Ok while we await requests I'll start the first issue needing discussion.
Squads and there roles, we have 4 squads with 4 members in each, each squad has direct coms with each other and it would be benerficial to the clan as a whole that each squad should have a specific role in the game, defence, attack, suport, snipers. are the basic roles, but until members rank up enough there needs to be roles which can be done with the majority being infantry guys.
There are 2 basic game types, defend and attack, so the squads should have dual roles for each of these game types. Now heres a sugestion, or an example if you like, ultimatly it's somthing to be worked out by clan members and will fit in with the skills players have.
Attack matches
Alpaha main assault
Bravo Main suport
Charlie flanking squad
Delta Second assault
Defence Matches
Alpha Main Defence
Bravo Defence support
Charlie Ambush team
Delta secondary Defence
Ok again this is just an example, lets look at each role in a little detail.
Attack games
Main assault, this squad heads straight at the target.
Main Support, there job is to follow Main assault to give fire suport from cover
Flanking Squad, the sneaky guys who get the glory and go in round the back whilst the enemy defend against the main force
Scond Assault. This team needs to adopt the role of both assault and support and be flexiable to swap roles quickly as the game dictates.
Defence games
Main defence, the front line if you like they sit in front of the defensive position and soke up the enemy
Deffence suport, they sit off and cover the front line whilst staying out of sight.
Ambush squad. sitts well out and hits the enemy before they reach there target where they least expect it
Second assault, again they take the role of backing up main defence.
Now these are prety generic roles, they can be used to fit in to most situations and with people familiar to there roles can make a strong clan which can adapt quickly to changeing fortunes during a match.
Of course going into more detail you would look at the best weapons and soldier types to put in these squads, but thats somthing that comes by learning how the team works best, as a rule of thumb though medic in each squad, engineers in suport ect ect.
So where do you think you'd fit best? or what squad system do you think would work well? Remember at the moment "simple is best" it makes things less complicated to learn and get used to and makes it less likely for us to make mistakes.
There is of course set pieces and moves for specific maps and game types like assasination for example, if your the target, get yourself in cover and get your squad covering you! We do have guys like Scarf around who will know best these set pieces from his extended beta play.
Please post up ideas and sugestions as all helps!