What do you want from Sony at E3? The kinda official E3 thread about Sony

  • Thread starter DuckRacer
Just as an FYI, if Sony would announce a price cut, it'd happen nearly right after that. If they announced a pricecut that would only start in December, they would more or less cannibalize their sales from July to November.
Good point. Don't know what I was thinking. Then they might not announce a price cut.

Unless they figure their sales are slow enough that it doesn't matter, but I am pretty sure they are selling more than that.
Good point. Don't know what I was thinking. Then they might not announce a price cut.

Unless they figure their sales are slow enough that it doesn't matter, but I am pretty sure they are selling more than that.

In the US, it's doing on average 80k a month according to NPD. In Japan, it's doing about 32k a month, even though the price there (converting Yen to Dollars) is already $400. Other than launch, Europe has been going a bit slow as well.

While I don't think a $100 pricecut will matter in Japan, a pricecut here would boost the sales from 80k to about 130k. Not sure about Europe, though I do think it'll help.

Besides, component costs should have dropped dramatically, so it's not like they're going to break their back trying to cut the price this early anyway.
In the US, it's doing on average 80k a month according to NPD. In Japan, it's doing about 32k a month, even though the price there (converting Yen to Dollars) is already $400. Other than launch, Europe has been going a bit slow as well.

While I don't think a $100 pricecut will matter in Japan, a pricecut here would boost the sales from 80k to about 130k. Not sure about Europe, though I do think it'll help.

Besides, component costs should have dropped dramatically, so it's not like they're going to break their back trying to cut the price this early anyway.
You know, if they could announce a price cut alongside a killer app with coinciding dates (within a month) that would help them a lot.

Of course, that killer app would have to be something we have already heard about, but has somehow been made ten times better than what we were expecting. Or it could be something PSN related, becuase PSN news seems to stay fairly quiet. We are supposedly having 40 games by end of March, but I have heard of only a few that are coming out..
You know, if they could announce a price cut alongside a killer app with coinciding dates (within a month) that would help them a lot.

Of course, that killer app would have to be something we have already heard about, but has somehow been made ten times better than what we were expecting. Or it could be something PSN related, becuase PSN news seems to stay fairly quiet. We are supposedly having 40 games by end of March, but I have heard of only a few that are coming out..

I'm guessing most of those titles will be PS1 games.

As for the killer app, Home could be that. There's supposed to be an open beta of it by the end of July.
All I really want to see at E3 is Killzone and more new PS3 hardware like the PS3 eye and the rumble sixaxsis (which im going to name the SIXAXIS-R :lol: ) and maybe firmware functionaily updates...

Anything else, which im sure there will be alot of will be a bonus to me...:sly:

As for the killer app, Home could be that. There's supposed to be an open beta of it by the end of July.
If it is Home then they need to make it seem really, really impressive to be the killer app that sells more systems. All I have seen so far just makes it seem like a game network version of Second Life. I'm not saying that's what it will be, but that is the impression it gives so far and people not paying attention might not get that excited about it.

Whatever they do with Home they need to make sure that they make it so that it isn't seen as "kind of like the Miis on the Wii," which I have seen and heard said about it a lot.
Just keep things simple i say.

Rumble Sixshock
Complete all backwards compatiblity problems (the amount of time and money it is costing them to work on updating the backwards compatibility of the PS3 surely is now more then if they left those emotion chips in is it not?)

They are two crucial things as a owner of the PS3 who payed 425 GBP i expected at launch and think the ommision of these well frankley takes the piss.

Then once the underlying problems have been sorted they can move on. They have had a good GDC 2007 and Sony's Gamers day so they need to build on this.

I do no think they should announce a price cut at a live event, i feel it is a bit risky. They should do what they always have, make a press report around late August/September stating a price cut will come in force sometime in October. By then of course LBP, Home, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Eyetoy, GTA4, Assasins Creed (grrrrr not exclusive, if they were this would have really helped Sony out) + Other games will be out and in the press.

I think this strategy is obvious and doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out. The only problem i can say is Halo 3. If it is september this game comes out, then the price cut may have to be enforced before this. But i am unsure as to how many people would switch based on one game.

I think with the games coming (and hopefully Blue Ray library kicks in around this time), and a price drop Sony will regain its competitvness. As to how much a price drop is needed prefrabley it would be 125 GBP to take the price at around 299.99 GBP, but this is too much and comes in at around $200. I dont think they can do that much. Also remember the 360 will also in all likliness get a price drop of its own.

Edit: I can forgot HOME!!!!!!
Just keep things simple i say.

Rumble Sixshock

Let's not forget about a general ergonomic improvement to the SUXAXIS ;) I mean if MS can manage to hire a skilled ergonomisist I can't fathom why Sony refuses too. The DS form factor was fine and all when first released, but it is more than overdue for a big time comfort improvement. :grumpy:
Maybe because more people enjoy the Sixaxis than those who don't. It's a winning formula and multiple controller designs means they just can't get it right. Just my opinion.
Let's not forget about a general ergonomic improvement to the SUXAXIS ;) I mean if MS can manage to hire a skilled ergonomisist I can't fathom why Sony refuses too. The DS form factor was fine and all when first released, but it is more than overdue for a big time comfort improvement. :grumpy:

They tried that, remember? That's what the "banana" controller was. Contrary to popular belief, the layout and controllability was exactly the same as the DS, just a more ergonomic design. But they caught so much flak over it, from millions of people who never actually touched the thing, that they were forced to go back to the old design. It was popular opinion that made them stick to the old design, not executive decision.
They tried that, remember? That's what the "banana" controller was. Contrary to popular belief, the layout and controllability was exactly the same as the DS, just a more ergonomic design. But they caught so much flak over it, from millions of people who never actually touched the thing, that they were forced to go back to the old design. It was popular opinion that made them stick to the old design, not executive decision.

You are absolutely right, they did try it. Alas most of us never had the chance to give the redesign a chance. Regardless of its looks if it performed better, I would have been all for it.

However as it stands right now between the "big gaming 3" Sony has the pad that is the least comfortable and has the most poorly designed shoulder buttons. Although Ninty's pad is so different it might be smarter not to consider it for direct comparison. Products evolve by recognizing and addressing weaknesses, that's always been the case, so once again in my opinion it is time Sony's gaming pad evolved into something better than it is right now. The competition has shown us its shortcomings and as a PS3 owner it is my desire that Sony invests some serious effort in making the (insertnamehere)AXIS the premier nextgen gaming pad and not just a poorly implemented regurgitation of a past success.
The improvements to the analog sticks make going back to PS2 FPS feel like a new game. Killzone is much easier to control the sniper rifle and aiming all around. And it makes the handling better in Race Driver 3 when using to Sixaxis when I cant use my DFP.

The D pad is pretty good too. The L2/R2 could see change as Sony could update their controllers over time.
Let's not forget about a general ergonomic improvement to the SUXAXIS ;) I mean if MS can manage to hire a skilled ergonomisist I can't fathom why Sony refuses too. The DS form factor was fine and all when first released, but it is more than overdue for a big time comfort improvement. :grumpy:
Really? I mean, the N-64 controller made me feel like I had carpel tunnel (however it's spelled), and any variation of non-symmetrical analog sticks has always made my wrists slightly soar after a while, where as the PS controller design has always felt good to me.

However as it stands right now between the "big gaming 3" Sony has the pad that is the least comfortable and has the most poorly designed shoulder buttons. Although Ninty's pad is so different it might be smarter not to consider it for direct comparison.
Nintendo has a pad? You must still be talking Gamecube generation because currently the Classic Controller is just a more cramped version of a PS controller, without any handle-type design and the Remote is far from a pad. Although there is a third-party accesory that attaches the Remote on teh bottom and the Classic Controller on top. When it is put together it makes the Classic Controller look and hold just like a PS controller.

Here it is: Nyko makes it. I can't imagine them making that without testing it with an audience first.

And then my PC Gamepad Pro is even the same design. Basically, I always use the PS gamepad design unless on an XBox. Check my T-shirt in my profile pic. That doesn't come with any other design. It is becoming a kind of universal representation of a game controller.

The improvements to the analog sticks make going back to PS2 FPS feel like a new game. Killzone is much easier to control the sniper rifle and aiming all around. And it makes the handling better in Race Driver 3 when using to Sixaxis when I cant use my DFP.
I noticed that the controls made games a little better but noticed it a lot more when playing my brother-in-law on Halo. Usually I have to adjust to my XBox FPSs, but now I just jump in and it feels normal. The Sixaxis seems to have given me more control, which is a good thing.

The D pad is pretty good too. The L2/R2 could see change as Sony could update their controllers over time.
While the L2/R2 doesn't bother me much the L1/R1 buttons seem to have edged corners that I keep accidentally hitting. In Super Stardust I keep accidentally switching weapons because the edge of my finger clips the corner. Either I have fat second knuckles or it could use a more tapered edge.

And back to the main topic: On the radio this morning they mentioned a new 80GB PS3 for $600. So, will the 60GB remain with a price drop or are we now paying for an extra 20GB instead?

Honestly, I don't think the hard drive size is the major deciding factor here. If that were the case I would have bought an Elite instead. For me it was the included WiFi, Bluetooth, BD for games, and an already pre-made investment in a steering wheel (DFP).
And back to the main topic: On the radio this morning they mentioned a new 80GB PS3 for $600. So, will the 60GB remain with a price drop or are we now paying for an extra 20GB instead?

The 60GB will drop to $500, and this 80GB you speak of is bundled with Motorstorm. I'm guessing the bundle will be dropped after a while and the extra HDD space is added to the 60GB.
The 60GB will drop to $500, and this 80GB you speak of is bundled with Motorstorm. I'm guessing the bundle will be dropped after a while and the extra HDD space is added to the 60GB.
Yeah, I just caught the news brief in the car this morning and then after posting this saw your much more comprehensive detail in the General Discussion thread. :ouch:
So while we wait for news on E3, for those who are Premium GTP members (and if you are not, maybe this will encourage you to sign up), I have submitted a new theme for the WBC that relates to E3:

The Hottest Babe on G4!

As many of you likely already know, G4 (merged with Tech TV three years ago) is doing live complete coverage of E3 this week. 👍
Actually, seeing all the changes that have gone on at E3 for this year will we get a whole lot or will other events be bigger? I know a lot of companies not invited are just doing their own gamer days and making their big announcements then.

Could past expectations leave us feeling a bit underwhelmed this year?
Actually, seeing all the changes that have gone on at E3 for this year will we get a whole lot or will other events be bigger? I know a lot of companies not invited are just doing their own gamer days and making their big announcements then.

Could past expectations leave us feeling a bit underwhelmed this year?

TGS is now the big event.
TGS is now the big event.

I don't know if you've noticed, but E3 is still pretty huge. I'd hardly say TGS, where mainly only Japanese games are shown, is the 'big event' now.

I think E3 is still the larger of the two, given this years show, and that TGS, while still good, and will still have a lot to offer, will still not have as many different titles as E3.

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