E3 2014 - Discussion Thread "The Future Revealed"

  • Thread starter Shirrako
Xenogears Chronicles and Bayonetta 2 average?:odd:
My thoughts about E3:
-Microsoft: I was only interested in Sunset Overdrive. A fun concept with fun in mind and I enjoyed the gameplay as well. The rest was quite meh. Forza's were uninteresting to say the least. Call of Duty was silly, it has been the same over and over again. The Tomb Raider thing looked good though

-EA: Same old, some old. Mirror's Edge has always a special place in my heart and I'm looking foward to it. I also want to see what the hell Criterion games has up their sleeve. As for the sports stuff, not really interested. Battlefield is a nice break from the usual shooting the russians or the arabs. I enjoy it's concept and looks to me a Payday raised to a whole new level. Dawngate is a copy of LoL, not cool EA, not cool.

-Ubisoft: AC is looking really interesting and the 4-way gameplay definately opens a wide range of strategies. I'm super hyped for Far Cry 4, because I enjoyed the crap out of 3. And The Crew is turning out to be amazing, I've never belived that it was going to be this awsome. Tom Clancy's were also looking good.

-Sony: For the winners of this edition of E3. Somehow they're always one step ahead of Microsoft, amzing new features and the PSTV is astouding. As for games I'm looking foward to LBP3. I played the first one and it always stayed in my heart. The Order is one of the most awsome games IMO and it didn't disappoint me. Destiny is also amazing and another one to look out for. No Man's Land was a very nice surprise and I'm impressed. Uncharted 4 looks epic as hell! Mortal Kombat is astonishing and brutal by the looks of it. The rest was very meh to say the least. TLOU and GTA V were nice additions as well

-Nintendo: Too much hype and nothing special. Smash Bros. and Splatoon looked the most badass of them all. I thought Zelda would be awsome and it looked like it, but it didn't tick me off. The rest of the show was very average, so was the games.
Still watching Nintendo, what a day this has been.

I cannot wait for Splatoon.
In case the guys here didnt know, GTA V on PS4 isnt just updated graphics. Also updated damage effects, more animals and wildlife, more life in the ocean, a lot more NPCs and busier traffic, updated weather and possibly interior view (look at how detailed the car interior were on the trailer). With the new next gen power, there could be other stuff like much more interiors for buildings, new car handling, etc.

In short, this is the real GTA V, the one on last gen feels like a beta game now sadly and i feel like a beta tester for GTA V lol.
In case the guys here didnt know, GTA V on PS4 isnt just updated graphics. Also updated damage effects, more animals and wildlife, more life in the ocean, a lot more NPCs and busier traffic, updated weather and possibly interior view (look at how detailed the car interior were on the trailer). With the new next gen power, there could be other stuff like much more interiors for buildings, new car handling, etc.

In short, this is the real GTA V, the one on last gen feels like a beta game now sadly and i feel like a beta tester for GTA V lol.
Hopefully when it releases it will have a full online multiplayer experience. I haven't been on gta v for awhile but it seems like I've read there are still no big heist missions online.
LBP3 coming to PS3


Thank you, Sony.
I literally cannot explain how happy I am I can play this without forking out £350. :lol:
In case the guys here didnt know, GTA V on PS4 isnt just updated graphics. Also updated damage effects, more animals and wildlife, more life in the ocean, a lot more NPCs and busier traffic, updated weather and possibly interior view (look at how detailed the car interior were on the trailer). With the new next gen power, there could be other stuff like much more interiors for buildings, new car handling, etc.

In short, this is the real GTA V, the one on last gen feels like a beta game now sadly and i feel like a beta tester for GTA V lol.
People throw that word around far too much these days. It wasn't a beta, it was a finished game on old hardware. Now a new finished game is being released on better hardware. I don't know why you would feel like a beta tester because the version of software you bought has been upgraded. It was still a finished game, development wise.
I am angered I missed out completely on the Sony coverage. It was somehow too good for Spike TV to air the Sony E3 conference. Maybe I missed the G4 TV days a bit too much.

Anyhow, here are my random musings...

* There was a time where I was wondering what modern first-person shooter I should add to my PS3 collection. I was looking at the Call of Duty series and the Battlefield series. Battlefield: Hardline- I must admit- is pretty damn impressive. I thought it was pretty intense seeing all that carnage as Los Angeles was just being torn to shreds with the intense action.

* I know Forza Motorsport 5 fans have to be stoked/jacked/excited to see Green Hell (Nürburgring Nordschleife) be added among the tracks in FM5.

* I am going to go into the Forza forum to discuss this in further detail, but Forza Horizon 2 looks amazing. All I've played of the first Forza Horizon was the demo. I praised that it was a pretty cool game. Looks like FH2 will be even better than FH1.

* The various Electonic Arts Sports games all look great. I even enjoyed seeing my man J.J. Watt pull a sack in Madden 15 on Johnny Manziel (or maybe it was Brandon Weeden). I think my Texans will play against the Browns (at the Browns, I think) this upcoming NFL season, so I hope my Texans can take down the Browns for real. Most unusual was seeing EA Sports UFC with Bruce Lee in it. Hell, throw in Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris ("Game of Death," anyone?), and EA can have my money for EA Sports UFC.

* Ori and the Blind Forest looks very interesting. I could probably be gripped by its story and how everything plays out.

* My ONLY HALO experience was a brief little multiplayer session I had in college once- and with the very first HALO. So if I had an XBOX One, I would GLADLY get the HALO Master Chief Collection to fully understand the HALO series.

* Honestly... how can you NOT be even the least bit intrigued by Sunset Overdrive? I can think of a whole bunch of games Sunset Overdrive reminds me of with the action and game play elements. That's going to be quite a crazy game.

* The Project Spark game looks very cool.

* There was a great video piece regarding indie/independent XBOX games. There were too many examples to name, but one of them seemed interesting to me because one of them looked like a proper homage to the MegaMan series.

* I enjoyed the humor in Fable Legends. I also enjoyed the aspect of being the villain. Talk about game changing.

Again- I completely missed most of the other content. Old man me doesn't usually watch video streams of stuff. So I was angered to completely miss all the Sony material (besides the news on the white PS4) and some other conferences not televised on Spike. With that said, those are my thoughts on some of the things I've been able to see from the E3 conferences.
People throw that word around far too much these days. It wasn't a beta, it was a finished game on old hardware. Now a new finished game is being released on better hardware. I don't know why you would feel like a beta tester because the version of software you bought has been upgraded. It was still a finished game, development wise.
I know, its just after i compared the two games, it felt like a beta, because you know how jaggy the last gen is. The next gen just looks like a more complete game. And that beta tester thing was a joke
I am angered I missed out completely on the Sony coverage. It was somehow too good for Spike TV to air the Sony E3 conference. Maybe I missed the G4 TV days a bit too much.

Anyhow, here are my random musings...

* There was a time where I was wondering what modern first-person shooter I should add to my PS3 collection. I was looking at the Call of Duty series and the Battlefield series. Battlefield: Hardline- I must admit- is pretty damn impressive. I thought it was pretty intense seeing all that carnage as Los Angeles was just being torn to shreds with the intense action.

* I know Forza Motorsport 5 fans have to be stoked/jacked/excited to see Green Hell (Nürburgring Nordschleife) be added among the tracks in FM5.

* I am going to go into the Forza forum to discuss this in further detail, but Forza Horizon 2 looks amazing. All I've played of the first Forza Horizon was the demo. I praised that it was a pretty cool game. Looks like FH2 will be even better than FH1.

* The various Electonic Arts Sports games all look great. I even enjoyed seeing my man J.J. Watt pull a sack in Madden 15 on Johnny Manziel (or maybe it was Brandon Weeden). I think my Texans will play against the Browns (at the Browns, I think) this upcoming NFL season, so I hope my Texans can take down the Browns for real. Most unusual was seeing EA Sports UFC with Bruce Lee in it. Hell, throw in Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris ("Game of Death," anyone?), and EA can have my money for EA Sports UFC.

* Ori and the Blind Forest looks very interesting. I could probably be gripped by its story and how everything plays out.

* My ONLY HALO experience was a brief little multiplayer session I had in college once- and with the very first HALO. So if I had an XBOX One, I would GLADLY get the HALO Master Chief Collection to fully understand the HALO series.

* Honestly... how can you NOT be even the least bit intrigued by Sunset Overdrive? I can think of a whole bunch of games Sunset Overdrive reminds me of with the action and game play elements. That's going to be quite a crazy game.

* The Project Spark game looks very cool.

* There was a great video piece regarding indie/independent XBOX games. There were too many examples to name, but one of them seemed interesting to me because one of them looked like a proper homage to the MegaMan series.

* I enjoyed the humor in Fable Legends. I also enjoyed the aspect of being the villain. Talk about game changing.

Again- I completely missed most of the other content. Old man me doesn't usually watch video streams of stuff. So I was angered to completely miss all the Sony material (besides the news on the white PS4) and some other conferences not televised on Spike. With that said, those are my thoughts on some of the things I've been able to see from the E3 conferences.

Microsoft had exclusive rights to Spike TV
Ok. I'll come clean, I'd never been interested in Far Cry until I saw that video posted above.

Is it worth getting Far Cry 3 before getting 4?
Both have their adavantages and disadvantages in their respective areas:

DC looks better graphically, FH2 looks to have better gameplay. Sounds will probably lean again toward Forza whilst AI will be harder to judge.
Both have their adavantages and disadvantages in their respective areas:

DC looks better graphically, FH2 looks to have better gameplay. Sounds will probably lean again toward Forza whilst AI will be harder to judge.
Agree with you on that one.

I think Driveclub engine sounds are amazing.
Forza Horzion 2's wet road looks impressive.
To be honest, between the souds the DC Huyara sounded more like the real thing, more throaty.

I've never been interested in Forza that much. I think it's a very nice concept but it lacks something... And DC, well DC, just never caught my attention like The Order or Destiny did. Both games feel that there is something missing.

WHOA!!! Far cry 4 has a co-op campaign now!!!??? OMG if that is true that is a day 1 purchase for me.

That bit from the Gyrocopter was definately co-op. I am so looking foward to this
That bit from the Gyrocopter was definately co-op. I am so looking foward to this
Well F3 also had co-op but it was just a few co-op missions. This looked like a co-op campaign which would be a dream come true. But I was only able to skim through that video.

EDIT: Oh wow its true!!!

"REVOLUTIONARY OPEN WORLD CO-OP: Far Cry 4 allows for a second player to drop in and drop out at any point, re-imagining the cooperative experience in the true spirit of Far Cry for the next generation. You'll now be able to discover and explore the living open world of Kyrat together."
Well F3 also had co-op but it was just a few co-op missions. This looked like a co-op campaign which would be a dream come true. But I was only able to skim through that video.

EDIT: Oh wow its true!!!

"REVOLUTIONARY OPEN WORLD CO-OP: Far Cry 4 allows for a second player to drop in and drop out at any point, re-imagining the cooperative experience in the true spirit of Far Cry for the next generation. You'll now be able to discover and explore the living open world of Kyrat together."

That's what people at E3 press conferences said. I was hoping that would be it.
That's what people at E3 press conferences said. I was hoping that would be it.
This is looking like one of the best years for gaming since 2007. Especially the 4th quarter. I need to get the X1 very soon so I can prepare fore all these awesome games this year. The only bad news about FC4 is that it comes out 1 week after The Master Chief Collection. doh!
I'm not a XBox man, but they have interesting games for sure. The Master Cheif Collection is epic! I'm so glad I had the necessary marks at school to get a new laptop. And hopefully for christmas the PS4. 2014/2015 are going to the so epic in terms of gaming.

It is an unfortunate release date for FC4 especially within X1 fans. All the money will be spent for Halo and nothing left for FC.
I'm not a XBox man, but they have interesting games for sure. The Master Cheif Collection is epic! I'm so glad I had the necessary marks at school to get a new laptop. And hopefully for christmas the PS4. 2014/2015 are going to the so epic in terms of gaming.

It is an unfortunate release date for FC4 especially within X1 fans. All the money will be spent for Halo and nothing left for FC.
November is going to be a busy month with The Master Chief Collection, The Crew, AND Far Cry 4. I kinda hope something gets bumped. :dunce:

Currently looking for X1 deals. Trying to figure out if I do or do not want Kinect. I will probably buy the X1 WITHOUT the Kinect. My brother said I could buy his Kinect for cheap. I am heavily leaning that way. Really not interested in Kinect at all other than the "Record that" feature.

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