Let's not forget about a general ergonomic improvement to the SUXAXIS

I mean if MS can manage to hire a skilled ergonomisist I can't fathom why Sony refuses too. The DS form factor was fine and all when first released, but it is more than overdue for a big time comfort improvement.
Really? I mean, the N-64 controller made me feel like I had carpel tunnel (however it's spelled), and any variation of non-symmetrical analog sticks has always made my wrists slightly soar after a while, where as the PS controller design has always felt good to me.
However as it stands right now between the "big gaming 3" Sony has the pad that is the least comfortable and has the most poorly designed shoulder buttons. Although Ninty's pad is so different it might be smarter not to consider it for direct comparison.
Nintendo has a pad? You must still be talking Gamecube generation because currently the Classic Controller is just a more cramped version of a PS controller, without any handle-type design and the Remote is far from a pad. Although there is a third-party accesory that attaches the Remote on teh bottom and the Classic Controller on top. When it is put together it makes the Classic Controller look and hold just like a PS controller.
Here it is: Nyko makes it. I can't imagine them making that without testing it with an audience first.
And then my PC Gamepad Pro is even the same design. Basically, I always use the PS gamepad design unless on an XBox. Check my T-shirt in my profile pic. That doesn't come with any other design. It is becoming a kind of universal representation of a game controller.
The improvements to the analog sticks make going back to PS2 FPS feel like a new game. Killzone is much easier to control the sniper rifle and aiming all around. And it makes the handling better in Race Driver 3 when using to Sixaxis when I cant use my DFP.
I noticed that the controls made games a little better but noticed it a lot more when playing my brother-in-law on Halo. Usually I have to adjust to my XBox FPSs, but now I just jump in and it feels normal. The Sixaxis seems to have given me more control, which is a good thing.
The D pad is pretty good too. The L2/R2 could see change as Sony could update their controllers over time.
While the L2/R2 doesn't bother me much the L1/R1 buttons seem to have edged corners that I keep accidentally hitting. In Super Stardust I keep accidentally switching weapons because the edge of my finger clips the corner. Either I have fat second knuckles or it could use a more tapered edge.
And back to the main topic: On the radio this morning they mentioned a new 80GB PS3 for $600. So, will the 60GB remain with a price drop or are we now paying for an extra 20GB instead?
Honestly, I don't think the hard drive size is the major deciding factor here. If that were the case I would have bought an Elite instead. For me it was the included WiFi, Bluetooth, BD for games, and an already pre-made investment in a steering wheel (DFP).