Have you PM'd Jordan yet to find out how you're going to get it to him, Mr Admin, Sir?
Get what to him daan.
This is my baby. Jordan didn't spend 25 hours in the Garden Center.
I've had two freezes already, both involving the browser. Once when I was scrolling down the list of predicted words while typing in an address, and another semi-freeze when I posted in this thread. It just sat there loading saying "Submitting quick reply", but I checked on the PC and the message had been sent so I just exited the browser.
I downloaded Motorstorm's demo, it is a must buy. Motion sensor steering isn't much good, at least at low speeds, but does feel pretty good when going fast. I don't like the motorcycles that much, but they might grow on me.
I just finished playing some RR7. Wow. This is my first Ridge Racer game and it sure is hard to get used to the drifting! You let up off the gas in the corner (otherwise you barely steer) and just touch the steering to do perfect 90 degree drifts. You can't spin, but you can definitely keep on twitching side to side.
I'm currently downloading F1, at 17%, while I fix something to eat. Downloads, like on the 360, are pretty slow.
So, next up is Formula One, then Call of Duty 3.
As for PS/PS2 games, you create virtual memory cards on the HDD (not partitions as far as I know) so the game saves normally.
That's all for now. Please forward all donations to...Uh...whoops.