!!! Last Chance !!! Thanx All Traders

  • Thread starter mutaiam
i have 1998 and 2007 wil trade for 1993 and 2001....if you accept .. psn id for the tickets... GTHQ_zeppos
ok..if you send fr i will send first ticket today....will accept soon after endurance is finished
Hi there mutaiam, PE sent.
If 15 is fine with you can I get a 0/0 car for that? How about the XJ220?
Mate I have the Inter' rally ticket and the B'Day 94 if you are still after these can trade on 11th and 12th
Hi there mutaiam, PE sent.
If 15 is fine with you can I get a 0/0 car for that? How about the XJ220?

Just checked the OP and I'm wondering if you would like B-Day '66 and '67?
I can do that for 18th and 19th.
I have this tickets
now i missing some 90's and 2005

You are? Well i have them 2 tickets for you if you want BUT...check my thread https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=216153 and if you do have any of those cars in the OP you are in :) with one condition only. I have all those cars already and i'm only replacing them with 0/0 versions so it would be 2 cars from your OCD for each ticket. I understand if you decline my offer but i'm explaining myself the reason before you find me unreasonable :) Thanks anyway.