Kunos Reveals Assetto Corsa Competizione: Official Blancpain GT Game Coming This Summer

  • Thread starter er185es
We have Cinema HUD.

Change log v0.6

Changelog v0.6.0
- Added Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3 2018 model year.
- Added Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3 2015 model year.
- Added Monza Circuit.
- Driving (F1) cameras reworked: added two more driving cameras (dash pro - with car hidden intended for built cockpits - and far chase), game now remembers last used camera and added option to lock/hide driver and steering wheel per car. Lateral camera adjustment now also exposed in the View Settings.
- Camera movement settings now stored in Config/CameraSettings.jon, the old CameraOptionsEA.json is deprecated. General Movement adjusts movements in cockpit camera, Dashcam Factor adjust how much of that movement is transferred to the dash and bonnet cameras.
IMPORTANT: old camera settings will be lost.
- Look L/R now works correctly in helmet camera. Look L/R looks to the side mirrors.
- TV onboard (F6) cameras added for available cars.
- Free (F7) camera now available with Cinema HUD (open with mouse scroll button).
NOTE: this is NOT a full-feature camera mode, but allows players to enjoy visuals to a greater degree and take screenshots.
- Rewrite of multiplayer/gameplay code to improve stability and session progression.
- Ingame menus restructured and divided into Garage and Pause menu.
- Ingame HUD reorganised and added session status widget.
- New Radar widget added to HUD based on the popular app for the original Assetto Corsa.
- Updated configuration for dedicated servers, see https://www.assettocorsa.net/forum/...server-configuration-for-server-admins.54830/
- Introducing dynamic weather: (potentially) available on official Kunos Practice servers only until relevant game and UI features are added.
- Multiplayer sessions now emulate race weekends: rubber, dry line (general: weather and track status) represent the situation based on race day and time of day.
- UI and video settings are now stored in text files (...Documents\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Config\menuSettings.json).
IMPORTANT: your previous menu, graphical and game settings will be lost.
- Added advanced video settings, including mirror resolution, sharpening filter, material quality level, temporal upsampling, volumetric fog, bloom, camera dirt effect and foliage.
- Default graphics settings adjusted to allow for higher performance without noticeable loss to visual quality.
- Added session type tags in the UI car selection page to help identify entries eligible in different race types.
NOTE: In quick race mode, the opponent field is generated based on the player's choice of entry.
- Added model year tag in the UI car selection to help identify car models in different evo versions.
- Assist options will now reliably update when changed during a session.
- Further adjustments to headlight effects in TV cameras.
- More realistic full formation lap with AI.
- AI aggressiveness tuning.
- AI grid generation now takes into account real life driver skill. Quick Race grids are generated with more consistency.
- Number of opponents increased to track capacity: bigger fields are now possible as a result, the current limit depends on each individual track.
NOTE: Sprint races (both in race weekend and quick race modes) retain grid size limitation due to the number of available real-life entries.
- Improved raindrop effects on car windshields.
- Water spray from opponent cars now affects the player car's windshield in a dynamic way, taking into account distance, speed and track wetness.
- Automatic wiper assist now reacts to water spray and not just rain.
- Improvements to the appearance of wet and damp track surfaces, especially in low-wetness ranges, which should improve the perception of track conditions.
- Improvements to car vs. track surface collisions.
- Audio channel usage optimization.
- Reworked and more reliable marshalling system with checkered, yellow, white and blue flags.
- Added new spotter messages.
- Added race communication alerts.
- Losing the server connection (e.g. by a server restart) will now trigger a permanent message.
- Important race communication alerts are displayed for a longer time.
- Better highlights overtake detection.
- Optimized CPU use on all threads.
- Optimized replay memory usage.
- Optimized netcode and bandwith usage for Multiplayer servers.
- Volume and audio settings now affect the intro music.
- Added video sequences volume.
- Fixes to various car LODs to reduce pop-in in racing scenarios.
- Adjusted driver position in the BMW M6 GT3.
- Adjusted driver steering animations.
- Adjusted wet tyre shader and added ambient occlusion on tyres.
- Fixed potentially wrong resolution and crashes when starting the game.
- Fixed multiple crashes occurring when quitting sessions.
- Fixed replay time multiplier not resetting on session change.
- Fixed potentially wrong car location detection.
- Fixed static car shadow fading out at high speeds.
- Improved tyre model combined grip.
- Improved tyre heat model, especially in overheat conditions.
- Tyre wear is now affected differently by different kerbs, concrete and other surfaces.
- Tweaks in preset setups for all cars (we highly advise to not use older setups).
- Improved vertical surfaces aero model.
- MoTeC Telemetry implementation.
- Setup Electronics page now includes a slider to select the number of telemetry laps to be saved at the end of a driving session.
- MoTeC ACC dedicated workspace, created from Blancpain telemetry engineer used for evaluating basic setup and driver performance.
- Added native DBox SDK support.
- Added option to enable/disable native Fanatec LEDs.
- Setup minimum fuel load set at 2 litres for all cars.
- Fixed Ferrari 488 GT3 wrong fuel visualization in setup screen.
- Steering ratio tweaks for all cars.
- Monza BoP A adjustments for all cars.
- Tweaks in tyres dirt accumulation and grip levels when going on grass and sand.
- Sand traps now slow the cars down.
- Fix to unreliable car spawn in certain situations.
- Flipped cars will automatically spawn in the pits.
- Severe cutting will result in immediate disqualification in any type of Multiplayer sessions.
- Ratings: Track Competence (TR) has improved feedback in the UI; you will see all the sectors necessary, so the progress is easy to understand.
- Ratings: Track Competence (TR) algorithm improved to reduce false positive aborts.
- Ratings: Consistency (CN) was rewritten during the refactoring; it should work similarly but has improved precision on various aspects.
- Ratings: Car Control (CC) largely improved algorithm and UI feedback. It is a lot harder to gain higher ratings, unless you are driving very well.
- Ratings: Car Control (CC) now understands the concept of turning the wheel too much, and give appropriate feedback.
- NOTE: Pace (PC) and Total (TO) ratings will be improved and adjusted during the days after this version.
- NOTE: The maximum number of all ratings will be set to 99 (instead of 100).
- Backend servers: improved reconnection stability.
- Backend servers: fixed multiplayer sessions not registering stats and laptimes in certain situations.
- Passworded servers can now be created.
NOTE: passworded servers must be searched for manually in the lobby search field.
- Single player Sprint Race Weekend mode reworked and now has forced tyre change and driver swap.
NOTE: Endurance Race Weekend game mode is temporarily disabled until supporting features and UI elements are completed (pit stops and penalties).
NOTE: Pit stop crew animations are temporarily disabled until full functionality is retained.
NOTE: The Broadcasting API is temporarily disabled
Got to try this one once I get home. Hoping for enough performance improvements. Now, just 1.0 left. I really hope we get a livery editor in 1.0, because some cars have very few official liveries. I hope they haven't decided/had to drop the livery editor idea that they were discussing in the RaceDepartment interviews.
I spend some time with the update. My impressions so far...

- Up to 31 AI cars now with no impact on performance (CPU does the job)
- Interesting new HUD radar when you get near to another car
- Nissan and Monza are fun

- Performace has taken a hit GPU-wise, i had to adjust settings to achieve 60fps @1440p, true 4K is out of the question now
v0.6.1 Changelog

- Added rear-view camera display in Lamborghini Huracán GT3.
- Consistent mirror resolution in all cars.
- Fixed ghost car not working in some instances.
- Ghost car now has a more stable render.
- Fixed replay highlights increasing with longer sessions.
- Fix to mirror resolution default.
NOTE: defaults to intended default resolution (MID) without changing anything. The EPIC setting is now eliminated. No action required from the user.
- Added presession timer to MP.
- Fix to false-positive DQ resulting from teleporting to pits.
- Fixed standings widget not updating total player count.
- Fixed driving camera resetting after entering and leaving the pause menu.
- Fixed both Nissans' setup ECU values, now start from 1.
- Fixed potential issue with road effects settings not loading properly.
- Race communication durations edited for important messages.
- Race results now show gaps to leader.
- AI skill and aggressiveness sliders remember last set values across game modes.
NOTE: AI values will reset after initial launch so pay attention when playing for the first time.
- Informative help snippets added when selecting each graphics setting.

Framerate is a lot better with this patch
Dear #ACCompetizione followers,
a new hotfix is ready for download! Please restart your Steam client and have a look at the changelog below!

IMPORTANT NOTE for Oculus Rift users: we recommend launching the game by-passing Steam VR, adding "-vr" to Steam launch options for ACC as described in this image in order to avoid possible performance issues and stuttering.


v0.6.2 Changelog
- Fixed wrong first lap time when start-finish line is crossed before the green light.
- Fixed AI erratic speeds during formation lap.
- Added lumirank update in replay.
- Enabled detailed animations in onboard cameras.
- Added session over message for qualifying/practice.
- Improved AI pace at Monza and Nurburgring.
- Added intermediate solution to run the formation sequence in Multiplayer. Overtakes may happen, but enables controlled formation sequence.
- Fixed protocol mismatch on the rating backend, resulting in wrong data.
- Fixed SA Rating working in Multiplayer.
- Fixed RC Rating preventing data being stored in Multiplayer.
- NOTE: Due to incompabilities with the data, the Rating Profiles will be reset again.
- Fixed end-sequence in Multiplayer: spotter annoucement, checkered flags and so on will now be correctly triggered.
- Fixed formation sequence not starting when the leader is in the pits.
- Fixed rare crash in the Multiplayer server, possibly also crashing connected clients.
- Fixed races not showing time gaps in Multiplayer races.
- Fixed tyres not being correctly selected based on dynamic weather conditions along with the setup.
- Added "Official Test Server" opened for experimental features and testing. See the official support forum.
- Fixed search and password text input issues in VR.
Another quick hotfix

- Fixed windshield water effects turning off with LOW and MED Effects settings.
- Fixed EF Jaguar G3 missing hydraulic compressor sound.
- Lamborghini Huracán GT3 aero correction.
- Fixed "locked controls" message invisible in VR.
Advice from devs.

Will the payoff for a 1080p non VR user be big enough to warrant doing this? Since ver 0.6, ACC has been running fine. Granted I've turned a lot of things off, and switched to Temporal AA. If I wiping the folders and reinstalling ACC means I can turn a lot of effects back on and still stay locked at 75fps (monitors limit), then I'll do it.
Will the payoff for a 1080p non VR user be big enough to warrant doing this? Since ver 0.6, ACC has been running fine. Granted I've turned a lot of things off, and switched to Temporal AA. If I wiping the folders and reinstalling ACC means I can turn a lot of effects back on and still stay locked at 75fps (monitors limit), then I'll do it.
Probably not. I think that was mainly for the first 0.6.0 patch. There were some issues with the mirrors and other things which have been fixed in 0.6.1
I haven't touched ACC since it first launched, it felt meh, however i decided to boot up ACC tonight and jump on, and i am blown away, how far they've progressed, ACC is so unforgiving, compared to AC, for example the implemented Tire Damage Simulation, i was mid way in a race when i started to get a leak, and i didn't bother going to the pits, and i realized as i was losing tire pressure, the more challenging it became to drive. The amount of detail they have put in, is absolutely insane. I I will for sure be playing more of this! Quite excited for the full release, i will for sure dump plenty of hours in ACC!
Glad its actually coming out soon, I only really played the third build when the Ferrari came out, I didnt want to play too much of it before the full release came out. I Just hope that this launch is better then the first game as that didnt feel complete at all when it first came out it.
I haven't touched ACC since it first launched, it felt meh, however i decided to boot up ACC tonight and jump on, and i am blown away, how far they've progressed, ACC is so unforgiving, compared to AC, for example the implemented Tire Damage Simulation, i was mid way in a race when i started to get a leak, and i didn't bother going to the pits, and i realized as i was losing tire pressure, the more challenging it became to drive. The amount of detail they have put in, is absolutely insane. I I will for sure be playing more of this! Quite excited for the full release, i will for sure dump plenty of hours in ACC!

I am happy you like it now. I could see exactly what we have today in the Early Access coming since i first launched it September 12th in the first ever version. I was blown away right from the start to be honest because what actually matters was there from day 1, thats sounds, physics and graphics (if you had the hardware to push it to epic and over 100fps).
I've got to thank ACC for improving my tyre management skills. Because my laptop is a dinosaur, I could only do hotlap/short hotstint type events. The outlap and especially how you warm up your tyres without overly degrading them is crucial, and the skills I learned has helped me immensely in GT Sport's FIA race qualifers. I'm not the fastest driver and in races I usually lose places on raw pace alone, but my quali has always been better than expected to compensate for it (along with good racecraft and patience with tyres in the race).
ACC and AC made me drive cleaner in every other racing game, even though it was not actually really needed as some of them were also just arcade :D
One thing that really surprises me about this game is that it isn’t hard just for the sake of it. Sometimes I feel like sims go down the rabbit hole of making a game as awkward to play as possible on pad but ACC is amazing with the Dualshock 4. Roll on May 29th!
Kunos should hire the guy from Pure Rock Crawling for the suspension and tire model.
