Killzone 2 GTPlanet Clan

  • Thread starter Hereward
Had this issue with sarff....turns out it's scaff.....ooops the game gives you the option of whith reigons servers you want to play on so I doubt it's a reigon thing you just need to type it in adsactly right including the right case.
Its definitely not coming up, I have added you as a friend so when you get the game and turn on I will try adding you then!
Just to seperate this topic out of the old thread I've sarted this up for the GTPlanet clan a few have voiced interest in. First up The game is fantastic, we know this so can we keep those posts out of this section :sly: Ok so onto buissnes, who wants to join the clan? get your names down and we can start from there, ie who will run it and then the usual, who dose what, remember your stats are available for all to see so saying you'r the acebest sniper in the world when your stats say otherwise isn't the best for the clan. At the moment though I doubt more than a few have ranked up enough to get above basic grunt so such discussions can come later. The clan will be seperated into 4 sectons as seen in the game so we could try to designate sections to specific roles for now.


Count me in please..
Yes I have officail PS3 headset, so I do speak :)

PSN: NoxNoctisUmbra

I curse a lot.. or form time to time.. depends on situations. But yeah it's warzone out there. You have to do what you got to do ;)

And I fallow the objectives.

I was just plaing the game, and seems without a clan it's hard to win a match when everyone is uber noob and does not fallow orders.
I got the game from Block Buster for five days. Pretty epic. So far I've done the first mission and some "Body Count" matches online..

If anyone wants to play, add me.. I think I might get the game.

PSN: RabiaEx
I have the game & a headset, but i am not using my GTP tag. wll that be a problem.

I am using my main account - ENERGIYA--V2

@TSUKUATRUENO, i added you to my PSN friends list
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If you create a CLAN.. I think you can add TAGS.. so yeah Use main ID since you dont want.. GTP_GTP_Energiya--V2 lol
Hey I will be going on soon and will add all that requested it.

drifykng worked this time, I think that is everyone invited so fat!

A;spmy connection appears to be fixed, yay
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To all my friends on my GTP_ENERGIYA ID who will be playing KILLZONE 2, you can all send friend requests to ENERGIYA--V2 so i will know who's online.
i accepted the friend request. just a quick question, are you guys playing it in 720p or 1080i? It defaults to 720p, but i'm playing at 1080i.

-Robert :)👍
I remember one of the devs recommending it in 720p, also I recommend the standard control system to alternate 2, it takes more time to learn but after CoD but i think it is better,
Please add me to your Clan list.

Here are a couple of motto's you could use in the future.....

1 - "Hate & Fear Us"

2 - "Strike Them To The Ground"

Can someone just clarify for me the Tag requirements? If alright I will use my current GTP Tag, GTP_Grim_Reaper.

Grim 👍
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The clan has a GTP tag at the start so for instance I am GTP JamboGT you would be GTP GTP_Grim_Reaper.

Will add you now.
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I'm interested, haven't tried multiplayer yet but it would be good going in with a load of GTPers. My PSN ID is Moglet85.
Hey I will add when I go on! You can accept the invitation by going to Warzone then community then clan, the invites are there.
Jambos been busy, lots of invites have gone out.....not many have accepted them though? problems? Just had a quick hour and got my medic badge so looks like I'll be at the back picking up the bits LOL
If spaces fill up too fast, why don't we try seperating it into Eastern and Western hemispheres?
just sorted a temporary clan banner, you'll find everything on the KZ2 website linked to your account along with clan and members stats
Look for Game Hereward

The Grim Reaper, I tried to add you as a friend but you have a full friends list.
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No need guys, if you go to clan then members you'll see all members who are playing and what game there in, simply join them from there so if there not on your friends list it dosn't matter.
On a slightly more serious matter, theres a problem with comms, squad is working fine, as is proximity and enemy proximity, team chat though isn't? or it might be? I'll get back to ya

I'm back, right team chat isn't working....and never has so it looks as though it's squads only which isn't a huge issue if everyone knows what there suposed to be doing LOL

Looking at a clan practice and possibley a clan match tonight late on if theres more than 6 of us turn up we'll challenge a clan to a match and see how baddly we lose first time out, Hope to get the engineers badge before we start though so we can bring gun bots and some gun emplacements and ammo boxes into play.
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Wondering if anyone fancied a GTP private game for a while we can put a password on and split into two teams and go crazy!
OK I'm up for it should we allways use the same password? if so GTPlanet should be easy to remember LOL be on in a sec