E3 2014 - Discussion Thread "The Future Revealed"

  • Thread starter Shirrako

Nothing confirmed but it could still be pretty cool. As long as the cast doesn't mirror Smash.

I saw something similar to that. Not sure what it is. Might have been in a Corocoro image.

Am I the only one who'll probably buy TLOU and GTA 5 for PS4? Seems like it at the moment!

I may buy GTAV for PS4. If they have a discount if you own it for PS3 I'd be more inclined.
I think everyone will buy it, I just don't think people are hype for it because, well, it's old news.
Hopefully the remastered GTAV won't be an exact copy. It would be great if they extended the story mode or something like that. If that happens to be the case, then I will be more inclined to purchase it.
The expansion DLC will probably come out after release, it's the modern gaming way!
I may buy GTAV for PS4. If they have a discount if you own it for PS3 I'd be more inclined.

They did that with the ported launch titles like COD and FIFA, hopefully they'll do the same. I'd be a little disappointed if they didn't.

Nope, I think it's just you. I can see the headlines now.

"Sales of TLOU and GTA V for PS4 very poor to date, just the one sale so far"

At least they'll be rare in 10-15 years time. :sly:

Hopefully the remastered GTAV won't be an exact copy. It would be great if they extended the story mode or something like that. If that happens to be the case, then I will be more inclined to purchase it.

There's rumours that it may come with the single player DLC included along with all the other DLC released so far.

TLOUR comes with all the current DLC for the PS3 verison.
As someone who skipped all the late last gen releases i am happy to see these games coming for this gen.
i skipped because it was fairly certain these would be released at some point on the new gen hardware, and if they were not i could pick them up on the cheap used.
I thoroughly enjoyed the remastered Tomb raider and am looking forward to The last of us.
So nothing at all on Gran Turismo? wtg Sony. Couldn't of even mentioned Gran Turismo 6 and when we're getting the features we were going to have in February? I've lost all hope in this game now.
So nothing at all on Gran Turismo? wtg Sony. Couldn't of even mentioned Gran Turismo 6 and when we're getting the features we were going to have in February? I've lost all hope in this game now.
It was probably on the agenda but then they realized they had some new TV shows coming out and decided to ditch it. :lol:
So nothing at all on Gran Turismo? wtg Sony. Couldn't of even mentioned Gran Turismo 6 and when we're getting the features we were going to have in February? I've lost all hope in this game now.

Jordan already said there would be no GT at E3, I don't know wh you're surprised.
So nothing at all on Gran Turismo? wtg Sony. Couldn't of even mentioned Gran Turismo 6 and when we're getting the features we were going to have in February? I've lost all hope in this game now.

Did you not hear Jordan mention that they wouldn't be there? What reason would they have, they don't have anything to show for GT7 and the focus is on the consoles out now, not on the previous gen.
Ahh yes. Let's judge a game's graphics by watching a video
on the internet, of course... Stop. DriveClub looks to be another generic racer with clubs and preset liveries, so its nothing special.

You can easily look at the car and tell FH2 has low poly cars. In the DC video the car deatils and when the guy was overtakes the AI car details are also noticeable. Car curves and edges are so good in it. The link I posted says that DC cars are typically made of 260K polygon. It took them nearly 7months to get a car complete and running in the game. It shows in the gameplay.

Not sure which game is generic. I would rather prefer driving nice detailed cars on beautiful locations. One of my fav racing games was NFS Porsche unleashed. DC reminds me of it. It needs much longer tracks but otherwise the country side location is a perfect setting.

Your PS bias is showing quite badly.

FH2 simply look bad. Just saying. Moreover just like Forza5 they show the first 5-10sec the car you are about to drive and when the game actually start they switch to low poly cars. Pcars trailer. Now that game looks seriously good. Very nice detail cars. Absolutely love it

Let us see how it ends up. The Pcars video is a treat to eyes :)

DC looks beautiful as well:
Well, the Nintendo stream seems to have went down an absolute treat with everyone, a lot of games I'm interested in right there that run right through 2015. Guess the PS4/XBOne is definitely on hiatus.
Nope, I think it's just you. I can see the headlines now.

"Sales of TLOU and GTA V for PS4 very poor to date, just the one sale so far"

Nope, you're wrong. PS4 needs some powerhouse games, those will do nicely. Those games should've been in PS4 from day one.
Am I the only one who'll probably buy TLOU and GTA 5 for PS4? Seems like it at the moment!

I missed TLOU and GTA V on PS3 so I'll get TLOU for sure whenever I buy a PS4. GTA V is coming to PC so I'll probably go there. GTA IV was a lot of fun with mods.
Nope, you're wrong. PS4 needs some powerhouse games, those will do nicely. Those games should've been in PS4 from day one.

Please ensure the Sarcasm font is properly installed on your computer ;)
My thoughts about E3:
-Microsoft: I was only interested in Sunset Overdrive. A fun concept with fun in mind and I enjoyed the gameplay as well. The rest was quite meh. Forza's were uninteresting to say the least. Call of Duty was silly, it has been the same over and over again. The Tomb Raider thing looked good though

-EA: Same old, some old. Mirror's Edge has always a special place in my heart and I'm looking foward to it. I also want to see what the hell Criterion games has up their sleeve. As for the sports stuff, not really interested. Battlefield is a nice break from the usual shooting the russians or the arabs. I enjoy it's concept and looks to me a Payday raised to a whole new level. Dawngate is a copy of LoL, not cool EA, not cool.

-Ubisoft: AC is looking really interesting and the 4-way gameplay definately opens a wide range of strategies. I'm super hyped for Far Cry 4, because I enjoyed the crap out of 3. And The Crew is turning out to be amazing, I've never belived that it was going to be this awsome. Tom Clancy's were also looking good.

-Sony: For the winners of this edition of E3. Somehow they're always one step ahead of Microsoft, amzing new features and the PSTV is astouding. As for games I'm looking foward to LBP3. I played the first one and it always stayed in my heart. The Order is one of the most awsome games IMO and it didn't disappoint me. Destiny is also amazing and another one to look out for. No Man's Land was a very nice surprise and I'm impressed. Uncharted 4 looks epic as hell! Mortal Kombat is astonishing and brutal by the looks of it. The rest was very meh to say the least. TLOU and GTA V were nice additions as well

-Nintendo: Too much hype and nothing special. Smash Bros. and Splatoon looked the most badass of them all. I thought Zelda would be awsome and it looked like it, but it didn't tick me off. The rest of the show was very average, so was the games.
Not trying to stir up anything here man, but one can't assume a game's graphics is better than the other by watching, a video... :rolleyes:
Better or not is a preference, and I'm sure one tell the difference by watching a video. A video may make the quality lower that the source, but I doubt it'll change things like contrast, lighting, etc.

No discussion started in Forza forum yet? I have some thoughts to pitch in. :D
Better or not is a preference, and I'm sure one tell the difference by watching a video. A video may make the quality lower that the source, but I doubt it'll change things like contrast, lighting, etc.

No discussion started in Forza forum yet? I have some thoughts to pitch in. :D
You can check in the Forza Board, it has news about the Nurburgring for FM5 and Forza Horizon 2 was announced yesterday, even has gameplay.
Am I the only one who'll probably buy TLOU and GTA 5 for PS4? Seems like it at the moment!
I will be getting GTA5 and The Master Chief Collection for sure on the X1. Also Horizon 2 and Forza 5. Probably even Destiny for the X1. Now I need to start shopping for X1 deals since I don't have it yet.
I wish I had more time on my hands to view more of the E3 coverage. From what did see, Forza Horizon 2 looked good and Scaleform looked interesting. No Man's Sky had my attention from the PS4 event last night I will be keeping an eye on that one.
You can check in the Forza Board, it has news about the Nurburgring for FM5 and Forza Horizon 2 was announced yesterday, even has gameplay.
Yeah, I checked and it doesn't have a thread about graphics comparison between Forza Horizon 2 and Driveclub. I don't wanna barge into Forza territory starting a conflict. :D

On topic, I missed everything and I just watched a couple of vids on Youtube.

GTA V is gonna be insane. I've always felt that this(last?) gen's GTA have been a let down with too few NPCs and cars, ruining the immersion of an open world game. Next-gen means more NPCs, more cars. Well that's what I hope they'd do, judging by the trailer. Then there's that game on Xbox One that looks like Monster Hunter. Awesome. Witcher 3 is also pretty cool (you get to hunt Griffons!) but I'm not into medieval games. Now just waiting for them to make Cyberpunk 2077 which is gonna be a loooooong way to go.