Korean man dies from PC gaming...

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I disagree. That's totally uncool. In fact, it's totally irresponsible. This guy clearly crossed the line. Gaming is okay if you have nothing better to do, but I think excessive gaming and developing an obsession for something like this is, besides irresponsible and uncool, (and its proven in the article) very unhealthy.
I just want to see how the media spins this one.

It was spun just by reporting it. If it weren't video games it wouldn't have even gotten a mention.

When was the last time that you heard a major story about the executive who worked for three days straight without sleep, drinking coffee, screaming and yelling, getting his blood pressure up, and eventually having a heart attack?

This story involved obsession over a video game which just makes people go, "SEE! It can even kill you." The only people who say something to the obsessive workaholic are close family and friends. The fact is that whether it were video games, work, gambling, a TV marathon, or whatever the conditions he put his body through were what killed him.

I want to hear about the overweight, alcoholic sports fan that has a heart attack watching ESPN 24/7 during a championship game story. Maybe if they said playing sports games it would get picked up?
There is casual gaming, then obsession, then obsessive compulsive, then craziness, next we have the 24 hour races, finally we come to downright stupidity, and then there is death. He was at the last category.