Just bought an XBox 360 and Forza 3

  • Thread starter Katner
I really don't appreciate something telling me my memory might be off, as I remember everything quite well.

I'm an inanimate object now? :lol:

Sorry, but my statement stands. Mine (and many others) memory of The Ring seems to include much more aggressive rumble strips. So, I'm sorry if my questioning your memory hurts your feelings, but it's a valid question. Nothing to take personally.

I never said the strips are bigger, I think they are too tall & angled, though in most parts.

No, of course they're not bigger... They're just taller and more angled.:rolleyes:

Again, you are the only person I have come across that seems to have this opinion.

As said, we'll just have to disagree on this.


If you're talking about Forza 3's version of the ring, it's barely changed from Forza 2, and is still hugely inaccurate. It isn't narrow at all. Go play GT4's version (or GTR-Evo) of the ring, and you will see how narrow the Ring should be. Not to mention, the rumble strips have been dumbed down for the average gamer.


Well ok, I've never driven there in reality, but I know the streets and topography ( sp?) around there pretty good and it goes up and down there all the time, I also get to see the track a lot on TV from in board cam and all I try to say is that my brain never could link those impressions and memories with what I experienced in GT4 and other games.
With F3 it's different, I get almost a claustrophobic feeling... so I don't really know which is more accurate, but it feels more like I'd expect in F3.
Heck maybe I should go there once and see what's all the fuss about myself. :)
Again, you are the only person I have come across that seems to have this opinion.
And unfortunately for us both, I have heard people agree with my thoughts as well. That doesn't make you (or I) instantly correct, so this might as well be dropped before a multitude of posts arrive trying to say otherwise.

Again, agreed to disagreed.
I am considering buying an gaming PC or an Xbox in order to play a good SIM, given the never ending GT5 story. My questions are:

1. Is Forza 3 a good and realistic driving/racing game?
2. Is the MS wheel good enough? (I already have a G25 with a stand)
3. Do you need an account in order to play online multiplayer and get any DLC?

Thank you.
I am considering buying an gaming PC or an Xbox in order to play a good SIM, given the never ending GT5 story. My questions are:

1. Is Forza 3 a good and realistic driving/racing game?
2. Is the MS wheel good enough? (I already have a G25 with a stand)
3. Do you need an account in order to play online multiplayer and get any DLC?

Thank you.

1. It's a decent sim, but there are a lot of flaws. The physics are somewhere in between simulation and arcade (closer to sim).
2. If you're going from a G25, you're not going to like the MS Wheel. 270 degree steering, very little resistance in pedals, notchy steering.
3. You need a Gold (paid) account to play online multiplayer. A silver (free) account can be used to download DLC, though.

Thank you Delphic Reason. I guess I'll look at PC options such as rFactor.

Try GTR2, GT Legends, GTR Evolution, and Richard Burns Rally. All can be found for cheap, and all are better than Rfactor, in my opinion.

My plan? Enjoy Forza 3 for a while. Then, when Forza 4 inevitably comes out before GT5, I'll buy it too. If Forza 4 provides me the satisfaction I was hoping for from GT5 I'll consciously omit purchase of GT5 regardless of when it's released.

Quality > Quantity.
Forza is a fun for a racing game, although I get bored with racing/driving games pretty quick now since I really need a story of some sort. My only real complaint with Forza is that it's not as pretty as GT but the physics are very respectable, the car list is good and I enjoy the customization aspect. Oh and then there is the whole thing with Turn 10 actually producing a game in a timely manner. I'll take something that actually makes it to market with some bugs then something that has become vaporware.

If you have a 360 and like racing/sim games Forza is good buy, I wouldn't purchase a 360 for it though because buying a gaming system for one game is stupid.
Eh there are a lot of good games on the 360, just like there are a lot of good games on the PS3. If you can afford it and are into video games, it makes sense to own both.
OK I bought a PS3 because of GT, was hoping for more racing games coming out in time, but that really didn't workout well... By the time GT3 was released I already had tons of good racing games on PS2 and actually was a bit disapponted when GT3 arrived so early, because I couldn't really play thru the others.
As for 360 and F3 it's almost the same story, bought it to play F3 and was hoping for some other cool games on that platform. What can I say, I've been testing them games a lot and wasn't exactly impressed, not disappointed tho as I didn't really expect that much from a HD console using DVDs to begin with.

PGR4: What could be a fun arcade racer gets totally destroyed by the sound... no matter what I did in the settings, sounds are clipping all the time like on a 80's game, fail. Check.

Race Pro: Yeah, well cars feel weightless, no sense of speed, AI seems arcadish, I see if you are purely after racing, this could be your game, but for me it's not enough, also final straw it has horrible Vsync issues, every turn you take. I hate that, my eyes can't take it!

Ace Combat: Being a big fan of the series, this one's really disappointing, hard to explain the feeling, but the ground textures are a joke, you can't judge what's your height is and thus crash a lot. Never had this problem in previous Ace Combats, no I rather crashed on purpouse sometimes, because the textures and general graphics where so outstanding. Fail. Check.

Tekken 6: Oh, I love Tekken, but the PS3 version looks and plays better, especially in story mode and online was even less impressive on 360.
If you only have a 360, still a very good game tho. 👍

Dirt2: just got the demo, but I say, again, the PS3 version looks much better (sharper). If you only have a 360, it's an ok game...

V8 The Next Challenge(?): played the demo, graphics and handling seemed pretty cool, but horrible view from outside the car, which is extremely disappointing and waste of resources as you can actually adjust the cam freely as you wishes, but as soon you go back into the game it resets to one of the default views. :crazy: Maybe I just didn't find the right options yet, but eww, that does have a bad taste for sure. Still if there will be more options in the final game, like custom HUD and that kind of stuff, it might become a solid racing game, as the core seems very good, also sounds are nice. Fail? Yet to be seen.

I also tried two RPGs, but that's, unless it's FinalFantasy, not my thing. Too boring lol.

Finally (trying to come to an end of this post ;) I really was testing a lot...) I noticed most, if not all, of the racing games don't give you a option for custom controls, aka button mapping, you can set it generally on the dashboard for all games, but there's nothing remotely how I'd want it. Seriously, can it be so hard to program that?! Especially for racing games it's a shame really, seems so easy, but yet so important...
However, enjoying F3 and it's pretty stunning what they are able to get out that thing, graphically too, even compared to GT.

So, is it worth it? If F4 comes out before GT5, hell yes!
If not, I'm not sure, really. :)
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Your Ace Combat critiques are your own fault then. I played through the game just fine without ever running into the ground, & I'm sure many others achieved the same result.
Your Ace Combat critiques are your own fault then. I played through the game just fine without ever running into the ground, & I'm sure many others achieved the same result.


I rarely crashed into anything...

However, this didn't in any way make up for the terrible textures he's alluding to. They really are shocking in some cases.

That being said, I still enjoyed it.

Race Pro: Yeah, well cars feel weightless, no sense of speed, AI seems arcadish, I see if you are purely after racing, this could be your game, but for me it's not enough, also final straw it has horrible Vsync issues, every turn you take. I hate that, my eyes can't take it!

While many enjoyed this game, my experience was closer to your own. The physics left a lot to be desired, in my opinion. I have had fun with GTR, GTL, and GTR Evo. Yet, Race Pro, just doesn't feel like any of those games. Something tells me they had a particularly hard time implementing FFB properly, due to the unusual nature of FFB Effects on the Xbox 360. Whatever the cause of the problems, it just doesn't feel right. That, and all the other issues with the game (like horrible presentation) had me returning it to Gamestop post haste.

However, this didn't in any way make up for the terrible textures he's alluding to. They really are shocking in some cases.


Heh, yeah... thanks for pointing out. :)

What's surprising me most with the 360 is how few tweaking options the games have, I thought it would be a bit more like PC games...
Then I still don't really 'get' how F3 actually works, especially regarding the online part:

  • How does ranking up work? Even if I win races or just score points by finishing races my rank does barely go up, what's the system behind it?
  • What do the green dots next to players in the lobby mean, anything?
  • Is there any way to turn off the stupid "playerxyz2345 has joined the game" just followed by "playerxyz2345 has left the game" during races?
    That sure is annoyingly stupid as I really couldn't care less who's joining or not... Hey, I'm trying to race here, geez!
  • Same for chat icon popping up during races, yeah... I can't hear ya, but sure it's cool I see your talking... not! Any way to turn that off?
  • Lastly, am I the only one that thinks that track in form of a nuclear explosion is useless? :sly:
Ace Combat? I gotta check it out on xbox360 because I don't think Ps3 has any Ace Combat right?

Checked it out now and yes there is an Ace Combat exclusive for the Xbox360,cost only 15 bucks.Very good news for us gamers indeed :D
Well 15 is cheap, but then, as I said, so are the graphics... tbh you're better off with HAWX ( Ace Combat clone for PS3 ).

BTW I'm still player level 12 (beginner) online in F3... anyone care to explain how that works?
And how I actually got to lvl 12 is beyond me also ( I played at least 3 times more without ranking up as I did when I got to lvl 12) is this thing stuck or something?
Hi guys, I´m in the FM3 club :)

I get sick of that GT5 mysterium, this big secret they did with it, don´t show the fans any new picture or don´t give them a damn detail about the game... Delay every GT game for less than 1 year...

So I just ordered an X360 FM3 bundle today :) let´s see how it is, I think I´ll get it next week...
Hi guys, I´m in the FM3 club :)

I get sick of that GT5 mysterium, this big secret they did with it, don´t show the fans any new picture or don´t give them a damn detail about the game... Delay every GT game for less than 1 year...

So I just ordered an X360 FM3 bundle today :) let´s see how it is, I think I´ll get it next week...

I hope you'll like it, I'm kinda in the same boat. I got sick of Sony's anouncements of anouncement releasedates business thing in general lol
On the 360 it's very different, there's everyday something new and they just don't make such a fuss about it. :)
It's not perfect, but it really feels like they care more for the important things on a gaming console... gaming!
I hope you'll like it, I'm kinda in the same boat. I got sick of Sony's anouncements of anouncement releasedates business thing in general lol
On the 360 it's very different, there's everyday something new and they just don't make such a fuss about it. :)
It's not perfect, but it really feels like they care more for the important things on a gaming console... gaming!

I am so frustrated about PD's behavior.
and yes this discussion absolutely belongs in the GT forum not here. the point the author was trying to make is that he (along with a lot of other GT followers) is fed up by the endless delays and he finally the decision to switch his allegiance to F3. I am very close to do the same.
I think it s important to be able to voice such an opinion and especially on the GT forum.
If PD are so perfectionist they should simply hire more programmers and get the game done. what about the time they waisted to do GT psp which turned out to be very average to top it off.
I wouldn't purchase a 360 for (forza) though because buying a gaming system for one game is stupid.

I wonder how many people have bought a Playstation just to play Gran Turismo on though?

I know I did with the PS1, PS2 and PS3. It's just a pity there's been such a wait for GT5.

I also bought an XBox purely for Forza 3. Some people might say that's a stupid thing to do but seeing as I pretty much exclusively play driving games, I felt I could no longer keep waiting for GT5. With such a serious lacking of quality driving games for the Playstation, I felt I had to get an XBox. This doesn't mean I'll not be getting GT5. Hell, I'll be getting it day one the same as everyone else on this site.

I am so frustrated about PD's behavior.
and yes this discussion absolutely belongs in the GT forum not here. the point the author was trying to make is that he (along with a lot of other GT followers) is fed up by the endless delays and he finally the decision to switch his allegiance to F3. I am very close to do the same.
I think it s important to be able to voice such an opinion and especially on the GT forum.
If PD are so perfectionist they should simply hire more programmers and get the game done. what about the time they waisted to do GT psp which turned out to be very average to top it off.

I agree with most of this post apart from the bit I've highlighted.

I don't think it's a matter of switching allegiances as I don't consider consoles/ formats like they're football teams and that I can only support one or the other. It's all about experiencing the best games you can IMO and if that means going to The Dark Side (:)) to play something else, well so be it.

The fact is, whether you like it or not, until GT5 is released, Forza 3 is the best available driving game on this gen of consoles.
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I also bought an xbox360 only for FM3 :)
There is no other game on the box that interests me... I´ve stopped playing games since 1-2 years now, I only play racing games... But I can´t wait for God of War III... That will be THE game....

It´s very frustrating to play FM3 with the pad because I´ve never played racing games with an pad since 2-3 years now... It´s not realistic... But unfortunately MS still blocks logitech wheels, for wich reason ever, I don´t understand...

If MS would support logitech wheels, I´m sure a lot of people would buy an 360...
I wonder how many people have bought a Playstation just to play Gran Turismo on though?

I know I did with the PS1, PS2 and PS3. It's just a pity there's been such a wait for GT5.

So did I. Of course there were other really good games MGS and GTA series for example.

But now for PS3... Damn. I've played GT5P, GTA IV and MGS 4, and there just isn't more games for PS3 that I'd like to play. I'm really considering getting Xbox 360 next month just to get my hands on Forza and Halo games. 260€ for the console and Forza. Just to play a few games before GT5 releases... :ouch:
Hey guys, an short FM3 review

I get my xbox360 today... The (packet boy??) rang the door bell at 10 a.m. I get the paket but I wasn´t very excited and sleep till 1 p.m.

Then I installed the box and put in FM3... Damnnnn that Xbox is loouuuddd it´s very loud! And it´s the new xbox360 elite 120GB !! The DVD drive is loud, really very loud...

So I started FM3. The first impression was, I don´t feel right. I don´t feel home... It´s a very nice game and I played it only 1 hour but I ain´t get that GT4 feeling... The physics are (driving aids off) arcade/simulation... The physics forgive to much faults, you can brake very late and nothing happens, you can´t oversteer or understeer (Just played with the VW Scirocco) I don´t know how it is with the other cars...

But the most frustrating thing is, playing with the gamepad sucks extremely... I love to play racing games with an wheel and thats unforgivable that MS doesn´t support Logitech wheels...

Anyway, FM3 seems an very nice game! there are a lot of cars in that made me excited... 30 Porsches, old BMW M3 versions and much more nice cars... 100 Tracks? I "only" seen 20-30 so far in the "quick lap" option... I think with 100 Tracks they mean 100 variations?

The photomode was very nice but I´ve got to play with FM3 more than 1 hour... I´m sure I will have a lot of fun with that game anyway...

So have a nice weekend...

EDIT: Oh I´ve forgotten the most important thing, the car sounds are great,awesome,fantastic!
Hey guys, an short FM3 review

I get my xbox360 today... The (packet boy??) rang the door bell at 10 a.m. I get the paket but I wasn´t very excited and sleep till 1 p.m.

Then I installed the box and put in FM3... Damnnnn that Xbox is loouuuddd it´s very loud! And it´s the new xbox360 elite 120GB !! The DVD drive is loud, really very loud...

So I started FM3. The first impression was, I don´t feel right. I don´t feel home... It´s a very nice game and I played it only 1 hour but I ain´t get that GT4 feeling... The physics are (driving aids off) arcade/simulation... The physics forgive to much faults, you can brake very late and nothing happens, you can´t oversteer or understeer (Just played with the VW Scirocco) I don´t know how it is with the other cars...

But the most frustrating thing is, playing with the gamepad sucks extremely... I love to play racing games with an wheel and thats unforgivable that MS doesn´t support Logitech wheels...

Anyway, FM3 seems an very nice game! there are a lot of cars in that made me excited... 30 Porsches, old BMW M3 versions and much more nice cars... 100 Tracks? I "only" seen 20-30 so far in the "quick lap" option... I think with 100 Tracks they mean 100 variations?

The photomode was very nice but I´ve got to play with FM3 more than 1 hour... I´m sure I will have a lot of fun with that game anyway...

So have a nice weekend...

EDIT: Oh I´ve forgotten the most important thing, the car sounds are great,awesome,fantastic!

You can install the games to harddrive as I learned here, it will make the 360 more quiet and also the discdrive is supposed to live longer (as it doesn't need to shovel data all the time). ;)

My PS3 is now much louder (and hotter) than my 360. :scared:

As for the physics, idk for me it feels like an updated GT4 version, so I love it!
So after 3 hours, I really like the game :)

But it drives me crazy that I ain´t got an wheel for FM3... With the gamepad it feels like that I ain´t got the controll over the car that I´m driving...

But I love the rims upgrade, I love it that you can customize your car...

But is there no photo mode like in GT4? I´ve searched for it but I can only took photos when I´m driving on an track... are there no photo locations?

Ok then I´ve got to install that game, that would be nice if there is an option to install it on HDD...
So after 3 hours, I really like the game :)

But it drives me crazy that I ain´t got an wheel for FM3... With the gamepad it feels like that I ain´t got the controll over the car that I´m driving...

But I love the rims upgrade, I love it that you can customize your car...

But is there no photo mode like in GT4? I´ve searched for it but I can only took photos when I´m driving on an track... are there no photo locations?

Ok then I´ve got to install that game, that would be nice if there is an option to install it on HDD...

No there is no specific photo mode. You just have to pick a track and find somewhere on it that looks like a good back drop then go into the pause menu and select take a photo.

The long Japanese track (can't remember the name) has some good places to park up and take some pics.