KIDS: Are we really that horrible? (wal-mart thinks we are)

  • Thread starter High-Test
I haven't bought anything from walmart sense I was 14,and I got the 311 self tiled cd from there,and I found out the hard way that all there Cd's are edited.
Whats really freaking dumb about that is that they wont sell parental advisory Cd's,but the sell r rated movies,and m rated video games.
So yes Wal-mart can suck my you know what.

Originally posted by ledhed
repent !! lol ...hadda go pee when I read that. I can't stand wallmart or any other chain store that tries to dictate my taste or what I read or look at..blockbusters come to mind. Support your local independent store owner and keep your independence.

It's true. I didn't really say anything back, just a weird look. Stupid VG's people. :D
Originally posted by millencolin
thank god i live in australia.........where toxic glue and spray paint is redily acccessable tom people my age and younger

seriously...that is taking things WAY TO FAR. relax wal-mart people

We can't buy spray paint in Adelaide, You have to be 18.
Well, walmart wouldn't be worried about it, if idiots of our generation hadn't done it already. and plenty of them do. Kids aren't like they used to be. this is long but i want to share it. this is something my mother (50+), sent to me (20).

People over 35 should be dead.

Here's why .

According to today's regulators
and bureaucrats, those of us
who were kids in the 40's,
50's, 60's, or even maybe
the early 70's probably
shouldn't have survived.

Our baby cribs were covered
with bright colored lead-based

We had no childproof lids
on medicine bottles, doors
or cabinets, ... and when we
rode our bikes, we had no
(Not to mention the risks
we took hitchhiking.)

As children, we would ride
in cars with no seatbelts
or air bags.

Riding in the back of a pickup
truck on a warm day was
always a special treat.

We drank water from the
garden hose and not from
a bottle.


We ate cupcakes, bread and
butter, and drank soda pop
with sugar in it, but we were
never overweight because
we were always outside

We shared one soft drink
with four friends, from one
bottle, and no one actually
died from this.

We would spend hours building
our go-carts out of scraps
and then rode down the hill,
only to find out we forgot
the brakes.

After running into the bushes
a few times, we learned to
solve the problem.

We would leave home in the
morning and play all day,
as long as we were back
when the street lights
came on.

No one was able to
reach us all day.



We did not have Playstations,
Nintendo 64, X-Boxes, no
video games at all, no 99
channels on cable, video
tape movies, surround
sound, personal cell phones,
personal computers, or Internet
chat rooms.

We had friends!

We went outside and found

We played dodge ball, and
sometimes, the ball would
really hurt.

We fell out of trees, got
cut and broke bones and
teeth, and there were no
lawsuits from these accidents.

They were accidents.

No one was to blame but us.

Remember accidents?

We had fights and punched
each other and got black
and blue and learned to get
over it.

We made up games with
sticks and tennis balls and
ate worms, and although we
were told it would happen,
we did not put out very many
eyes, nor did the worms
live inside us forever.

We rode bikes or walked to
a friend's home and knocked
on the door, or rang the
bell or just walked in and
talked to them.

Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team.

Those who didn't had to
learn to deal with disappointment.

Some students weren't as
smart as others, so they
failed a grade and were
held back to repeat the
same grade.


Tests were not adjusted
for any reason.

Our actions were our own.

Consequences were expected.

The idea of a parent bailing
us out if we broke a law
was unheard of.

They actually sided
with the law.

Imagine that!

This generation has produced
some of the best risk-takers
and problem solvers and
inventors, ever.

The past 50 years have
been an explosion of
innovation and new

We had freedom, failure,
success and responsibility,
and we learned how to deal
with it all.

And you're one of them!


Please pass this on to others
who have had the luck to grow
up as kids, before lawyers
and government regulated our
lives, for our own good !!!!!
i'm a gamer. but i do go outside once and a while. usually to play in the woods in my trucks. but video games haven't exactly been the best thing since sliced bread. and i think that they do cause a lot of problems. obecity is definately something i think they contribute to. Oh, and who was saying Columbine was caused by bullies??? you don't think there were bullies in your parents high school? or even your grandparent's? did they shoot each other over it, no!!! they probably duked it out like men, and then got over it. but todays low quality of kids has a lot to do with low quality parents whom depend on technology to raise their kids for them.
People have been saying that the new generations of kids are worse than theirs since the beginning of intelligent life, so if that was true we'd all be dead or insane.
By the way, how old are you?
If society degrades with each passing generation, which is your reasoning, then we would be all dead or insane, unless the first society was perfect.
And, it's spelled "touché."
thanks for the french lesson, anyways, actually, yes eventually we will all be dead. I don't know if you noticed but the human race isn't getting any smaller, and the earth isn't growing. oh, and the environment isn't getting any cleaner either. so if your argument is that soon we will all be dead, well YEAH we will, EVERYONE!
No. Review my argument. I was saying, if I follow your reasoning correctly, you think society degrades with each passing generation. Follow me?

Ok, so if that was true, with the amount of generations of people that have lived, we would either be complete barbarians, or have killed each other off. My reasoning has nothing to do with the destiny of the human race.
Originally posted by menglan
I am currently kind of anti french, so why would I spend my money where it would go to some rich guy in france?

yeah I'm a little bias, but the french people were really unkind when I went there last summer.
Where in god's name did that come from?
I can no longer buy the Official Playstation 2 Magazine UK anymore as it is always a 16 (I'm 14) So I just buy car magazines instead. Cheaper yes, longer lasting no.

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