Hey all. Everyone seems to really like Fruity's setting for the Gallarado but I cant make em work so I sent him this message. Any help would be huge so I can start racing and stop tuning!!
I followed your exact directions on setting up the Gallado but came across two problems off the bat.
1) after I bought everything I need up with 558pp and 568hp but when I set my power limiter to 99% it only got me to 557pp so to get to 550pp I have to set to 94.2%
2). I used your final gear of 3.140 and max speed of 124mph none of my gear ranges would fit the settings you gave for 1 through 6.
I'm obviously a bit of a newbie and you are an expert but am dying to have a decent car/setup for the Lamborghini event as I've finished everything else so your help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you in advance!