Kevin Butler, what he means for SONY and E3.

  • Thread starter Coxis
Hi GTPers,

If you, like me, watched SONY's E3 conference, you might have noticed the amazing response the public had towards Kevin's appearance on-stage. The crowd was going crazy! I was really amazed by how the people simply loves this guy.

I for one think that this guy is hilarious (yes, I'm aware he's an actor) but he, somehow is the "Face" of the PS3, the tool SONY uses to sort of "bond" and reach out to the average gamer. I think the Kevin Butler character is one of the best things to happen to SONY in the past few years. I think his participation was brilliant.

Your opinions?
Sony needs KB, they dont need Marcus. I felt like a piece of me died when I saw the kid from role models as marcus. If it were say Jaden Smith i would respect that more.
Sony needs KB, they dont need Marcus. I felt like a piece of me died when I saw the kid from role models as marcus. If it were say Jaden Smith i would respect that more.

Yeah that addition sucked, its like they needed a 'Kevin Butler of the PSP' and thought it would be equally successful. You could hear the audience thought it was pretty lame and I think its pointless, they should get KB to be the spokes person for everything.

Overall the conference was pretty terrible in my opinion, worst one for Sony ive seen, it was pretty boring and no real game stood out for me (it was mostly about move and family stuff). Yet you saw how the crowd lifted when KB came on, that guy has the PR power!

'Hey, looks like you need a COKE...' :lol:
If he was say the Host of the show like Ubi had it would have made it more entertaining and thats what killed Microsoft's show. It was just too dull and ALL the kinect actors brought the show down and most were just annoying. Sony Move did not have enough IMO and revealing he price too soon was a mistake. You have to deliver the software first to butter us up like nintendo did, no price, no launch just games.

Sony's show wasnt bad(or great), it was just to drawn out and wasnt as bad as MS's. But the only losers at E3 are the fanboys.
Step your GAME up.

I think Marcus is cool addition for PSP section and KB for PS3 section.
I think he's absolutely terrible. But, I can see why he strikes it off with an American audience. Just please, don't bring him over here.
KB is a genius marketing strategic move for Sony and the Ps3.

He´s the cause that the Ps3 finally succeded in US (Us needs personnification to succed with a product, Apple would be nothing without a public Steve Jobs.)
And he´s soo funnay
Just caught the commercial with Marcus in it; terrible. KB, though, saved it with that finishing line.

Yes, it is. If anything those commercials will end up making people who don't have a PSP (and might be thinking of purchasing one) less likely to ever consider it more then a joke.

KB was easily the best thing about the Sony conference, but you can tell simply by the audiences reaction to the "Step your game up" campaign that they too thought it was lame. :lol:
I actually hated Kevin Butler and thought Marcus was okay.

Hi GTPers,

If you, like me, watched SONY's E3 conference, you might have noticed the amazing response the public had towards Kevin's appearance on-stage. The crowd was going crazy! I was really amazed by how the people simply loves this guy.

I for one think that this guy is hilarious (yes, I'm aware he's an actor) but he, somehow is the "Face" of the PS3, the tool SONY uses to sort of "bond" and reach out to the average gamer. I think the Kevin Butler character is one of the best things to happen to SONY in the past few years. I think his participation was brilliant.

Your opinions?

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i couldn't understand what 'marcus' was saying.. we don't have people that trash talk like that in Australia.

But that why they aren't marketed in other regions.. ..and thats why Marcus is aimed at younger gamers since they apparently talk like that 👎.. well in fairness they are the main Offenders dropping "N" bombs online.... Something I do not miss about playing Xbox live...

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