Kaza's Mid Night ClubOpen 

Really? I just felt that me acting as more than 1 member isn't fair to the rest, but thanks!

Well me and Hound had a talk and we were thinking of putting in a garage sort of thing (Max of 5 probobally as thats the TXR limit unless an additional memory card is used) But being more than one seems fine with me.
Time to be like ZERO: getting a Corolla. :rolleyes:
Lol...nice! I decided I'm going to buy a '79 Bluebird to start out with on C1/SSR5... also, I made a new account... Please add and place TheBoltFromBlue as a second account in tandem to my original. My original will hold my TXR replicas, but this new account will hold my SERIOUS cars I build myself. I'm going to start posting here with that account from now on as well.
Here I am! I'll try to work on getting online play for my new account either today or tomorrow so that I can start my journey. Until then...yeah. Lol

EDIT: This account is now good for online play. Repeating the career will get annoying...but anyways, I tuned a Nissan BLUEBIRD Hardtop 1800SSS (910) '79 up to 402PP SH... coming along nicely...the career-earned CR helped give it some decent parts... I'd love to run it with someone sometime on C1/SSR5 sometime!

Nissan BLUEBIRD Hardtop 1800SSS (910) '79 [TYPE-910H]
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Are we doing anything? :l

I thought this was an active club, just hope it doesn't turn into nothingness like many thousands of other promising clubs.

Seriously, plan a date, do something with time schedules after reading everyone's timezone and availability.
A room will be hosted tomorrow at 7:30pm GMT.


That's half an hour before my stream start, we could get it all in!

Most likely I'l set a lobby up Sunday too, If I'm online :D Also we'll be able to discuss the TXR element and how it can be added.

I was thinking that we could Travel at 70mph if you're waiting for a challenger, or you can sprint around to find a challenger, flashing your lights and 3rd horn should be the start of the battle.
Yeah as for the speed limit it will be 60mph, as thats the limit on most highways in Japan. But as for the signal to battle I think the horn thing could work. I'l have a think on the best way for a battle start. :cheers:
I've got an idea, only if the person you're challenging flashes their braking lights, you can challenge them. Once it's accepted, 3 horns from the original challenger.
I've got an idea, only if the person you're challenging flashes their braking lights, you can challenge them. Once it's accepted, 3 horns from the original challenger.
Great idea! Flashing lights are kinda hard to see on those lit highway routes, or the sunlight if its Tokyo R246... That's a great alternative.

However,my 402pp 910series Bluebird won't be winning too much... and anyhow, I doubt I'd make it tomorrow at that time, which is 2:30pm in EST...I have cousins to babysit "XD
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Great idea! Flashing lights are kinda hard to see on those lit highway routes, or the sunlight if its Tokyo R246... That's a great alternative.

However,my 402pp 910series Bluebird won't be winning too much... and anyhow, I doubt I'd make it tomorrow at that time, which is 2:30pm in EST...I have cousins to babysit "XD
Nevermind. Miraculously... I'm free for tomorrow lol... 7:30pm GMT/ 2:30pm EST? I'll be there! :D
Another stream tonight at 8PM GMT! :D


We have a new class of racing coming in this Saturday.

The Clubman Cup

Cars Permitted:

Honda S800 RSC

Lotus Motor Sport Elise

Lotus Elise Race Car 96'

Suzuki Cappuchino Race Car

Nissan Micra MM-R Cup Car

Aytron Senna 1983 WSR

Alfa Romeo Gulia TZ2 65'


155BHP (159HP, 118KW)

645KG (1422IBS)
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