Killzone 2 GTPlanet Clan

  • Thread starter Hereward
Just to seperate this topic out of the old thread I've sarted this up for the GTPlanet clan a few have voiced interest in. First up The game is fantastic, we know this so can we keep those posts out of this section :sly: Ok so onto buissnes, who wants to join the clan? get your names down and we can start from there, ie who will run it and then the usual, who dose what, remember your stats are available for all to see so saying you'r the acebest sniper in the world when your stats say otherwise isn't the best for the clan. At the moment though I doubt more than a few have ranked up enough to get above basic grunt so such discussions can come later. The clan will be seperated into 4 sectons as seen in the game so we could try to designate sections to specific roles for now.

No problems, there is a physical number of spaces due to the game but if needed, a second clan can be made, it's a first come first served system and as soon as we sort the initial details out over the weekend invites will be going out. Now this next ones a bit of an obvious point but YOU NEED COMS TO PLAY CLAN MATCHES if you haven't got any, say so along with a note from your mum with a valid excuse! LOL
Ok while we await requests I'll start the first issue needing discussion.
Squads and there roles, we have 4 squads with 4 members in each, each squad has direct coms with each other and it would be benerficial to the clan as a whole that each squad should have a specific role in the game, defence, attack, suport, snipers. are the basic roles, but until members rank up enough there needs to be roles which can be done with the majority being infantry guys.
There are 2 basic game types, defend and attack, so the squads should have dual roles for each of these game types. Now heres a sugestion, or an example if you like, ultimatly it's somthing to be worked out by clan members and will fit in with the skills players have.

Attack matches

Alpaha main assault
Bravo Main suport
Charlie flanking squad
Delta Second assault

Defence Matches

Alpha Main Defence
Bravo Defence support
Charlie Ambush team
Delta secondary Defence

Ok again this is just an example, lets look at each role in a little detail.

Attack games

Main assault, this squad heads straight at the target.
Main Support, there job is to follow Main assault to give fire suport from cover
Flanking Squad, the sneaky guys who get the glory and go in round the back whilst the enemy defend against the main force
Scond Assault. This team needs to adopt the role of both assault and support and be flexiable to swap roles quickly as the game dictates.

Defence games

Main defence, the front line if you like they sit in front of the defensive position and soke up the enemy
Deffence suport, they sit off and cover the front line whilst staying out of sight.
Ambush squad. sitts well out and hits the enemy before they reach there target where they least expect it
Second assault, again they take the role of backing up main defence.

Now these are prety generic roles, they can be used to fit in to most situations and with people familiar to there roles can make a strong clan which can adapt quickly to changeing fortunes during a match.
Of course going into more detail you would look at the best weapons and soldier types to put in these squads, but thats somthing that comes by learning how the team works best, as a rule of thumb though medic in each squad, engineers in suport ect ect.
So where do you think you'd fit best? or what squad system do you think would work well? Remember at the moment "simple is best" it makes things less complicated to learn and get used to and makes it less likely for us to make mistakes.
There is of course set pieces and moves for specific maps and game types like assasination for example, if your the target, get yourself in cover and get your squad covering you! We do have guys like Scarf around who will know best these set pieces from his extended beta play.
Please post up ideas and sugestions as all helps!
Interesting, I have to be honest my online FPS skills are a tad rusty, I am not terrible but am not great either.

I don't mind being bossed about is basically what i am trying to say!
I'm up for this so add me into the list, need to put some time into the MP (which I will be doing tonight).

Has anyone got to the required rank to start a clan yet?

If so they need to nab the GTP name.


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I am having terrible network issues at the moment, but think Hereward can start a clan now, can you confirm?
Comand structure wise each squad would be controled by the most experienced guy or the one best at comand (not allways the same person LOL) with the 4 comanders confareing with each other as to what they need the other teams to do. The Secret to a good clan is the same no mater what, it's not the best players that win it's the team that talks to each other.

Can we have a clan with 2 people and one with the game on order? LOL
I'll do it now, if you want, what we calling the clan? GTPlanet or GTP Clan?
Hurry up and I'll go nab it, got the rank on my last match
Good job, on my way to accept.

Do you fancy trying a quick private game so I can check if my connection is playable?
I'm interested in joining the Clan if you guys are playing for fun. If you are trying to get serious in tournements/match's then i will not take up a valuable spot. I am just interested in playing with a cool bunch of people. I have like 4-5 psn friends and i only met them through online races in GT5p. So if you guys are just looking for a person to play with my info is.

Robert PSN:driftkng :)👍
Will just be playing for fun, no need for serious matches!

Hereward and I just had a wee test online there, great fun even against bots, works well as training for the maps!
Ok cool guys, the clan isn't for trying to rule the world, just friendly compertition, non of this you MUST be online at this time or your kicked nonsence LOL
Anyway just had a little practice session with Jambo, his 3/4 meg conection held out even with coms. Theres a really nice system where any of us can host an online match and make it password protected, we can have 2-16 players V's 2-16 bots of different skill levels (selectable) players can join when they like (mid match) and theres umpteed match configerations you can set up so we can get some clan practice in without having to play other clans while were learning the maps or even use it as a pre match warmup while we wait for everyone to show up. Anyway it all works fine, and invites will go out, I've made Jambo an officer for the time being so he can send invites out also I'll set a room over the weekend for some practice matches, the bots give you a good game and the bonus is you still get XP points and ribbons so it counts towards your stats!
Clanning is always fun. I need to know some info before committing, best way to run a successful clan is to have a set fixture, find out the best time and day for people who are interested and keep it like that, if you do it on a basis of making it up as you go along, I don't think you'll get as far or have as much fun.

I know you said not to, but the game looks fantastic, might go and use the voucher I have for the local game shop!
Ooops nearly foregot, anyone want to do the GTP clan banner? sizes on the KZ2 site, please submit them on here so everyone can pick the best.
Oh yeah clan moto after first practice session (clan motto to change weekly LOL)
Kill em till there dead!
I won't say who said that mid fire fight LOL
Clanning is always fun. I need to know some info before committing, best way to run a successful clan is to have a set fixture, find out the best time and day for people who are interested and keep it like that, if you do it on a basis of making it up as you go along, I don't think you'll get as far or have as much fun.

I know you said not to, but the game looks fantastic, might go and use the voucher I have for the local game shop!

I've run a few clans under the tag of "Kellys Heroes" and yeah you need to have a structure or theres no real point but I think everyone dosn't want to feel an obligation to show for every session on pain of death. That said clan matches can be schedueled to a set time, so if a team dosn't show they lose. with points being put up as stakes by either side a no show means you lose your points so some necesity of turning up for clan battles is neserciary but again these are details we need to sort out such as total invites we can send, 16 or more so we have reserves? wether we can have say 6 of us and we can just go play an impromptude match against another clan with 6 players available? all stuff we'll need to find out like tonights session, speaking of which I'll probubley be on again later on.
I'm interested in joining the Clan if you guys are playing for fun. If you are trying to get serious in tournements/match's then i will not take up a valuable spot. I am just interested in playing with a cool bunch of people. I have like 4-5 psn friends and i only met them through online races in GT5p. So if you guys are just looking for a person to play with my info is.

Robert PSN:driftkng :)👍

Hey have been trying to add you but its not working, maybe you can only add those that have played the game so far?

Ok invites sent out to all that have asked so far, apart from vr6wantsr20det I can't seem to find you on the network. Sureshot if you want an invite you just need to ask! ;)
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Hey have been trying to add you but its not working, maybe you can only add those that have played the game so far?

Ok invites sent out to all that have asked so far, apart from vr6wantsr20det I can't seem to find you on the network. Sureshot if you want an invite you just need to ask! ;)

my psn is driftkng, is this something like MEtal Gear online where you need to create a separate game tag for the killzone servers? I am also in N. America so not sure if that makes a difference, i see you guys are accross the sea from me. i have not picked the game up yet, will be in about 40 minutes when i get off work. When i get home i will see if i can send some of you guys friend requests. :)👍

I am on and off all the time. I do try to play regularly but sometimes i don't get the chance. Just want to be straightforward. So if you are looking for reliable players for match's i'll be at the bottom of the list. But if you guys just want friendly people to play with, i'm IN! :)👍
Giancarlo was found and added ok, I used that PSN and searched and came up with nothing. I will try again.

On another topic, my Uni halls network is being worked on lately and my connection is hitching at times, i apologise if this causes any problems.