Just tried Forza 3...

  • Thread starter Mcjoz88
Sorry i disagree, I gave up on Forza after a month & went back to GT5 Prologue Time Trials. Forza 2 was better than 3, down to the online racing options being superior. It does have some good cars, but the online racing in GT5 is what clinches it for me. After years of playing single player driving games, i want a decent online experience.
I too bought a 4GB Xbox 360 just for Forza 3 Ultimate and for Forza 4 as well, and I don't regret it at all. It's just a much better game than GT5. It basically gets everything right that GT5 didn't.

The AI is better, I love the track selection, the car list beats GT5's by a mile, I love the customization and tuning options, the carrer mode wasn't slapped together at the last minute like GT5's. I think the calendar system is great and the level system doesn't encourage grinding, unlike GT5's. There's more I could mention. I will be playing GT5 very little now that I purchased this great game. I heard people say Forza 2 is better than Forza 3. But since Forza 1 is the only other Forza game I have, I can't see the disappointments with this game.

Forza 3 is $30 well spent and Turn 10 certainly knows how to make a fun game. I just wish I had a Fanatect wheel and my experience would be absolutely perfect. It's the only thing I feel is missing. 👍
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I don't know if this has been posted in this thread, forgive me, I really don't want to read the whole thing. I too had been debating an inclusion, not switch, of Forza to my collection... I already own a 360 so the only thing REALLY holding me back was the wheel. Of course I already have the DFGT for Gran Turismo. At first glance, you might not think you will be able to use your Logitech wheel (G25/27DFGT), but my friends... Oh my friends... This is where you are wrong.

I present to you Team XCM F1 Converter for the use of your Logitech G25-27-DFGT on the Xbox 360:

Official Website:
(Vendors located on homepage)



I know I will be...
Okay, I just tried Forza 3 for the first time yesterday. My brother has an Xbox 360 and I bought him the game for Christmas. I have been happy with my copy of GT5 so far, amidst some disappointments though. But so far, I enjoy Forza 3 alot too. My brother let me create a new user on his Xbox, and then I started from the beginning in Forza.... I picked the Chevy Aveo to start with. then sold it after I won a couple cars, and bought some too...

So my first impressions of Forza 3:

I think the event calendar is a nice idea, it works well, and the event list is good too. Seems like there's a ton more single player events that GT5.

I really really like all the customization options you have for your cars. I like how you can do engine swaps, like putting a Corvette engine in a 69 Camaro. I really deeply wish we can do things such as this in GT5 eventually.

The physics of the game are pretty good in my opinion. I adapted my driving style from GT5 over to Forza very quickly. I really like the sound effects, particularly the cars sounds, like when you go over little bumps, and when you bump other cars, much more realistic compared to GT5's cardboard box kicking sound effects. The engine sounds are done quite well too.

The graphics... well, they are very good, actually. There are a lot more jagged edges in Forza, and there's a little less detail on the cars compared to GT5, but overall, very nicely done, I was surprised even. Also because every car is "premium," so to speak. Every car in Forza has an in car view, and there's no standard vs. premium debate.

I would much rather have had GT5 to be like this. Less cars, but all Premium quality.

I also like the online auction place. I wasn't able to test it myself, but from watching my brother show me, it seems like a better idea than the online dealership in GT5.

Overall, I actually think I might enjoy Forza 3 more if I had it. I am a fan of customization, and with Forza, my customization fix would probably be adequately.....uh...fixed. That was one thing I was hoping GT5 would have, more customization than the previous games in the series...


this brings me to my question. I was considering buying my own Xbox 360 after having played Forza 3, but I quite enjoy my PS3 very much, what with games like LittleBigPlanet 2, Uncharted, Killzone, GT5, Motorstorm, Infamous, and Resistance being some of my favorite games and series of all time. I browsed through some of the games in the Xbox 360 library, and there wasn't a whole lot that interested me. Plus having to pay for online, which I am not a fan of, no matter if it's better or has more features or not.

So, again.... would it be worth it to purchase an Xbox 360, for the Forza games alone? I know Forza 4 is on the horizon, and while I do not know much about that game yet, I imagine it will be better, and a major competitor against GT5, so would it be worth it to spend $300 on and Xbox 360 for these games alone?

Also, is $300 the cheapest Xbox 360 slim out there? I saw the 4gb version, but I don't think 4gb is enough space.

I would very much like some help in deciding. Money is hard to come by nowadays, so what I got, I don't want to spend it if the investment will not be worth it in the long run. Thanks
Glad you gave Forza 3 a chance. It truly is a great racing game and in my opinion one of the best simulation racers on a console. As you said all the cars are premium, engines can be swapped, all have interior, all wheels can be modified in size and design, and every car can be painted any way you want.

However the 360 isnt worth buying just for Forza 3, BUT there are a LOT of games in the 360 library. Tons of online co-op games and much more. If you need a game list for anything on the 360, I have it. I have a 360 co-op list with over 60 games not including the arcade games!!! The 360 library is massive and you will have no problem finding games to play thats for sure. So if you do invest in a 360 I guarantee you will find games you like to play other than just Forza 3. 👍
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FM3 is a huge game. Well worth the money. I do miss the licenses and mission but the leaderboards are a plus. A clean driver like me can place above a dirty run on the Ring etc. The default for a lap being clean is nice too. And a nice cockpit view for all the cars. :sly: Which I use a lot.
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I love the leader boards on Forza3.

I did one of the Nurburgring events earlier, then noticed 'leaderboards' listed in the post race menus. So I clicked on it and was surprised (and delighted) to see me listed "in the top 10%' of players. Gave me a warm glow :D

Not bad considering I use no aids at all, and the control pad 👍
I don't know if this has been posted in this thread, forgive me, I really don't want to read the whole thing. I too had been debating an inclusion, not switch, of Forza to my collection... I already own a 360 so the only thing REALLY holding me back was the wheel. Of course I already have the DFGT for Gran Turismo. At first glance, you might not think you will be able to use your Logitech wheel (G25/27DFGT), but my friends... Oh my friends... This is where you are wrong.

I present to you Team XCM F1 Converter for the use of your Logitech G25-27-DFGT on the Xbox 360:

Official Website:
(Vendors located on homepage)



I know I will be...

Are you already using this with FM3??
Are you already using this with FM3??

Not yet. I'll be getting one before FM4 comes out. Low on cash right now... If you have any questions though, email the XMC team. I had some questions for them and they responded pretty quickly. Their email is on their site.
I love the leader boards on Forza3.

I did one of the Nurburgring events earlier, then noticed 'leaderboards' listed in the post race menus. So I clicked on it and was surprised (and delighted) to see me listed "in the top 10%' of players. Gave me a warm glow :D

Not bad considering I use no aids at all, and the control pad 👍

And being clean helps. I'm in the top 1% on the leaderboard in the circuit for classes F through R1 on the Ring. Places you above guys who are sometimes 30 secs faster but aren't clean.

And I'm only a TS of 13.


Or at least higher up than the dirty laps. :sly:
I don't know. I've thought about getting a 360 again, but the reasons the OP listed have been keeping me from not doing so: not many Must Have titles. I mean, Forza, Gears of War and a couple others...and $60 a year to play with friends online? I think I'll keep that $60 and buy a game with it...or a new controller.
If you buy a Xbox with FM3 and you're a racing fan I can assure you you wont be disapointed.

If you have the money go for it honestly. Now if you're short on money keep your ps3 and have fun with it, but you wont regret buying Fm3 and a Xbox that's pretty sure.
I am a PS3 owner since 2007 now, and i am glad i got my PS3.
I too bought GT5 and it didnt satisfy me that good, but it still got the best Physics fo COnsole (driving with a wheel).

Now i think you should not buy a xbox only because of Forza...
At the moment ps3 got much more Exclusive games. and 2011 its a ps3 win again:
Resistance 3, uncharted 3 Infamous 2 and much more....

I tested Forza 3 at my friends xbox, and i really enjoyed.. but with controller -.- no wheel support sucks.

But yes, is your choice peace.
If it's just for one game then no I wouldn't recommend buying a Xbox 360. I would say at least 5+ titles would be worth buying one. As for the console purchasing it may depend. The older to me is better because of it's reliability ((Two years = Never had a red ring of doom once)) but lacks wireless play ((Have to spend a bit more to get the wireless play or hook it up to the ethernet)). The new ones are okay but I have heard my fair share of horror stories. Either way I'm not going to dictate on what you buy xP.
Dont listen to the people that said that xbox are crap that gonna have RoD etc.. It's a good console, in fact I own two and had no problem with either of them. It's like PS3, it's high end machine so they can have trouble.

The only "problem" I could see was if xbox live was as bad as PSN for online play and it's not, it's far better, as expected from a paid service and like I said Xbox arcade as several game worth playing them too.

Lost Odyssey (Best j-rpg on PS3/xbox)
Gear of Wars 1-2-3 (since you dont have a xbox it's worth to play 1-2 too they rock)
Fable 2 and 3
Dead Rising 1-2
Race Pro

I'm sure I can find more game. But honestly FM3 is worth it alone if you have the money. Offline have far more playtime than GT5 and online have far more category and option.
Swapping engine is awesome, all cars have interior etc..

So you might think why you're playing GT5 ? Because I can't afford Gold atm so yeah XD
Lucky me, that has both xbox 360 ocn ps3 slim. But i can say that the realism is much better in gt5, and ps3 as an console is much more quiet than the 360.
I too have an Xbox and a PS3, started with Forza 2 and bought Forza 3. While I do like many aspects of Forza 3 I give the nod to GT5, Forza has a much better game design, such as menus the calender and I like the sound in Forza better.

But overall the racing is more realistic on GT5, Don't get me wrong Forza 3 is a great game but it is slightly geared toward newbies of sim racing were GT5 caters to the hardcore racers.

I do look toward Forza 4 and see what that has to offer. One glaring error though will be the kinect. When I race I want my Thrustmaster or my Porsche 911 Fanatec in my hands, not a handful of air.
It is confirmed that you can use Kinect ion FM4. Although I am 100% Sure you will be able to use your fanatec/controller or Ms wheel.
To the OP, have you saved up enough money to purchase a Datsun 500, convert to AWD, and swap-in a fully modified R34 Skyline motor? Another car that'll piss people off is a fully modified AWD Dodge Viper ACR... lol...
It is confirmed that you can use Kinect ion FM4. Although I am 100% Sure you will be able to use your fanatec/controller or Ms wheel.

Without a doubt you'll be able to use a wheel. The developers seem to be putting to much emphasize on the kinect however.
I do look toward Forza 4 and see what that has to offer. One glaring error though will be the kinect. When I race I want my Thrustmaster or my Porsche 911 Fanatec in my hands, not a handful of air.

The game is actually focused around the racing wheel. Kinect support is optional, and doesn't play a big role in the game compared to the wheel and controller.


No it's not :D
This ^^
The game is actually focused around the racing wheel. Kinect support is optional ...

Watch any video on youtube or Google video and you'll see a ton of videos of the developers plugging kinect for Forza 4 over any other aspect of the game. I think they are going all out promoting kinect. Hopefully there is more to the game then just that.
So far the only thing shown for Forza 4 was basically the Kinect parts of the game. Kinect is optional and so far it is a limited aspect of the game. You probably know much of what Kinect will allow you to do with the game. There most likely be more things that Kinect will be able to do but, the game is not centered around Kinect. It will still be the game you've come to expect from Turn 10.
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I would like to see Forza 4 a little less arcade then Forza 3 is, such as getting rid of the rewind button, better car physics. I am sure there will be improvements, but only time will tell. One thing to remember Microsoft put a lot of time and money into kinect, I think it will play a much larger part in Forza 4 then people think.
^ Well my guess is that kinnect will allow a headtracker option.
A quick race option, with auto accelerate brake.
A car viewing option( something I bet Kaz would love btw)
Maybe some customisation too.

Can't really see anymore than that.
If you think there's more please post your ideas.
Watch any video on youtube or Google video and you'll see a ton of videos of the developers plugging kinect for Forza 4 over any other aspect of the game. I think they are going all out promoting kinect. Hopefully there is more to the game then just that.

Actually, Turn 10 already stated that the game is still focused on the hardcore and the analog inputs, with Kinect taking a back seat to those controls. So we are confirmed and it's all good.
I would like to see Forza 4 a little less arcade then Forza 3 is, such as getting rid of the rewind button...

I rather like the rewind button. Arcade or not it does take the frustration out of making a race ending misstake late in a long race. Hell with the spotty RF connection with the wireless wheels (Fanatec and the Microsoft wheel, probably the Madcatz too), the rewind button can save a race that could have potentially been lost from something beyond your control. I say, let it stay. I know I have lost a few Endurance races in FM2 because the wheel decided it wanted to act up.