is placed in the cage, then it is in the "present" for all times, so if you put a particle in there in 100 years, it would be visible today. If there was some way to put a binary sequence into this machine that would retain its sequence and could be removed in the same order, then it would be possible to send a message, or data, from the future to the present. :crazy: If you got this to work, the moment it was switched on, it would be full of messages.
I made a beer fart that had such mass it distorted my whole damm kitchen. It made the clock stop and the fish got very old.
Its been called a brown hole but never a black...a black hole requires a doctors visit and good health insurance ...unless of course you are thinking of something else in that case I must remind you of the sensitive nature of the moderators sensibilitys and suggest you digress :crazy: ( never too early for the beer on a week end you sot) . :) Ahhhhh beer wonderfull beer..rymes with cheer and is very dear ..that frosty beer..give it here..I want to be near my wonderfull beer.
unless of course you are thinking of something else in that case I must remind you of the sensitive nature of the moderators sensibilitys and suggest you digress :crazy:
I meant its ability to distort space and time:lol: I don't even want to know what you meant by "something else" ;)
( never too early for the beer on a week end you sot) . :) Ahhhhh beer wonderfull beer..rymes with cheer and is very dear ..that frosty beer..give it here..I want to be near my wonderfull beer.

Is your wife called Marge Simpson ;)

Theres a film I can't remember the title, but this guy goes round his bosses house in the morning for hunting or fishing, and the boss says "fancy a beer"

and the guy says " this time of day"

So he says "yeah you're about a whiskey, its gone 10am" :lol:
Famine has a carrot. and he's running through his flat quoting shakespear whilst dressed in a medevil french maids outfit and wearing spurs. Somthing about his , "little bunny needed a spanking" is going on and I see quite the mess due to all the lettuce leaves he's flung I phsycic or what ? :crazy: :dopey: :) 💡
Yeah...I'm reading your mind right now, and I know that was a lie :lol:

Also...yes she would mind if you asked her best friend, and your keys are in your coat pocket ;)

They're in my shoe. I don't own a coat :D

ledhed needs to drink either less beer or more beer. I can't decide.