
  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
What is Justice?

A murderer is convicted and executed by the courts. Is that justice? He escapes before his execution, but is caught and killed by someone who recognises his picture from the news. Is that justice? How about if he doesn't get to trial, but it's obvious he committed the crime, and the family of the victim hunt him down and kill him. Is that justice? What if, after his court-ordained execution, new evidence comes to light which would exonerate him?

How about forced castration of convicted sex offenders - is that justice? There's no similar punishment for female sex offenders though.

Consider the situation in Der Alta's "patents" post - a small company forced out of business for unwittingly violating a larger company's Intellectual Property, simply because the larger company can afford better/more/any lawyers? Is that justice.

What, in your mind is just or unjust?

Consider the situation in Der Alta's "patents" post - a small company forced out of business for unwittingly violating a larger company's Intellectual Property, simply because the larger company can afford better/more/any lawyers? Is that justice.

That is unjust in my opinion.

The murder thing..... The accused HAS to have a fair chance to exonerate him/her self of the charges for it to be justice. Once convicted, well, a punishment agreed upon by the majority would be the only one appropriate.