Just pre-ordered from New Zealand!

  • Thread starter Vasco


Salting the snail
United States
San Francisco, CA
Well, last night i pre-ordered my copy of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City from the gamesman. The current status is pending but i should have it by next weekend. This is great news for me as i will be getting the uncut version before the normal Cut Australian version comes out. :)
congrats man. VC is awesome in every imaginable way you can think of. Helicopters and motorcycles alone make it a blast. oh and then theres the sheer size of the game alone..... I hope it comes in asap.
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
Well, last night i pre-ordered my copy of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City from the gamesman. The current status is pending but i should have it by next weekend. This is great news for me as i will be getting the uncut version before the normal Cut Australian version comes out. :)

Nice work - NZ games work on Australian PS2's, do they?

Hopefully Customs won't nab it....
stfu rjensen :P

vat, customs can't seize it. :) Lots of people have already imported it and none of them have gone with a hitch. It is still pending, so i think i will get it still by next weekend. :)

Again, stfu rjensen :P
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
stfu rjensen :P

vat, customs can't seize it. :) Lots of people have already imported it and none of them have gone with a hitch. It is still pending, so i think i will get it still by next weekend. :)

Again, stfu rjensen :P
Cool - PM me the website.
Because Australia cannot have an R +18 video game in the law. NZ law says you can.

vat, i'll pm it now :)
Because we get it and the big mummys and daddys in their government dont want them looking at all the bad stuff so they dont get it. Simple.
Total losers!

They should get a life and used to the real world! - Maybe not so then we can say we are betterb than them!
Well i betcha the Aussies can kick the new Zealanders anyday in a GT3 or anygame with i-link. :P
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
stfu rjensen :P
Again, stfu rjensen :P
Yeh but we're bigger and better.

Ouch, OUCH! :mad:!!! :(

Oh, about bigger & better, look at the USA, we're bigger than just about every country, our military is bigger than any other military, yet our country still sucks! I wanna move to Europe:(*pout*