Kazunori Yamauchi Discusses the Pros and Cons of PlayStation 5 and PC Development

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But if the tired old PlayStation 4 can handle Gran Turismo 7, I'm sure any modern beefy PC won't have any problems with it.
PS4 cant handle GT7, it can handle a fracture of it, which just made the real version worse than it could and should have been.
Of course, you dont want to leave out any possible gamer, but at some point, there is a jump to exclusive next gen required. Though with the state the game was and maybe still is, I doubt it would have had any positive impacts.

Maybe GT8 then.
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PS4 cant handle GT7, it can handle a fracture of it, which just made the real version worse than it could and should have been.
Of course, you dont want to leave out any possible gamer, but at some point, there is a jump to exclusive next gen required. Though with the state the game was and maybe still is, I doubt it would have had any positive impacts.

Maybe GT8 then.
On my standard PS4, GT7 plays perfectly fine, it's a good looking game, it runs smooth 99% of the time and I have very few issues with it's running performance at all. The loading times aren't short, but that's mostly it. I suspect people experiencing bigger issues than that on a PS4 are probably experiencing overheating or other issues with the console itself as opposed to the game. Of course, it looks and runs better on the PS5, that's natural development, but the PS4 isn't handing a fraction of GT7, it's handling all of it, albeit at a scaled down resolution and LOD.

I do agree thought, it's inevitible that at some point the PS4 will have to be ditched, I suspect this will happen with GT8 though I also suspect once GT7 recievs VR support, it'll likely be for the PS5 version only, I don't see them integrating VR support on the PS4 myself.

I'm not sure we'd be seeing a vastly different game to what we have now if GT7 were a PS5 exclusing as it was originally thought to be. Sure, the potential is there for it to be better, but personally my biggest issues with game aren't things dictated by cross-gen and not making it PS5 exclusive. Though I suppose for those players who spend tiome playing online there may be more/different issues to the ones I have as I'm pretty exclusively an offline player.
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though I also suspect once GT7 recievs VR support, it'll likely be for the PS5 version only, I don't see them integrating VR support on the PS4 myself.
The PSVR2 is only compatitible with the PS5, so it is a certainty that any VR features would only be coming to the current-gen version of the game.
The PSVR2 is only compatitible with the PS5, so it is a certainty that any VR features would only be coming to the current-gen version of the game.
Well yes, but there's also a different VR headset available for the PS4, I was saying I don't expect them to support that.
No one supports the original anymore. It's been dead for a while. I know, I have one.

Sony have already set a precedent for ditching first party PS4 support with the upcoming Horizon DLC (and 3rd party with the FF7 DLC), so it wouldn't be a shock if they introduced a PS5-only feature update at some point for GT7.
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You beat me to it.

“The PC is an interesting platform where a lot of responsibility is placed on the user’s side.”

I’m not entirely sure what he means by this, but it sounds concerning.
He means if he makes a game on PC, that's where he plans on placing responsibility for QA.

So no change. :sly:
He's just describing how it is, e.g. a news article from today:
He's describing how many developers choose to release their games, and strongly implying that he would do the same on PC. It's not mandatory, it's just common practice. Polyphony could choose not to use the community as QA if they didn't want to, and as it's not a new game they're free to take their time and release when it's ready.

My experience with most of the Sony ports to PC is that they've been pretty good, I think Horizon Zero Dawn was probably the worst and that was mostly the weird thing they did with the shader compilation (which thankfully porting teams have since learned better ways of dealing with).

So is a GT7 release on PC going to be buggy, or catastrophically broken at release?
If it did happen it likely wouldn't be PD doing the actual port but more of a supervisory role to Nixxes, who have a strong background (even before being bought up by Sony). I don't recall too many mentions of major bugginess in Spider Remastered or Miles Morales.

I always though that porting the full game was the wrong idea anyway - a GT7 Sport targeting the esports crowd would make more sense and probably be easier to achieve.
Kaz has a point about PCs which is why I'm no longer a PC gamer. It's too much hassle. It's also why I prefer Apple to Microsoft.

I want to buy a product designed for that device. I get why other people hate that and they want to make it their own and customise it. I'm just very far from that. I just want it to work and in my own experience playing a game on a PS5 is much easier than trying to get it to work on a PC.

PS5: Download game/app, install, it works.

PC: Check game specs, check it works with all the components of my pc, google whether that is compatible, read forums from other users about what effect they're particular pc has, get recommend driver upgrades, download, install, doesn't work, upgrade some component at a cost, download some more drivers, install, works ok, upgrade another component at more cost, install some drivers, game works.

I'd love to play Microsoft Flight Sim, but looked at PCs that could play it and just felt lost with the cheapest gaming PC coming in at £600+.
Kaz has a point about PCs which is why I'm no longer a PC gamer. It's too much hassle. It's also why I prefer Apple to Microsoft.

I want to buy a product designed for that device. I get why other people hate that and they want to make it their own and customise it. I'm just very far from that. I just want it to work and in my own experience playing a game on a PS5 is much easier than trying to get it to work on a PC.

PS5: Download game/app, install, it works.

PC: Check game specs, check it works with all the components of my pc, google whether that is compatible, read forums from other users about what effect they're particular pc has, get recommend driver upgrades, download, install, doesn't work, upgrade some component at a cost, download some more drivers, install, works ok, upgrade another component at more cost, install some drivers, game works.

I'd love to play Microsoft Flight Sim, but looked at PCs that could play it and just felt lost with the cheapest gaming PC coming in at £600+.

Series x has it on gamepass. Flight sim. Not sure how watered down.

Looked bloody good on 10 mins I gave it a while back. Just didn't have appetite/enthusiasm to learn all about it.doesnt strike me as a pickup a play type game 😂
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Series x has it on gamepass. Flight sim. Not sure how watered down.

Looked bloody good on 10 mins I gave it a while back. Just didn't have appetite/enthusiasm to learn all about it.doesnt strike me as a pickup a play type game 😂
Yeah - I'd have to buy an Xbox then which again I'm not really interested enough to warrant the expense for one game, so I stick to X-Plane which does work on Macs
Kaz has a point about PCs which is why I'm no longer a PC gamer. It's too much hassle. It's also why I prefer Apple to Microsoft.

I want to buy a product designed for that device. I get why other people hate that and they want to make it their own and customise it. I'm just very far from that. I just want it to work and in my own experience playing a game on a PS5 is much easier than trying to get it to work on a PC.

PS5: Download game/app, install, it works.

PC: Check game specs, check it works with all the components of my pc, google whether that is compatible, read forums from other users about what effect they're particular pc has, get recommend driver upgrades, download, install, doesn't work, upgrade some component at a cost, download some more drivers, install, works ok, upgrade another component at more cost, install some drivers, game works.

I'd love to play Microsoft Flight Sim, but looked at PCs that could play it and just felt lost with the cheapest gaming PC coming in at £600+.
Perfectly understandable. I prefer PC, but all of your comments are valid. It just comes down to preference and how much things bother you or not.
Kaz has a point about PCs which is why I'm no longer a PC gamer. It's too much hassle. It's also why I prefer Apple to Microsoft.

I want to buy a product designed for that device. I get why other people hate that and they want to make it their own and customise it. I'm just very far from that. I just want it to work and in my own experience playing a game on a PS5 is much easier than trying to get it to work on a PC.

PS5: Download game/app, install, it works.

PC: Check game specs, check it works with all the components of my pc, google whether that is compatible, read forums from other users about what effect they're particular pc has, get recommend driver upgrades, download, install, doesn't work, upgrade some component at a cost, download some more drivers, install, works ok, upgrade another component at more cost, install some drivers, game works.

I'd love to play Microsoft Flight Sim, but looked at PCs that could play it and just felt lost with the cheapest gaming PC coming in at £600+.
The PC scene used to be even more brutal than that. It's far better than it's ever been, the benefits of owning a great setup far outweigh the cons of being limited to a console. IF you have the right specs setup correctly you can play pretty much anything without much hassle. On the contrary, in general some new tech comes with issues that most aren't familiar with, with this type of tech you're bound to be feeling like the guinea pig for it, much like the PS5 launch had it's issues too
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On the contrary, in general some new tech comes with issues that most aren't familiar with, with this type of tech you're bound to be feeling like the guinea pig for it,
I remember not being able to start some Forza title back like when Xbox One was new and the games were ported to PC.
The reason was the game not able to handle the HBM (high bandwith memory) of the R9 Fury X series
You need to do some fact checking about PC power supplies.
The original IBM PC-XT was heavy because it had a very solid metal case and contained very big (as in full height) drives.
Also the IBM CGA crt monitor could be plugged into the pass through connector on the psu and both PC and monitor run off one power socket. The early processors didn't have heatsinks, it wasn't until the 486DX2 that a heatsink became useful.
Original PC-XT weighed 32 pounds and had a 130W psu....

It is only very recently that PCs without lots of mechanical hard drives have started to require power supplies of 1kW and above....
1kW at 120V = 8.3A, 1.5kW at 120V = 12.5A, which is starting to approach the max current you can draw from a US domestic socket.



It's actually the opposite. The further back you go the less they used per component. A high end GPU would simply be powered from the PCI slot which uses around 70W back in the day. Then they increased the high end GPU to 90-120W in power consumption with a single power connector about 20 years ago and gradually pushed higher every few years needing a second connector. Around 2010 the high end GPU reached around 300W and only recently have GPU's exceeded this, for about 15 years high end GPUs stayed in the 200-300W range.

The chip manufactures are struggling to find the performance increases of the past so are now making high end chips that consume more than 300W and it's getting rather silly.

Its the same story with the CPU and they generally draw less.

If you're thinking of multiple graphics cards, well no. 3 high end GPUs from back in the day still consume less than 3 high end GPUs today.

There was a lot of misconceptions back then, gaming rigs would have power supplies capable of 1000-1500W yet total power consumption would be 200W. Even tri SLI rig would only draw about 600W. Also some of the power supplies back then claiming 1000-1500W only delivered half, just marketing and playing with the numbers.
Input power in a turn of the century PC is between 1,000 and 1,500 watts. Usually the tower's input was around 1,000, maybe more, then 200-300 each for the monitor and CRT. These were not particularly efficient machines.
Mine requires an output of 450 watts minimum from the power supply.
I built quite a few of those by hand and still maintain a working one for games from that time frame.
Trust me, 300 watts is nothing. My classic video card eats that for breakfast.
this guy needs a crash course of how pc gaming has been working for the last 10-15 years

im sure sony knows how incompetent they are and they wouldnt let PD handle a pc release which would probably turn ok with the average studio considering the other PC PS releases other than Horizon, (which was the 1st one)

gt on pc will happen because sony is a western centered company now, and as bad as they did by closing japan studio, they now the monies there are on the pc community

He has quite the knack for stating the obvious and ultimately saying nothing at all.
101 on Japanese culture
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101 on Japanese culture
It's really not. What Kaz does in interviews isn't a Japanese culture thing, it's a Kaz thing. There are plenty of Japanese devs out there that are perfectly capable of communicating clearly and effectively. The poster boy being Yoshi P, but he's far from the only one. Hell, Sakurai has a Youtube channel where he just talks about game design.

Don't make excuses for how Kaz chooses to behave. He's a grown man employed at a very high level.
It's really not. What Kaz does in interviews isn't a Japanese culture thing, it's a Kaz thing. There are plenty of Japanese devs out there that are perfectly capable of communicating clearly and effectively. The poster boy being Yoshi P, but he's far from the only one. Hell, Sakurai has a Youtube channel where he just talks about game design.

Don't make excuses for how Kaz chooses to behave. He's a grown man employed at a very high level.
Just because there's people that doesnt behave like that doesnt mean its something close to that culture, because i definitely think It is, they tend to love stating the obvious, dont know if its lack of critical thinking which is much more developed in the west, but they definitely tend to do

I dont think im excusing him just explaining his way with words, just like you said sakurai is doing a great job, but that doesnt mean Japanese dont love saying nothing
And you were going so well with not being overtly racist up until this point.
Its not the people, its the culture, from the news which serve nothing to the purpose of informing to the people which will more than often lie and not say what they really think in order not to hurt people's feelings, not to mention political opinions...

The culture is ingrained into making people think a certain way, some escape, some do not, on Japanese universities is common for people to think they deserved the HIroshima bombing.
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Its not the people, its the culture, from the news which serve nothing to the purpose of informing to the people which will more than often lie and not say what they really think in order not to hurt people's feelings, not to mention political opinions...

A culture doesn't have critical thinking skills. People do. Or do not, as your opinion seems to be. Which is interesting, that you used your presumably highly developed western critical thinking skills to come up with the idea that Japanese people state the obvious because of their lack of critical thinking skills.


It's a good job that the west doesn't have news services like you describe. That would suck. How would you ever know what was going on? I mean, the news could be feeding you false facts about foreign cultures and people and you'd never be able to tell. You'd end up with an oddly warped perception of an entire group of people, probably a negative one, that then caused you to talk about and treat them in ways that they don't really deserve.

There should be a word for that.
A culture doesn't have critical thinking skills. People do. Or do not, as your opinion seems to be. Which is interesting, that you used your presumably highly developed western critical thinking skills to come up with the idea that Japanese people state the obvious because of their lack of critical thinking skills.


It's a good job that the west doesn't have news services like you describe. That would suck. How would you ever know what was going on? I mean, the news could be feeding you false facts about foreign cultures and people and you'd never be able to tell. You'd end up with an oddly warped perception of an entire group of people, probably a negative one, that then caused you to talk about and treat them in ways that they don't really deserve.

There should be a word for that.
I didnt say a culture had critical thinking skills, i implied culture tends to feed certain human aspects

Didnt used my "highly developed" western criticism to anything, just wondered if the way they state the obvious has something to do with how some of them have trouble expressing criticism, im not saying that its the case, just wondered if there is any correlation

The media does indeed control the facts in the west as well, however depending of Who finances them you will find different sources and different pleasing or criticism, not to mention independent media

You wont find that in Japan, Japanese media is one big take designed to please the govt, this could had changed in recent times, but It was definitely the case before covid era, thats why people doesnt discuss polítics in public most of the time, there is nothing to discuss, there is a take and only one take

Sorry for the offtopic, im happy to continue chatting through pms, i enjoy reading you posts

@watto79 I don't think that's the case no, Japan has great things, they probably are the top country when it comes to entertainment, but they are a little behind on some other fields, just like critical thinking, they dont seem to move on from marketing women with sexual remarkings (more than other countries do), it is what it is, every country has their skeletons on the closet
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I didnt say a culture had critical thinking skills, i implied culture tends to feed certain human aspects

Didnt used my "highly developed" western criticism to anything, just wondered if the way they state the obvious has something to do with how some of them have trouble expressing criticism, im not saying that its the case, just wondered if there is any correlation

The media does indeed control the facts in the west as well, however depending of Who finances them you will find different sources and different pleasing or criticism, not to mention independent media

You wont find that in Japan, Japanese media is one big take designed to please the govt, this could had changed in recent times, but It was definitely the case before covid era, thats why people doesnt discuss polítics in public most of the time, there is nothing to discuss, there is a take and only one take

Sorry for the offtopic, im happy to continue chatting through pms, i enjoy reading you posts

@watto79 I don't think that's the case no, Japan has great things, they probably are the top country when it comes to entertainment, but they are a little behind on some other fields, just like critical thinking, they dont seem to move on from marketing women with sexual remarkings (more than other countries do), it is what it is, every country has their skeletons on the closet

There's definitely a thing about 'Face' in Asian culture where people are much less likely to say something controversial or that may cause offense to others or make others look bad. Not saying the whole population adhear to that, but in a similar way us Brits have more of a thing about queuing, not pushing in v other countries. Not all Brits do that, but most do as for whatever reason its part of our culture to look fo a q and make sure you join at the back:D.

I work for an American mega corp firm, and its highlighted often how men from certain Asian countries will much more frequently interrupt women/talk over them v men. Its something that's highlighted in my job and I have to police it on zoom bridges.

Some may say you can't say that, or it's xenophobic/racist, but I think it's a case of acknoedging there are certain traits/customs that are more prevalent in different parts of the world sometimes.
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There's definitely a thing about 'Face' in Asian culture where people are much less likely to say something controversial or that may cause offense to others or make others look bad. Not saying the whole population adhear to that, but in a similar way us Brits have more of a thing about queuing, not pushing in v other countries. Not all Brits do that, but most do as for whatever reason its part of our culture to look fo a q and make sure you join at the back:D.

I work for an American mega corp firm, and its highlighted often how men from certain Asian countries will much more frequently interrupt women/talk over them v men. Its something that's highlighted in my job and I have to police it on zoom bridges.

Some may say you can't say that, or it's xenophobic/racist, but I think it's a case of acknoedging there are certain traits/customs that are more prevalent in different parts of the world sometimes.
thank you, i dont think if its was my broken English, but you made my point much better than I could ever do

thats the thing, certain cultural traits arent exclusive to a single country, they are just more likely to happen in some than in others, which does not mean that everybody adheres to those customs, but definitely, but if you are constantly told by older people/peers/elders, etc that you should behave a certain way because its what people in your country has been doing for centuries, you're more likely to do it, its how society works

hell, i despise bullfighting, but its one of the cultural traits Spain has

to be fair i laughed at the Japanese xenophobia thing when I have Japanese friends who won't even take his sons to vacation there because by being his wife British, they are going to experience being "mixed", does this mean every Japanese person is going to be racist? no, does it happen by some portion of the population? it does
Some may say you can't say that, or it's xenophobic/racist, but I think it's a case of acknoedging there are certain traits/customs that are more prevalent in different parts of the world sometimes.

Certainly there are. Something like the men interrupting women thing is an unfortunate fact, and it's not racist to say that this is something that you have to deal with if you're interacting with Japanese (or even Asian) businesspeople. It's just the truth.

But Japan is going to be in the top dozen or so countries in the world for quality of education, and they have a well established reputation for excellence in high technology industries and research. Claiming that they "lack critical thinking which is much more developed in the west" is laughably racist.

As for the stating the obvious and saying nothing part, sort of but not really once you understand why those cultural stereotypes exist. As you say, the "face" or politeness thing is much more important in Asian cultures than, say, America. This comes mostly from valuing personal relationships and respect over most other aspects of interaction - this isn't good or bad, it's just one way that a society can develop. As you say, there are customs everywhere.

However, saying nothing in an interview as the head of a development studio isn't a matter of politeness, or respect, or deference, or even of not wanting to rock the boat. This is a man who is at the top of his profession, who is given a great deal of independence with his product and who is highly experienced and paid. His remaining quiet and giving "nothing" answers is a choice, not a cultural phenomenon. That's why I gave examples of other people in similar positions doing differently - if this was a matter of what was considered socially acceptable these people would be pariahs, or at least you'd see people speaking out about how unbecoming their behaviour was. Instead, they are some of the most respecting men in the industry.

Japanese people appreciate straight talk from their leaders as much as anyone else. It's one of the things that foreigners tend to miss in the stereotypical "politeness" thing - because it's largely based on hierarchy, it's the job of the more senior people to speak clearly because it's rarely acceptable for anyone else to do so. Someone in Kaz's position has to be able to speak clearly and directly, because you can't run a company of hundreds of people by speaking in riddles. And he has to do it regularly, like every single day.

Elon Musk doesn't get a pass on being an arrogant, self-centred arsehole just because Americans are stereotypically viewed as arrogant, self-centred arseholes by most of the rest of the world. He chooses to be like that, and he's responsible for every word that comes out of his mouth.

Is this really any different?

...but if you are constantly told by older people/peers/elders, etc that you should behave a certain way because its what people in your country has been doing for centuries, you're more likely to do it, its how society works...

And you somehow think that Japanese people are being constantly taught not to think critically? Seriously? This country that is one of the strongest in technology and engineering is somehow also full of people who are being routinely being taught not to think critically?

If you thought about that for even a second you'd realise how silly an idea it is. So why would you think it? What would cause you to accept this very negative view of people from another country, and not even question it? Let alone this odd division of "western" countries as somehow different, as if Japan (and South Korea) aren't thoroughly westernised at this point.

You wont find that in Japan, Japanese media is one big take designed to please the govt, this could had changed in recent times, but It was definitely the case before covid era, thats why people doesnt discuss polítics in public most of the time, there is nothing to discuss, there is a take and only one take.

I think you should meet some Japanese people. It'd probably do you good. They're not a monolith.

...but they are a little behind on some other fields, just like critical thinking, they dont seem to move on from marketing women with sexual remarkings (more than other countries do), it is what it is, every country has their skeletons on the closet...

Jesus Christ, dude. Whatever the equivalent of Fox News is in Spain you've gotta stop watching it.
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And you somehow think that Japanese people are being constantly taught not to think critically? Seriously? This country that is one of the strongest in technology and engineering is somehow also full of people who are being routinely being taught not to think critically?

If you thought about that for even a second you'd realise how silly an idea it is. So why would you think it? What would cause you to accept this very negative view of people from another country, and not even question it? Let alone this odd division of "western" countries as somehow different, as if Japan (and South Korea) aren't thoroughly westernised at this point.

I think you should meet some Japanese people. It'd probably do you good. They're not a monolith.

Jesus Christ, dude. Whatever the equivalent of Fox News is in Spain you've gotta stop watching it.
No, im not suggesting that japanese people are being constantly taught not to think critically, it was a random example about how society works, and how people get ideas into their heads, in a small scale a parent tells a kid how to behave, on a bigger scale, commercials and adverts tell you to consume a certain product, and no, this isnt exclusive to Japan

japan is definitely westernised but the core of the social interactions its pretty much their own (compared to western countries, i cant tell if they behave like korea or other asian countries because i have no idea)

i already stated i have Japanese friends

fox news? isnt one of the main criticisms regarding Japan their sexism, homophobia and racism? its not like its exclusive to Japan or anything, but c'mon now

i know you were replying to B8O but being self-centered or arrogant its not a North American cultural trait, nor is a steoreotype the same a cultural trait
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No, im not suggesting that japanese people are being constantly taught not to think critically...
Yeah, you are.
...dont know if its lack of critical thinking which is much more developed in the west...
Well, I suppose the other option is that you're suggesting that they're naturally incapable of thinking critically AND they're not being taught how to do it. But the idea that a certain group of people are innately less capable of thinking critically is even more racist, so I'm not sure you wanna go there.
fox news? isnt one of the main criticisms regarding Japan their sexism, homophobia and racism?
Certainly is. Those are all major problems for Japan. So? Does that mean that Spain has no media that have conservative or nationalist views?

i know you were replying to B8O but being self-centered or arrogant its not a North American cultural trait, nor is a steoreotype the same a cultural trait
I know. I very carefully didn't say it was a cultural trait, both because I don't believe it's true and because it would be incredibly rude to any Americans reading the thread. I said it was a stereotype, which it absolutely is. Stereotypes are the sort of thing that stupid people might mistake for a cultural trait, even though they aren't.

I think it would be pretty foolish to use a stereotype to try and excuse someone's behaviour based on their nationality or race. The example was to demonstrate that in a way that was hopefully clear.

So is Japanese people lacking critical thinking a cultural trait, or a stereotype? Is this actually a real thing established through concrete facts about the culture, or is this just a general belief about Japanese people?
Yeah, you are.

Well, I suppose the other option is that you're suggesting that they're naturally incapable of thinking critically AND they're not being taught how to do it. But the idea that a certain group of people are innately less capable of thinking critically is even more racist, so I'm not sure you wanna go there.

Certainly is. Those are all major problems for Japan. So? Does that mean that Spain has no media that have conservative or nationalist views?


I know. I very carefully didn't say it was a cultural trait, both because I don't believe it's true and because it would be incredibly rude to any Americans reading the thread. I said it was a stereotype, which it absolutely is. Stereotypes are the sort of thing that stupid people might mistake for a cultural trait, even though they aren't.

I think it would be pretty foolish to use a stereotype to try and excuse someone's behaviour based on their nationality or race. The example was to demonstrate that in a way that was hopefully clear.

So is Japanese people lacking critical thinking a cultural trait, or a stereotype? Is this actually a real thing established through concrete facts about the culture, or is this just a general belief about Japanese people?
ok, i leave it in here, youre just putting words in my mouth