E3 2014 - Discussion Thread "The Future Revealed"

  • Thread starter Shirrako
Graphics doesn't make a game good, but content, features and gamplay does, which Forza Horizon 2 has over DC btw. Both gasmes are equally matched in graphics though.

You bet! :D New trailer too! :)

Not just graphics but the attention to detail in DC is as good as any game for that matter. Forza Horizon2 is more like NFS, burnout type game. May be it depends on the player. Car detail, tracks are much better IMO

If only they can have this road:

Not just graphics but the attention to detail in DC is as good as any game for that matter. Forza Horizon2 is more like NFS, burnout type game. May be it depends on the player. Car detail, tracks are much better IMO

If only they can have this road:

Since it's your opinion okay. *shrugs*
I'm just getting to watch the pressers now, MS and Ubisoft only as well.


The Ring is nice, better free, but stop claiming Drivatar was "revolutionary".
Forza Horizon 2 looks like an update of FH, so stuff is fine but will it hold the whole game?
AC4 is a bit...brutal.
New Tomb Raider-old Lara mindset? Hmm.
Crackdown? Old ones were hit/miss, might be worth watching.


Great way to start it all with FC4.
I want the division
I REALLY Want the Crew
I really need to catch up on my AC games
Rainbow Six Seige looks pretty cool


Bruce Lee? No, wait. Still looks like crap.
Is this what Criterion has been working on? I WANT ALL OF IT!
Does Battlefield Hardline mean the CoD race has been abandoned?

Sony....will have to wait.

Edit: Not now...
The Order is intriguing
LBP3 is.....It just is.
Zombie killing in the dark ages? might not be horrible.
Play FarCry4 with friends even if only one has the game? Very interested.
Grim Fandango and Devolver? Nice, nice.
Another gory Suda 51 game.
This 'No Man's Sky' looks interesting
MK:X...Oh dear God, What mentality is this!
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Just catching up with some of the E3 stuff and I'm relieved to see Hello Games alive and well after the flood. Anyway, No Man's Sky wins hand down for me personally. Everything I love about exploration and flying (spaceships) seems to be there.
From naked eye that lambo in FH2 looks bad. Forza switch to low detail cars in gameplay. It is quite obvious from the ign video
Ahh yes. Let's judge a game's graphics by watching a video on the internet, of course... Stop. DriveClub looks to be another generic racer with clubs and preset liveries, so its nothing special.
Just catching up with some of the E3 stuff and I'm relieved to see Hello Games alive and well after the flood. Anyway, No Man's Sky wins hand down for me personally. Everything I love about exploration and flying (spaceships) seems to be there.

Wow, I had no idea that happened. That might explain the slightly emotional state that guy was in going on stage.
Well, guess the Ps4 will still be on hiatus for at least a few years now. Decent by Sony but I wish they hadn't harked on about that TV nonsense.
Why are people complaining about the TV stuff. When else are they going to advertise it? Does it take anything away from the rest of the content by it being there? No.
It took up floor time that could have been used for games, which the conference lacked.
Why are people complaining about the TV stuff. When else are they going to advertise it? Does it take anything away from the rest of the content by it being there? No.

The problem people have with the TV content is that they don't want to see it at all, they just want games and only games.
I'm quite looking forward to some of the new stuff coming out.

I know that TLOU and GTA5 are just cash cows for ND and R* but I don't really care, there isn't that many other games I fancy for PS4 when they're out.

The Order, DC, UC4, The Crew and Dead Island 2 look like first day buys for me though!
Think Nintendo will play it safe for the most part, the new aggressive advertising for Mario Kart 8 seems to have a positive effect for the Wii U, but hopefully I'm wrong and we see some new games. Predictions: Zelda U, PokemonxTekken, SMTxFireEmblem, Yarn Yoshi, New F-Zero(If only), Pac-Man in Smash, Miyamoto's new IP, Galaxy 3, X trailer + Release Date, Metroid Prime 4/Other M 2, Battalion Wars U(I wish), new game from Next Level Games...possibly Strikers 3?
If No Man's Sky is anything like what they showed (I would be very unsurprised if it wasn't), was PS4 only (it's not, it'll be on PC too) and was coming out tomorrow, I would go out and buy a PS4 right now. I want that game.

Apart from that, Rainbow Six: Siege looks great, GTA V PC is good news, the Grim Fandango announcement blew me away and Battlefield Hardline... Well, I've played it, I like it but won't be properly interested until they prove it's not a complete mess like BF4 is. Also the UI is horrendous but I'm willing to believe it will be changed, even if only a little, before release.
So at the end on 2014, the games to have are mostly by Ubisoft, The Crew Far Cry and Unity. Would love to have a go with The Witcher also and some of the PS4 indie games. I think I'm sold on the PS4 in the summer now 👍
If Driveclub wasn't delayed it would be only Littlebigplanet 3 up against Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive this year which already has Killer Instinct, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, Ryse

infamous DLC is quite big but really its multiplats, old games and exclusive betas

With Halo collection and Halo 5, dropping Kinect, freeing up the GPU and better tools to maybe close the gap to about 15% behind the PS4 in performance I can see XONE coming back in at least the US
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Looked like a very poor E3 this year judging by the titles announced. More cross-gen ports, games coming at the end of the year or 2015, more rehashed sequels and not really any other titles worth of any interest to me.
Wow, I had no idea that happened. That might explain the slightly emotional state that guy was in going on stage.
It also happened around christmas time, if I'm not mistaken.
I may run out of default HDD space for my PS4 once I installed the big AAA titles, like AC: Unity & next years Uncharted 4! :)
Looked like a very poor E3 this year judging by the titles announced. More cross-gen ports, games coming at the end of the year or 2015, more rehashed sequels and not really any other titles worth of any interest to me.
What do you mean? Surely you want to play the same games from before slightly better looking? :dopey:
What do you mean? Surely you want to play the same games from before slightly better looking? :dopey:

I see no point in buying the same games again, like GTA V, that I already have on the current generation just for prettier graphics.

Games like Uncharted 4, DriveClub, pCARS and to an extent, CoD: Advanced Warfare, I will get on PS4 when they're ready, but I feel that developers should let sleeping dogs lie with the current generation.
I see no point in buying the same games again, like GTA V, that I already have on the current generation just for prettier graphics.

Games like Uncharted 4, DriveClub, pCARS and to an extent, CoD: Advanced Warfare, I will get on PS4 when they're ready, but I feel that developers should let sleeping dogs lie with the current generation.
I was joking mate. :P
Think Nintendo will play it safe for the most part, the new aggressive advertising for Mario Kart 8 seems to have a positive effect for the Wii U, but hopefully I'm wrong and we see some new games. Predictions: Zelda U, PokemonxTekken, SMTxFireEmblem, Yarn Yoshi, New F-Zero(If only), Pac-Man in Smash, Miyamoto's new IP, Galaxy 3, X trailer + Release Date, Metroid Prime 4/Other M 2, Battalion Wars U(I wish), new game from Next Level Games...possibly Strikers 3?


The shocking thing is that the main Pokemon title will probably be ignored, although when is the last time a main game of Pokemon was at E3?