Just walked back in the door...

  • Thread starter Eric.



*runs away from angry crowd*

I'll be back with a few more maybe, if not I'll give a quick review.
A 60gig units as well.

Good man 👍

Let us know what you think (but don't let that stop you enjoying yourself).

One question I have (when you get the chance and if it relevant for you) is how well the Wi-Fi works, as I plan to use that connection method when the PS3 finally comes to the UK.


Nice EBiggs, I see that this is a higher priority than getting the 360 fixed. :D

Great Buy!

Haha, yeah. That is still on the "to-do" list. I just hate talking to their customer support...For that reason I made sure I bought the extra two year warranty from WalMart.

Scaff: I won't be using Wi-fi as my primary connection, but I will test it out when I get the chance. This gateway's wireless is horrible though, so it may not be a good look.

Edit: @Exige: Sure thing, you can mail me a few of each so I can test them. Better send a 1080p capable HDTV too. I need an HDTV badly.

Alright, I'm gonna finish setting it up, gotta go to work in an hour and a half.
Scaff: I won't be using Wi-fi as my primary connection, but I will test it out when I get the chance. This gateway's wireless is horrible though, so it may not be a good look.

Much appreciated, now get off and have fun with your new toy (while I go off and sulk until next Spring).


You sir, just joined Viper Zero in my hate list:scared:

* Congratulations 👍 Please let us know your thought about the system:)
Edit: @Exige: Sure thing, you can mail me a few of each so I can test them. Better send a 1080p capable HDTV too. I need an HDTV badly.
If I could afford to do that I'd be planning to buy a PS3 on release day myself ;)
don't let that stop you enjoying yourself
now get off and have fun with your new toy.

Are you sure the wording isn't on purpose because every immature joke cell in my brain just started firing. It might just be that I'm bored because it is a slow day at work.
Guess what I'm posting from?
So, how does it type stuff? I haven't seen the Internet browser at all. Is it just a keyboard on screen or have I missed something?
So, how does it type stuff? I haven't seen the Internet browser at all. Is it just a keyboard on screen or have I missed something?

Have you used a PSP?

Edit: This is from my PC, but you definitely need a USB keyboard if you plan on posting much. It works pretty good for browsing though.
Are you sure the wording isn't on purpose because every immature joke cell in my brain just started firing. It might just be that I'm bored because it is a slow day at work.




It must be a slow day


Have you PM'd Jordan yet to find out how you're going to get it to him, Mr Admin, Sir?
I missed one by a couple hours. plus I read store employee's are taken most of the systems, other runmors are stores are sitting on systems for friday. god lord last year it was bad its going to be 10 times worse when 100 people flood into a store to get deals on things fighting with people who just want PS3's Man this sucks i'm going to a Super Walmart Thursday night around 11pm if they are open. I'll need a psp car charger and just wait until they re-open
Have you PM'd Jordan yet to find out how you're going to get it to him, Mr Admin, Sir?

Get what to him daan. ;)

This is my baby. Jordan didn't spend 25 hours in the Garden Center. :lol:

I've had two freezes already, both involving the browser. Once when I was scrolling down the list of predicted words while typing in an address, and another semi-freeze when I posted in this thread. It just sat there loading saying "Submitting quick reply", but I checked on the PC and the message had been sent so I just exited the browser.

I downloaded Motorstorm's demo, it is a must buy. Motion sensor steering isn't much good, at least at low speeds, but does feel pretty good when going fast. I don't like the motorcycles that much, but they might grow on me.

I just finished playing some RR7. Wow. This is my first Ridge Racer game and it sure is hard to get used to the drifting! You let up off the gas in the corner (otherwise you barely steer) and just touch the steering to do perfect 90 degree drifts. You can't spin, but you can definitely keep on twitching side to side.

I'm currently downloading F1, at 17%, while I fix something to eat. Downloads, like on the 360, are pretty slow.

So, next up is Formula One, then Call of Duty 3.

As for PS/PS2 games, you create virtual memory cards on the HDD (not partitions as far as I know) so the game saves normally.

That's all for now. Please forward all donations to...Uh...whoops.
one of my friends have one of those 60GB machines, but they won't let anyone use it....any chance i can try it? :lol:

neways, thats a great buy right there. HAVE FUN MAN 👍
Yeah, of course, just come over sometime. :P

Edit: The demo model in Walmart is already broken. The right analog stick is busted and kind of clicks from bottom left to top right. Stupid kids.

*runs away from angry crowd*

I'll be back with a few more maybe, if not I'll give a quick review.

Right back at ya. Happened to me today. I bought the Wii a couple days ago to buy some gaming time and to take the PS3 edge off. Well, my nephew called and said they got some in, so I walked in the door at Best Buy and got a 60gb handed to me.


Gah, I wish I had the money to blow on nice new console... but I'm a poor college student. My PS2 has seen better days... Every once in a while when playing FFXII it gives me a disconnected controller error. :indiff:
Congrats to both of you! Let us know how you like 'em. :)

BTW Pako, that's one big ass TV.

EDIT: Also, be sure to take more pics when it's all set up!
Now thats a TV!

Congrats to both of you! Let us know how you like 'em. :)

BTW Pako, that's one big ass TV.

EDIT: Also, be sure to take more pics when it's all set up!

*jumping up and down*

Enough about Pako! This is my thread for bragging and showing off my PS3, not for everyone to brag and show off their PS3s and huge TVs!

J/K. :lol:
:lol: Sorry bro, but this is my thread now.... Muwaahaahahaha. Just didn't want to make another pointless thread just to gloat the fact that the PS3 is in my (our) possession. ;)

As I stated in the Wii forum, I do wish that the PS3 had better launch titles, but never the less, I am totally stoked!

So how about that 60" 1080i TV? Lets talk about that.... :lol:

Dude, Pako, how do you afford all that stuff? Does the Blue Onion have a Japanese cult-following?