Hi. I've been testing the Lotus Elise '11 over the weekend. I tested all 5 available set ups from here.
I test the set ups on various circuits doing multiple laps on each. Flat circuits first then the uneven bumpy circuits last. I start by taking things easy to see how smooth the car is to drive, braking a bit earlier for the corners etc. I push the car harder lap by lap until it's at it's limit. I found with your tune that i was between 0.4 & 0.9 seconds a lap faster than the other tunes. It's a fun car to drive using your tune. Nice & smooth through the turns. At the limit you can lose the rear end a little but if you have a smooth driving style this isn't a problem.
I did make a couple of adjustments to suit my driving style (these adjustments may not work for you or anyone else as we all have different styles of driving) & improved my laps times even further.
First off i changed the LSD to it's default setting of 10/40/20
I added Stage 3 Weight Reduction, Hood & Windows.
Stage 1 Engine Tuning, Isometric Manifold, Intake, removed the Computer & set the Power Limiter to 99.3% to keep it at 500pp
I added 83 Ballast @ -50
With these changes the car is now perfect for my style of driving. It's up to you if you want to try the changes. You may not want to if the car is perfect for you as it is.
Anyway a big thank you for sharing your tune. I want to try some others you have shared & will leave feedback after i have tried & tested them.