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To give you an understanding of what has me so interested in this as everybody can just mod the hp to whatever they want anyways.
Here is a GTR Black Edition, with all the parts, just like my other one & I installed the same 300mph gear set. Only this time I have the GTR's STG 3 Turbo and used the HP multiplier to get 1561hp
I need to add downforce to stop the car from just mysteriously spinning out at 185mph. ???????
I Refuse to accommodate the hp with DF when I do not have to...
I Then use the power limiter some more to keep dropping power until she can stay going straight. I go all the way down to 865hp, and at 162mph she just spins out.
The HP multiplier just does some weird stuff, yeah you go fast, but need to hack in downforce, LMP Chassis, or grip to keep them going straight. Its just waaay to BS to be useful at all. The Turbo Swaps however make usable power that doesnt come with all the weird quirks HP multiplying does.
Hey i got a question for you.
When a car is fitted with the normal high-rpm turbo and the boost gauge only goes up part of the way, does that mean it can be equipped with a higher turbo to make it go full?
Like the GTR Spec V's turbo only uses 75% of the gauge so maybe there is a higher rom one in the game files that works properly without having 5000 hp.