E3 2015 - Official Discussion Thread "Experience The Evolution"

  • Thread starter Shirrako
I don't why, but that Final Fantasy 7 Remake got me excited and that's a franchise that I don't recall ever being excited for.

Definate ones for me:

The Last Guardian
Street Fighter v
No Man's Sky
Assassin's Creed Syndicate (Yep, I'm actually interested in an AC game, sue me)
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Star Wars Battlefront (Looking to make it the first Star Wars game I've brought in a long while).
Anyone watching the YouTube stream? WTH is this guy doing his whole interview wearing the Oculus? :lol:

Edit: Just took it off. :P
Great showing from Sony I'd say, I'll be generous and give them the upperhand on MS with a B+ rating. Due to No Mans Sky, The Last Guardian, Dreams, Firewatch and Horizon.

Couldn't care less about the final fantasy series so that section bored me, as did CoD. Shenmue is pretty cool I guess.
Have to say I'm most interested in:

Fallout 4
Metal Gear Solid V
Tom Clancy: Ghost Recon Wildlands (This one surprised me, I think it looks awesome)
Star Wars Battlefront
The Last Guardian

The first two weren't really shown here but are coming soon. The Division's gameplay didn't look particularly inspiring, which is a let down after the sensational trailer last year. I don't own a PS4 nor intend to buy one, but I'd like to play The Last Guardian somehow...
Honestly, nothing piqued my interest this year, besides U4 a little bit and maaaaaaybe NFS.

There was just nothing...interesting to me.
Disappointed by the lack of info for Morpheus. At least an expected release period. (or has that already been announced and I am way out of the loop?)
Yeah, that game is going to pretty much have its goal obliterated by the time we wake up tomorrow morning.
Guerilla Games Cambridge Morpheus title

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I was so hoping they would finish the No Mans Sky segment with "... and it's out now". Bummer. Still really hyped for it though!
Disappointed by the lack of info for Morpheus. At least an expected release period. (or has that already been announced and I am way out of the loop?)

Release is Q1 2015. And yeah. It seems very silly that Microsoft had someothing to show for their Hololens, which is clearly still years away from being properly useable on the consumer market, while Sony had very little to say about their soon to be released VR device.

Edit: Correction. The release date is first half of 2016.
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I ended up interested in:

Battlefront (though I am a bit wary because DICE)
Sea of thieves (I don't even own a One)
Ghost Recon: Wildlands (this killed any interest I had in r6 siege and the division)
Uncharted 4
Assassin's Creed Syndicate (I had just picked up a reservation card from Target hours before but seeing the footage cemented that for me)
Fallout 4
Yeah, that game is going to pretty much have its goal obliterated by the time we wake up tomorrow morning.
Stick a fork in it. $2.2 million of $2 million raised as post time.

EDIT: In a deal that was apparently missed by everyone but IGN, all Call of Duty Black Ops 3 DLC will debut on PS4 first in a new deal that was announced yesterday.
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Nintendo absolutely bored me to tears there, Starfox and Mario Tennis look fantastic...otherwise, meh. D- for Nintendo.
I said this in the Fallout 4 thread but I honestly still think Bethesda stole E3 2015 with F4 and all of the customization. Just wow. :eek:
Games I'm most interested in following E3:

Forza 6
Uncharted 4
Trackmania Turbo
Just Cause 3

Also looking forward to XB1 backwards compatability so I can go buy Forza 3,4 and Horizon 1.

A better E3 this year with some titles I'd actually want to play.
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Nice footage of KH3. Lot of stuff going on in the gameplay though - not sure how they're controlling that. Still better than nothing
I'm just catching up with most of the E3 reveals and stuff and the game that stood out the most to me was undoubtedly Horizon. Looking forward to learn more about it. I'm also genuinely hyped for the new Ratchet and Clank, with it's absolutely beautiful art direction.

Edit : How can I forget about South Park : TFbW. Just worried about Ubisoft handling it instead of Obsidian.
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The more I see of Starfox the better it looks.

November/December is gonna be phenomenal.
It looks like I'll need to get a PS4 by September, then...

Backwards compatibility is such a welcome move by Microsoft. That I don't have to re-purchase anything helps.
TBH nothing really moved me.

MGSV is the thing I'm going for, maybe I'll get Battlefront if it doesn't feel too much like bf4, other than that I guess I'll wait.
I'll keep an eye on GMS V. And, surprisingly, For Honor. Looked better than I expected. Might also gather some info on Rainbow Six Siege. Mostly because I'm still afflicted by nostalgia for Rainbow Six Raven Shield.