Laaaag. Interesting. The plot thickens...

  • Thread starter mattikake
Ah, sorry I haven't tested that. I have hosted a lobby that included PS5 players but not the other way around.

Edit: If you want to invite me to your lobby, we could test it. I'll message you
Sounds good. I'll be running a streamed lobby tomorrow, Wednesday 26th, starting at 3PM BST UK time. Would be a good test to have you try it out. I'm wondering if the SSD will help. If we find the answer we can help base PS4 and PS4 pro players lag issues for sure
Sounds good. I'll be running a streamed lobby tomorrow, Wednesday 26th, starting at 3PM BST UK time. Would be a good test to have you try it out. I'm wondering if the SSD will help. If we find the answer we can help base PS4 and PS4 pro players lag issues for sure
Thats it. Gt7 is the worst online expirience i ever had. I didnt know 1 game that struggle online that bad, Especialy 7month after release. Time for pd to fix this mess, even if thats mean low key connection get sortet out and cant join lobbys. And build in at least a same version only toggle so we can sort that out…

Im really piss of right now. Gt7 online is CRAP and died in a bad way

Even evolve studios with Driveclub hase the balls in the past and stoped online for 1 month to sort the code out and make it playable.


For context:

I was in @TJC_69 lobby and its not tjc fault.
First race one guy stands in the middle of the road, and we first thinking he will troll the lobby and he got kicked. I text him and ask wtfuuu he is doing and he said, no he was driving. I ask him how bad his internet is. Guess what?!? He said he knows he have a bad connection but its not his fault, thats providers fault…
Hahaa maybe ok, but it is on him with this knowledge not to enter lobbys and ruin everyone else expiriance.

Second race

I got a late start signal so 5 people overtaked me, but to race wheel to wheel isnt possible because other racer glitched trough me and caused damage on my car. This is such a bad expiriance.

So why the hell get a worst connection a better expiriance or why the ones with good connection have to suffer from the bad ones. This was the reason why i stoped playing tekken online. It went so wors that people did this on purpose and turned down there signal to cause messed up lobbys.

Im really done with gt7 online and in fact with gt7 in general. Singleplayer isnt a challange and grind 4 tracks over and over is boring.

Pd cant/dont want fix online and cant/dont want give us better or more events.

This is the worst Gt
No wonder pd lose the fia licence and they on the best way to never get it back.
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There are definitely some networking issues in GT7. However PD would claim that your/others internet connections are not their responsibility.

Earlier this week we tested the connection from my Ps4 Pro to TJCs lobby. There was a little bit of lag but nothing unusual, and players just need to get used to driving with some lag, because it will never be perfect. It's not possible to have zero lag on an internet game.

Glitches are different though (and I did have a major glitch, more on this later). How GT7 manages missed data packets is up to the programmers, but I imagine it's a difficult problem to try and provide the fastest possible data transfer between the PlayStations and continually check for lost packets at the same time. Somewhere they must make a compromise, but with the wide variation of speeds across the globe, where do you draw the line.

As mentioned in Famine's pinned article, the best thing you can do is optimise your connection, and then hope that everything works.

Regarding the glitch mentioned above, it turns out that my hardware was the cause. When the race was initiated my PlayStation went to full black screen and no buttons worked (other than exit). The entire lobby hung, waiting for my PlayStation to connect. Realising the problem, I closed the GT7 application from the PlayStation menu and the lobby (minus me) immediately started the race for all the other players. This happened several times, even if I was only spectating, the lobby would hang, however my friend who lives next door had no problem at all. He's also on Ps4 Pro and with the same internet provider, and connected to the same lobby. So it was clear that the problem was at my end.

I reset my router, cleared the game cache, set the IP address to Automatic and rebuilt the PlayStation database, but it didn't make any difference, the lobby still hung whenever I was in it and the race was initiated.

Then it occurred to me that years ago I had set up Port Forwarding in my router, for GTSport! I did a full hardware reset of the router, back to default settings (tiny button to press with pin), which cleared the port forwarding from my router (I couldn't be bothered to connect by pc) and...... Whallah!! Re-joined the lobby and was able to race with no glitch.

This needs further testing to confirm direct cause & resolution, but I did find a site that showed the Port Forwarding requirements for GT7 is different to GTS! One port was extra on GTS, so it's possible that this could cause a glitch in p2p connections in GT7. Again I note that this needs further testing, or perhaps some comments from those who know more about routers than me.

So, @RacinLei, let's check your end...

1. Are you using cable or wifi connection to your PlayStation?

2. Have you confirmed that you have NAT2 connection (Network Settings > Test Connection)?

3. Have you set up port forwarding in your router, for any online games?

4. Probably worth reading Famine's pinned post (Connection Issues), to see if I've missed something, and also test your connection in Sport mode (Test button - top right) to confirm your pentgon is all green
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@Mudda Chod

No probs on my end…
Cabel 100mb down 40mb upload and the most important, ping between 6-12ms. (Tested in gt7 all green) Upnp is on so my ps5 can choose what it needs.
And like i also wrote, gt is the only game i have these issues.

I know how to set a network. Like i wrote bevore, i played a lot tekken online and on this game it needs even better connection and lower ping than gt especialy to count frames.

Before i did my first steps into online gaming i did everything to make shure my internet runs perfect exectly for the reason that im not bothering other players and i have the best expiriance.

And yeah pd hase to do everything for stabel lobbys. And the first thing to do is, sort out low key connection. Especialy these high ping connection like tvprovider based internet with 1gb download but ping up to 300ms.

Pd can read it out, and if the connection gets above a certain amount of ping they cant join.

But if they do so, the second account racer will have pee in there eyes.
As an example. 1guy sit in the EU locked in on an us account, that alone means at least a ping of 100-150 ms only to connect to the server. Now imagin 1 guy does the same and then played in a eu lobby. So 100-150ms to lock into the us account and the same to lock into an eu lobby, results in 200-300ms… and then yelling its lagging?!?

Thats why pd made dailys region locked to prevent normaly these high ping problems.
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@Mudda Chod

No probs on my end…
Cabel 100mb down 40mb upload and the most important, ping between 6-12ms. (Tested in gt7 all green) Upnp is on so my ps5 can choose what it needs.
And like i also wrote, gt is the only game i have these issues.

I know how to set a network. Like i wrote bevore, i played a lot tekken online and on this game it needs even better connection and lower ping than gt especialy to count frames.

Before i did my first steps into online gaming i did everything to make shure my internet runs perfect exectly for the reason that im not bothering other players and i have the best expiriance.

And yeah pd hase to do everything for stabel lobbys. And the first thing to do is, sort out low key connection. Especialy these high ping connection like tvprovider based internet with 1gb download but ping up to 300ms.

Pd can read it out, and if the connection gets above a certain amount of ping they cant join.

But if they do so, the second account racer will have pee in there eyes.
As an example. 1guy sit in the EU locked in on an us account, that alone means at least a ping of 100-150 ms only to connect to the server. Now imagin 1 guy does the same and then played in a eu lobby. So 100-150ms to lock into the us account and the same to lock into an eu lobby, results in 200-300ms… and then yelling its lagging?!?

Thats why pd made dailys region locked to prevent normaly these high ping problems.

Yep. Completely agree. Real time racing between clients on different sides of the world is not quite practical with the current technology, for the highest level of competition. It would be useful to be able to specify "This Region Only" when setting up a lobby, or better still have a slider for "Maximum allowable ping".

If only we could connect to friends via home LAN, like pc... Gran Turismo parties at my place!!!

I don't know much about Port Forwarding. Do you think if peeps have set ports in their router for GTS then it might conflict with GT7, and produce some lobby glitches?

By the way, are you on Ps4 or 5?

I got a late start signal so 5 people overtaked me, but to race wheel to wheel isnt possible because other racer glitched trough me and caused damage on my car. This is such a bad expiriance.

Same thing happened to me in TJ's lobby on Wednesday, except I was the one driving through someone (maybe it was you)? I was gaining on someone on the Nordschleife, then with no warning he slowed abruptly and ghosted. In the blink of eye I drove right through him. I assumed that maybe he pressed his Options button, to ghost.

Edit: Ahhh I just checked today's stream and see what happened to you at 36:15 to 25. Then you just disappear...

Several people got driven through at the start of that race. Maybe the lobby setting had strong ghosting... Maybe better to have no ghosting. At least then everyone knows what they have to deal with in front of them (for better or worse)

It's not fair how you can get damage while ghosted. Again, suggests lag issues in the programming. However, if you unghost when another car is on top of you, why didn't both cars get damage? Maybe they did.
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@Mudda Chod

Thx for the words ;)

Im on ps5 like tjc_69 but it seems gt7 lobbys dont care. We can have 15 ps5 and all worked well and then 1 ps4 or/with a wakky connection enters the lobby and the hole lobby starts to judder instead of only the one with the bad connection.

Yeah i exit then the lobby because i went angry. I have no probs to lose by myself but to lose because of the lazyness of pd i cant/want deal with it.

Gtsport isnt perfect but by far better in terms of online stability, so i dont understand why pd cant or dont want sort it out.

I didnt set specifide ports, i set my router to upnp and the ps5 can open per game the ports it needed and it worked flawless exept for gt7. So at the end its on pd and the bad online coding.

What i not understand is, in the first month the code runs halfway good and only the ones with wakky connection start to lag.

I guess Tjc didnt set ghosting on. I started ghosting because i got a later startsignal and then start to ghost. This also weird, ghosting set off but still glitch through racers because of the lag.

And why pd removed the option of laped racers ghost so the first race would be no prob and prevent trolls from waiting for other to mess up there game.

It is really strange and i wasnt that angry about it, but to see how this beloved frenchise i grow with since part 1 falls apart is a shame. I really hope pd fix this.
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Good points there. Ghosting is always set to weak in my lobbies, has been since gt sport. Reason for this is to replicate Sport Modes settings. You'll know ghosting is on as you'll see someone go off track and in the recovery phase they are ghosted. Plus it they are spinning you'll notice it also.

I was saying to Lei last night that online performance has directly contributed to less interest in the game. Both with participants and viewers of all GT streamers channels.

When GT7 launched I would frequently have 1.2 to 2.8K viewers of a stream. Now I'm lucky to push 200-400 views for it. In my opinion it's a direct correlation between the games issues and audience number participation.

People want to watch amazing side by side racing, which is what we do. But they also haven't forgotten how much smoother gt sports lobby mode was.

At this point, if they cannot or will not fix online connectivity for us, they should just split the consoles into 2 separate brackets. A PS4 or PS5 only option that is selectable in setting up a lobby.

Lobbies always seem to be smoother just after maintenance then gradually degrade into a laggy mess a couple of weeks later. Are they using telephone wire from the 1960's in their server farm or something? 😂

This game should never have been cross play. They have no idea whatsoever what they are doing. And all at Polyphony need fired and have some competent workers come in to replace them.

Fix - Online issues, separate the versions fully, add actual content to the game, stop making gt a live service, stop messing with physics every 5 minutes cos you got it wrong in the first place, add 2022 current machines....

The list of needed improvements is never ending.
Lobbies always seem to be smoother just after maintenance then gradually degrade into a laggy mess a couple of weeks later. Are they using telephone wire from the 1960's in their server farm or something? 😂
Yep. This is why I say their servers are to do with the issue. It's not just ps4/ps5 problems. It has to be somesort of memory fragmentation because an update is certain to reset something if not the entire servers. That can be the only explanation for it being immediately good and then a persistent degradation in performance.

They need a daily defrag. Trouble is, the world plays 24/7.

Is KudosPrime tracking GT7 player numbers? The public lobbies are more dead after 6 months of GT7 than they were several years into GTS, even around GT7 launch. PD have killed themselves.

I don't really care anymore tbh. Assuming I haven't already jumped ship to a PC and iRacing, as soon as AC2 launches I'm there and I'll NEVER go back to any GT game.
Yep. This is why I say their servers are to do with the issue. It's not just ps4/ps5 problems. It has to be somesort of memory fragmentation because an update is certain to reset something if not the entire servers. That can be the only explanation for it being immediately good and then a persistent degradation in performance.

They need a daily defrag. Trouble is, the world plays 24/7.

Is KudosPrime tracking GT7 player numbers? The public lobbies are more dead after 6 months of GT7 than they were several years into GTS, even around GT7 launch. PD have killed themselves.

I don't really care anymore tbh. Assuming I haven't already jumped ship to a PC and iRacing, as soon as AC2 launches I'm there and I'll NEVER go back to any GT game.
True. I have several options of other driving sims to play on PC. And console also. If GT7 had a good release, these issues were not rampantly obvious, and we were mostly happy with the game, you would see buzz and excitement for GT like you've never seen before.

I still love the game, even with its flaws. But the last 7 months have been rough. The next 7? Well, if this does not improve then I can't see many people buying GT8. And your prediction will become reality.

People have been driven away. In my GT Sport lobbies I had drivers queuing for hours to get in. Not so much here. I can fill a lobby. But it's just not the same buzz. I will endeavor to make it more exciting to watch. But that's all that I and we can do 😂

Speaking of yesterday. Here's the car that got stuck, but wasn't stuck, but was stuck 🤣

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My friends and I switched from Project cars 2 to GT7 as we thought it offered more variety in online gaming , which it does but the Lag is killing the online part of this game , its 2022 guys not 1922, we never had any lag in project cars 2 just a ton of other bugs
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Hello guys,

Did the last update solve your LAG PROBLEM ?
No. And they introduced a game destroying freezing issue! Lag was bad but now it's pointless trying to race when you randomly lose about 1.5s a lap due to your car freezing.
Interesting observations so listen up.
Over the past few Days I have spent countless hours hosting Multiplayer Lobbies.
These are my observations.
As soon as I set the Lobby to 16 Players the State of the Lobby Stability got worse and worse the longer the Lobby was running.
It was lagging and bugging.
Until the Moment where it froze and I had to open a new Lobby.
This happened all the time, no matter what.

And now it becomes interesting.
As soon as I reduced the Player Number to 12 Players or less in total…it worked flawless.

Absolutely 0 Framedrops or lagging Cars.
No Bugs. Nothing.
It felt like playing GT Sport.
Even after 3 hours of non stop hosting and Various Players dropping out and new Players connecting I didn’t encounter a single Lag or Framedrop.
It was absolutely smooth and I couldn’t believe it.
I play a lot and often host lobbies and never had such a satisfying experience like today.
It was perfect.
I hope it helps some of you plagued Souls and hopefully it solves your issues.
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Interesting observations so listen up.
Over the past few Days I have spent countless hours hosting Multiplayer Lobbies.
These are my observations.
As soon as I set the Lobby to 16 Players the State of the Lobby Stability got worse and worse the longer the Lobby was running.
It was lagging and bugging.
Until the Moment where it froze and I had to open a new Lobby.
This happened all the time, no matter what.

And now it becomes interesting.
As soon as I reduced the Player Number to 12 Players or less in total…it worked flawless.

Absolutely 0 Framedrops or lagging Cars.
No Bugs. Nothing.
It felt like playing GT Sport.
Even after 3 hours of non stop hosting and Various Players dropping out and new Players connecting I didn’t encounter a single Lag or Framedrop.
It was absolutely smooth and I couldn’t believe it.
I play a lot and often host lobbies and never had such a satisfying experience like today.
It was perfect.
I hope it helps some of you plagued Souls and hopefully it solves your issues.
Well, people said they want GT7 to be more like the old games. We'll be back at 6 player grids soon enough!
Lag is disgusting and unbearable. When cars are side by side they hit each other due to lag, even if they are physically 1 meter away or so. You just can't race properly like this, PD need to fix it asap.
No. And they introduced a game destroying freezing issue! Lag was bad but now it's pointless trying to race when you randomly lose about 1.5s a lap due to your car freezing.
This is one of a number of issues that is killing this game for PS4 players.

The game clearly has a number of "features" that favour PS5 owners, not least the basic controller limitations.

Now you can't race in Daily Race lobbies because you lose time relative to PS5 owners because of issues with the platform.

PS5 is still around £500. If PD put me in a position where I have to pay £500 to have a fair race, then I'm probably just going to go and buy a PC and go that route.

It would be interesting to see what the overall user base looks like in terms of PS4 vs PS5 and also the controller vs wheel comparisons. I'm sure the data exists but I don't know how it could be accessed.
PS5 is still around £500. If PD put me in a position where I have to pay £500 to have a fair race, then I'm probably just going to go and buy a PC and go that route.
If I hadn't gotten lucky in getting a digital version for msrp last year I wouldn't have bought one yet either. I just looked at Wal Mart and they want $670 for the disc version either with a game (digital game on a disced console, lol) or extra controller.

The value just isn't there, especially when there are next to no PS5 exclusives, and zero "must-have" PS5 exclusives at this point.

I bet 75% of all PSN users are still on PS4, maybe more.
If I hadn't gotten lucky in getting a digital version for msrp last year I wouldn't have bought one yet either. I just looked at Wal Mart and they want $670 for the disc version either with a game (digital game on a disced console, lol) or extra controller.

The value just isn't there, especially when there are next to no PS5 exclusives, and zero "must-have" PS5 exclusives at this point.

I bet 75% of all PSN users are still on PS4, maybe more.
I don't think they split sales figures between PS4 and PS5 as that would obviously have given a good indication.

Right now, it seems that if you don't have a PS5 then you're at such a disadvantage that it makes the game pointless.
I don't think they split sales figures between PS4 and PS5 as that would obviously have given a good indication.

Right now, it seems that if you don't have a PS5 then you're at such a disadvantage that it makes the game pointless.
Oh no, I was just saying across the entire PS ecosystem, not GT7. I'd guess it's 50/50, maybe even better than 50% that own a PS5 for this title, but I've got a hunch this is one of the few games that's the exception, not the rule.

But I still play it on my PS4 Pro and it works fine enough; that's where I've got my wheel setup is on the Pro and then I use controller on PS5. There's some frame-skips here/there, but other than the fidelity I don't notice much difference in terms of functionality. Base PS4 is probably a nightmare though, I agree
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Interesting observations so listen up.
Over the past few Days I have spent countless hours hosting Multiplayer Lobbies.
These are my observations.
As soon as I set the Lobby to 16 Players the State of the Lobby Stability got worse and worse the longer the Lobby was running.
It was lagging and bugging.
Until the Moment where it froze and I had to open a new Lobby.
This happened all the time, no matter what.

And now it becomes interesting.
As soon as I reduced the Player Number to 12 Players or less in total…it worked flawless.

Absolutely 0 Framedrops or lagging Cars.
No Bugs. Nothing.
It felt like playing GT Sport.
Even after 3 hours of non stop hosting and Various Players dropping out and new Players connecting I didn’t encounter a single Lag or Framedrop.
It was absolutely smooth and I couldn’t believe it.
I play a lot and often host lobbies and never had such a satisfying experience like today.
It was perfect.
I hope it helps some of you plagued Souls and hopefully it solves your issues
Anybody else tried this ? keen to find out if this is really the case , not calling you a liar or anything mate just want to see if you had a one off or not
Yeah we don't know the numbers so i just created a poll to get an idea of the ps4 and ps5 users.
PS5 and controller here. I'll find your poll.
I don't think they split sales figures between PS4 and PS5 as that would obviously have given a good indication.

Right now, it seems that if you don't have a PS5 then you're at such a disadvantage that it makes the game pointless.
I wouldn't bet on that. I know at least one PS5 player who isn't particularly tough to outrun.

I got lucky and picked up an open box PS5 disc edition last year for $550 and shipping. I wouldn't hold my breath for the price to drop anytime soon. They actually increased the price by $50 and a lot of things go into what the console will cost after support is discontinued and into the collector's market.

I didn't buy the PS5 for Gran Turismo, though I would likely have gotten the 25th Anniversary Edition even without the console. I bought the console for Final Fantasy 7.
Interesting observations so listen up.
Over the past few Days I have spent countless hours hosting Multiplayer Lobbies.
These are my observations.
As soon as I set the Lobby to 16 Players the State of the Lobby Stability got worse and worse the longer the Lobby was running.
It was lagging and bugging.
Until the Moment where it froze and I had to open a new Lobby.
This happened all the time, no matter what.

And now it becomes interesting.
As soon as I reduced the Player Number to 12 Players or less in total…it worked flawless.

Absolutely 0 Framedrops or lagging Cars.
No Bugs. Nothing.
It felt like playing GT Sport.
Even after 3 hours of non stop hosting and Various Players dropping out and new Players connecting I didn’t encounter a single Lag or Framedrop.
It was absolutely smooth and I couldn’t believe it.
I play a lot and often host lobbies and never had such a satisfying experience like today.
It was perfect.
I hope it helps some of you plagued Souls and hopefully it solves your issues.
Interesting find. It's 2022 and a current generation GT title can only handle 12 cars.

Meanwhile in 2017, GT Sport on PS4 used to have top 24 player races, (for a while).

I'm speechless 😶
Lots of smoke particle fx coming from previous titles..all that eye candy it's demanding. Less cars has always meant more stability and better framerates. Wasn't it the same with GT6?
Bottom Line - regarding the core issue of this thread - this issue is still not recognized as "a known issue", which is indicative of plans to fix/not fix it. Unless, of course, I've missed their statement
Soo after my research for the diffrence between dualshock and Dualsense i made a serious observation.
Gt7 on ps4 pro fights extreme microstutter during singleplayer race and that translate into multiplayer and cause these massive lags. No metter how much PD rewright the online code it will be laggy.

PD!! it seems it is finaly time to split ps4 and ps5 or solve the problem.

I dont know it is solveable by switching to an ssd or reduce the resolution but oh boy, i wouldnt play this version even if it gifted to me. This is not a good expiriance.
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I've given up and looking at ps5's. I've got a wheel and rig that's sat there doing nothing because GTS is dead and GT7 is unusable. Just what sony wants. Trouble is they are still largely oos. Hate buying online because I'm never in to take a delivery.
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