Lag and ping values?

  • Thread starter T_revisio


United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Using the “test connection quality” button on the sport mode menu screen gives a “good network environment” result for ping values up to around 80, yet I have read here on gtp that ping needs to be 20 or lower for lag to not happen?

I have noticed that penalties are given wrongly when lag is involved and this is now much more of a penalty with the new zones in fia.

Should players with a poor ping connection be allowed into race fia? For example I have seen 1 red bar connections lagging all over the place and give others penalties, which ruins their race.

What actions can be taken to reduce or eliminate this unfairness?
Those red bar connections will be like 300-400+ ms ping and yes they should be kicked when their bouncing car is ruining it for everyone else.

Of course ping isn't the only thing that matters but when it starts getting into the hundreds it could start causing issues.

The issue is that distance away from the server affects ping, so if someone is from a country far away from a server they will have a high ping whatever they do and that's why PD is reluctant to kick anyone, even though it can spoil it for everyone else who they are racing against.
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80ms is not that high, the problem is when lots of people with high ping join together in one race.
The ideal thing is to play with people close to you geographically, as that usually will mean low ping between all.
When you play with people from asia, america, europe, and other places at the same time, they have high pings within each others and thats where the problems come