
  • Thread starter Illogical
Hi @Illogical I had a look at your PSN and you have played a lot of games and a fair bit of Gran Turismo 5 & 6 as you said.

Could you possibly upload some videos of you driving in the other games and real life and talk through how things react vs each other, or let us see the differences.

I haven't been able to try GT Sport with a wheel yet (due to my G25 not working for stupid money grabbing reasons) and I've never played AC or PC2, with only a few laps on iRacing on a paid for Simulator set up (I wasn't impressed with the Pedal setup as they were pushing into the ground unlike cars I've had experience driving).

In the past I have found that Gran Turismo simulates the core driving mechanics in fairly good quantities and is somewhat comparable to my real driving experience, other simulators I've played have somehow captured things other than the core driving mechanics imho and I find myself struggling and spinning out on corners that appear to be able to be taken in that car at that speed, I feel like they have been made artificially harder than reality for some reason.

After driving challenge 6 mission 1 I'm actually more impressed as the car transitions between grip, loss of traction on rear wheels, then balancing and the pushing into understeer as the front wheels lose traction, I've driven a recent Mustang before, but nothing like the Group B Rally car, but I have done some driving on a wet track with diesel and have felt some of those things I feel in Gran Turismo there.

I also haven't had the 1500hp wheel spinning behaviour in first gear you talk about and have found the tyre sounds help me understand what is happening with the car because there are things that I can't feel because like you said, I'm sitting on a couch and not getting pushed into my seat.

I'm really trying to understand how Gran Turismo can be so different to driving in PC2, AC and iRacing if it feels like a fairly good simulation of real driving to me?
Got a solution for you. If you don't like it, don't play it. Simple right?

Oh & you're judging a demo. Wait for the full game to come out, play it then review it.

Surely people are entitled to an opinion though? And his isn't deliberately harsh or biased in any way.

I have to admit I played the demo yesterday on DS4, so a different input device and I completely agree with him. The game looks great, I love the feel of the menus and livery editor is incredibly impressive but the driving is really sub-par.

I have owned and loved every GT game but I might not buy this one, which is sad as I was so hyped until yesterday :/

For me the biggest issue is the traction control is laughable, it is so crude in the way it limits power it takes all character out of the cars, remove it and even an MX-5 will sit there in a cloud of wheelspin which simply isn't the case in real life.

The cars are insanely touchy under-braking and feel like massive wallowy boats, I've had the good fortune of driving some of the cars in the game and GT sport just isn't even close to replicating them, it's further away than GT6 was.

Still it looks amazing and the sound is a big step forward :)

I'll play it again tonight but I can't see my opinion changing :/
You shouldn't judge a demo.
That is quite literally the purpose of having a demo. To judge whether you want to get the full product or not. ;)

Still, I think that if you came to GTS thinking it would be hardcore sim experience like PC2 and AC (or iRacing, or whatever), your expectations were not realistic. GT has never been that and probably never will. Judge it for what it is.
That is quite literally the purpose of having a demo. To judge whether you want to get the full product or not. ;)

Still, I think that if you came to GTS thinking it would be hardcore sim experience like PC2 and AC (or iRacing, or whatever), your expectations were not realistic. GT has never been that and probably never will. Judge it for what it is.
Yeah I understand that. But, I meant it in the context of, calling the game 'laughable'. Fair enough if he's just saying if he likes it or not, or pointing out the bugs in the demo, or even saying the game isn't for him he prefers something else, but the way he's worded this 'review' just sounds like he's bashing the game. It's just a demo, I don't get why people review demos I really don't. You either like it or you don't. Bottom line is, it's not the finished product. But I do understand where you're coming from.
I have seen two similar negative reports, both Logitech G27/G29 users, is it a controller issue within the game?

T150 here and I am pre-ordering, I am mainly a PC gamer but GT Sport is well worth my attention, fed up with AC and there ilk. I am enjoying all the tests and stuff in GT, it makes a nice change.
A stock BMW M4 in first gear delivers up to 7820 Nm of torque on the rear axle. That's probably why you experience wheelspin.

Through a dif and an array of smart electronics...

It's like PD forgets about these, you are right about the torque being there but in the real car, it is delivered in a (fairly) controllable way, in the game the throttle is like an on/off switch :(
My opinion of this may be biased because I've been playing assetto Corsa and project cars 2 with a Rift on PC. I have a g29 and older PS4. But this is nothing like I expected.

Just to start off, why can't you drive in first gear? Just touching the throttle causes instant redline and tire spin with no movement. I never understood that about gt games. Racing softs, a stock m4 and I can't go anywhere cause it wheelspins like it's 1500hp?

AI just drives through you like you're not there. They don't even attempt to slow down or dodge you.

Car selection is limited compared to other games, the appeal of Gran Turismo in the past was massive car selection. Thanks for removing the fun cars.

Sounds are weak. The tire squeal is so high pitched and louder then everything else, except for the transmission whine. I can't change this cause there's no options menu.

The force feedback feels non-existent, while the wheel strength is like it's cranked to 150%. None of the settings lighten that up for me.

The graphics I won't lay into cause ps4. But I can't see a ps4pro being any better. Everything seems dull and not the details I was expecting. Not impressed though.

The driving feels so fake and overly sensitive. After all this waiting, it was supposed to be exciting to get back into GT. It's been probably 2 years since I switched from gt6 to Assetto Corsa.

What a shame...

I want to be more constructive and have more realistic and detailed points. But I'm so confused by it and the community here loving it so much.

I hope it gets better. But there's 4 major players here to me. AC, PC2, Iracing, and GT. If you can switch between 3 of them seamlessly and not the 4th, then it's not in the same league.

Just to be clear, I've had every got game. And a g27 for 5 and 6.

GT was my go to for years. But it's just so disappointed after all the waiting
Assetto Corsa is the worst racing game ever. It is a joke. Deleted it after a few days. What a waste of money.

PCARS 1 was better and was a band aid until GT Sport came out. It's getting deleted too. PCARS 2 seem to be plagued with bugs. Not buying it until its cheap which will be soon based on the many negative reviews I've seen.

This is the beauty of having so many racing games out there. Something for everyone.
Through a dif and an array of smart electronics...

It's like PD forgets about these, you are right about the torque being there but in the real car, it is delivered in a (fairly) controllable way, in the game the throttle is like an on/off switch :(

The differential is directing the torque between the wheels, but it doesn't reduce the torque.

As for the smart electronics, do you race with or without traction control?
The differential is directing the torque between the wheels, but it doesn't reduce the torque.

As for the smart electronics, do you race with or without traction control?

I know that and you are correct but it simply doesn't seem to be modelled in the game, for example if you throw the weight of the car from one side to the other you should notice power transfer from the unloaded to the loaded wheel depending on the grip available to each wheel but you don't both wheels just spin like mad.

Both, I usually race with it off but on controller the R2 is like an on/off switch. With it on it completely kills the feel of the car :(

I'm not sure what it is, I play loads of racing games but the OP is right there is something really off with this game :'(
If you're going to make a slightly biased "review" comparing the demo of this game to hardcore PC sims, you could at least take it someplace else on this forum to the tens of other VS threads set up instead of making an entirely new one with a subtle shock-value title.
Oh & you're judging a demo. Wait for the full game to come out, play it then review it.

Funny, people don't use this line for those that provide positive feedback :/

Perhaps it's not trying to be in the same league. I've played iRacing, too sim-like for me. Original Project Cars...awful with the pad. AC, was OK based on what little I've played. For me, GT strikes that balance of accessibility, airs on the right side of arcade vs sim, and frankly just feels like an old pair of slippers. I'm a car fan first, racing fan second I guess so this just works for me.

Aren't you disappointed then in the massive reduction in car count?
If you're going to make a slightly biased "review" comparing the demo of this game to hardcore PC sims, you could at least take it someplace else on this forum to the tens of other VS threads set up instead of making an entirely new one with a subtle shock-value title.
All reviews are biased, they are written by one person from their own perspective.

Did you even read the OP? Nowhere did he compare this game to hardcore sims or any other game. He listed the games he played as a point of reference to open the OP and then closed with listing other games as an option to this. In between, you know, the review part, is all about this game. In fact, I've seen enough, "if you don't like it don't play it", post these last few days, it seems to fit perfectly with that vibe of dismissal.
I found it pretty interesting to have the view of the OP on GTS, i can understand why he was disappointed about a game he loved so much in the past that didn't met his expectations today.
As some of you guys said: everyone has to get an idea by himself since our sensibilities ( and expectations for that matter ) are all different
I know that and you are correct but it simply doesn't seem to be modelled in the game, for example if you throw the weight of the car from one side to the other you should notice power transfer from the unloaded to the loaded wheel depending on the grip available to each wheel but you don't both wheels just spin like mad.

It is modelled, but it's a good thing that they didn't model it that way, because the direction of power in a differential is actually the other way around - from the wheel with more resistance to the wheel with less resistance. So when you throw the weight of the car from one side to the other, the power is actually diverted away from the loaded wheel and sent to the unloaded wheel. Same with a limited slip differential, only to a lesser degree.

Both, I usually race with it off but on controller the R2 is like an on/off switch. With it on it completely kills the feel of the car :(

So it's a controller issue then, rather than something mechanically wrong with the car.
I don't understand why people expect perfection. I have AC and PC2, for AC I only race online but recently there are few lobbies available that aren't private, take too long to get going and trolls ruin the rare occasions where you get a full lobby going. PC2 is nice, the career mode is a little too much for me because I have little time to play this semester in college. I've only began one race and it takes about 15 min each. I like the tournament layout but don't have time for the career mode and will leave it off for winter break or summer. GT sport meets my schedule constraints, I love the quick career events with variety. As well as simple menu layout. I also like getting into online racing right away. GT was my first sim I ever played, had every since GT5P up to GT6. Will purchase it at launch. Although I hope the standard PS4 graphics look nearly as good as the pro. :D
For me, GT strikes that balance of accessibility, airs on the right side of arcade vs sim, and frankly just feels like an old pair of slippers. I'm a car fan first, racing fan second I guess so this just works for me.
Same here. PC2 and FM7 do different things for me than GT. I already own the first two. Though I'm not intending to get a PS4 Pro and a new wheel for GTS, I'm already finding myself possibly backtracking on this. :lol:

Aren't you disappointed then in the massive reduction in car count?
While not addressed to me, I'll answer: Nope, not at all. Of all the GT games that came out on PS3, GT5P was my favorite; it was a highly focused, high quality title, the only thing lacking was content. It looks like GTS is similar in that regard, so that's a huge plus IMO. Extra content can be added post-launch as long as the foundation is solid.
It is modelled, but it's a good thing that they didn't model it that way, because the direction of power in a differential is actually the other way around - from the wheel with more resistance to the wheel with less resistance. So when you throw the weight of the car from one side to the other, the power is actually diverted away from the loaded wheel and sent to the unloaded wheel. Same with a limited slip differential, only to a lesser degree.

So it's a controller issue then, rather than something mechanically wrong with the car.
Sorry couldn't really be bothered to go in to detail but yes I know how a diff works I just don't have time to explain it but nice write up by the way :D

Not really sure, most cars seem like it but some are worst that others. For the example the Mustang is pretty good but it seems related to a combination of the linearity of the throttle control and the modelling on traction within the game :/
I have a g29 and older PS4. But this is nothing like I expected....The force feedback feels non-existent, while the wheel strength is like it's cranked to 150%. None of the settings lighten that up for me.

I have a G29 also, & hated the FFB extremely when I first tried it. However, to get a similar feel to GT6 I found that I had to put the first FFB setting on 4 & the second FFB setting on 1. Try it & see how it feels then, it's no Assetto Corsa, but with the right FFB settings not that bad imho.
My opinion of this may be biased because I've been playing assetto Corsa and project cars 2 with a Rift on PC. I have a g29 and older PS4. But this is nothing like I expected.

I am also spoiled by the best simulators out there on PC like R3E, AMS, AC and RF2 but i don't compare any console title to a PC one; it would be unfair. (Pcars is not a sim. by the way)
I am a huge GT fan since GT1 and will buy GT sport because GT has a huge active community which simply do not exist else where (maybe forza but i am not an Xbox guy so i don't know).
Just enjoy GT as a standalone and stop making comparisons...that's just my 2 cents