Johnny1996's GT5 Car Reviews-OP Updated (but no new reviews)

United States
United States
Since I am bored with and out of things to do on GT6, I want to go back to GT5. With this, I'll be reviewing numerous cars. There is some important information regarding how I construct each review below, which is recommended to be viewed.

These reviews are intended to be casual, so with that being said, the reviews are very loosely constructed, while still being able to deliver a serious review. There is no set time or date when new reviews will be conducted, as time availability will vary. New reviews will be marked as such. The assists are as follows, with each review following this format:
  • Use of DS3
  • Transmission: Automatic
  • TCS: 5
  • ASM: On
  • SRF: Off
  • ABS:1
  • Tire Wear/Fuel Consumption: Off
  • Tire type: Depends on car
Each review will be setup as follows:
  • Name of car (as it appears in the game), tuned or untuned
  • Photo of car (my own photo, unedited)
  • Tires
  • Best lap time on Trail Mountain out of 5 laps
  • Review
Below is a directory of all the reviews, in the order they have been added, but not in any additional order, so be aware. Also, a 5-lap long session to determine the best time the car holds on Trial Mountain Circuit will be conducted. And also, within this Trial Mountain best lap session, testing of the car's medium-speed cornering capabilities will be done. Also, a five lap test a Tsukuba Circuit will be conducted to determine low-speed cornering capabilities, and five laps at High Speed Ring will be conducted as well, this for high-speed cornering capabilities.

Constructive criticism is welcome, but not criticism that would be considered a put-down, such as blatantly saying something along the lines of, "These reviews stink." See you on the track!
Last edited:
Hate to DP, but I do believe the time difference will come into play here. I've updated and changed to OP to help make navigation to each review from the OP easier. Also, additional information on how each review is conducted has been added.
I have recently acquired GT3, and still do not have access to my flashdrive, so no reviews until then. Apologies. :(