Lay-Z-Boy Racing - Accepting New Drivers for New Season starting May 13th, 2024

  • Thread starter scuudz
Raceday 4 - Monday, April 18th Details

Race 1 Kartville

  • Streets of Willow Reverse (10 laps) -Dry/Morning
  • Kart - Everything completely stock.
  • All penalties will be set to weak/ON.
  • BOP. Tuning Not Allowed.

Race 2 Tokyo Drift
  • Tokyo Expressway South Clockwise (7 laps) - Dry/Night
  • Road Cars only
  • 500pp limit
  • Cars made from 1980-2000 inclusive ONLY.
  • Cars manufactured by Japanese companies ONLY.
  • All penalties will be set to weak/ON.
  • Tuning Allowed.
  • No VGT/Prototype/Hybrid/professionally tuned Cars.
  • The Integra Type R (DC2) '98 is BANNED.

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Great conclusion to Season 1 last night with the top 4 drivers separated by just 15 points going into the final race! Congratulations @DigitalRelay on being crowned Season 1 champ!! Good racing, everyone!

Season 2 Details will be posted here shortly in a separate post.
Season 2 details are here!! Please see below and ask away if you have any questions.

LZB European Gr.3 Championship


-8 teams comprising 2 drivers each.

-Individual Driver and Team Championships

-Will use Gr3 spec cars only.

-Allowed manufacturers: any European Car Manufacturer that has Gr3 race cars. No hybrids, prototypes or VGT cars allowed.

-10 race season - all in Europe.

-1 race per week. Race will be 30-35 minutes long preceded by a 15-minute qualifying session. US Memorial Day (May 30th) and Independence Day (July 4th) will be off days. Therefore, in total the season will run for 12 weeks.

-4x tire wear and 6x fuel consumption rate for all races.

-Pit stops for fuel and tires allowed. No limits on tire compounds.

Team and Car Selection

In the interest of keeping the teams as evenly matched as possible, the teams will be formed in the following manner:

-#8 driver in the standings from the previous season chooses their teammate first from the pool of drivers who finished from #9 - #16 in season 1. #7 in the standings chooses their team mate next and so on.

-The champion from the previous season and their teammate will choose their car first. The 2nd placed driver and their teammate will choose their car second and so on.

-Both teammates must use the exact same manufacturer/make of car.

-Only one team per manufacturer. So if Team 1 picks BMW, no other team can run a BMW.

-After weeks 3 and 6, there will be an allowable car reset where any of the bottom 3 teams in the standings can choose to change out their car for a different unchosen one from the eligible manufacturers. Both drivers in the team must agree to the change, and the team livery must remain the same even after the car is swapped (or at least as close as possible). If multiple teams want to make a change, priority will be in reverse standings order i.e. bottom team will have first priority.

Dates and Times

-Season 1 will conclude on Monday, April 18th.

-scuudz will contact each of the top 8 drivers to get their team mate selections in reverse order. The top 8 drivers can only pick a teammate who finished between 9th and 16th (inclusive) in season 1. The aim is to have all 8 teams set by the end of day April 20th.

-Following team setup, scuudz will contact each of the top 8 drivers in order to get their car and track selections. The aim is to have all car and track selections in place by the end of the day April 25th.

-Season 2 Raceday 1 will be on Monday, May 2nd at 2045 CDT.

-This way all teams will have a full week to practice with their respective cars, get liveries in place, determine tire/fuel strategies etc.

Other Information

-At least 2 of the 10 races will feature dynamic weather/rain. At least 1 will be a night race.

-No limit on tire compound selection.

-All penalties will be set to weak/ON.

-The chosen cars shall have:
a) pp limit of 780
b) no additional turbos or superchargers than what the cars are already equipped with when purchased at Brand Central.

-All cars must race with their corresponding race numbers in all races.

-All cars must race with race liveries (because I’m vain like that and love good race photos)

-BOP ON. Tuning Allowed.

-Grid Start.

-In the event that 1 or more drivers cannot make a certain race day, it will solely be the team’s responsibility to arrange for a reserve driver for that race. A list of the interested reserve drivers can be found in the reserve-drivers discord channel. Once an arrangement has been made, please advise scuudz as to who will be the replacement driver. Any points scored by the reserve driver will be added to the TEAM points total as usual, but will not count towards the replaced driver’s individual championship points tally.

Points System

See new points system details in post #67 below.
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Great conclusion to Season 1 last night with the top 4 drivers separated by just 15 points going into the final race! Congratulations @DigitalRelay on being crowned Season 1 champ!! Good racing, everyone!

Season 2 Details will be posted here shortly in a separate post.
Thanks, man! It was so fun. Awesome job running the league!!
Good Morning. I’d like to get in the action if possible. Long time Forza and Controller user but just got a PS5 along with TS300RS. I have never used the wheel. I’m installing my setup this evening. Hopefully that qualifies me as beginner! Thanks!

PS5 name is MARsSPEED1
Good Morning. I’d like to get in the action if possible. Long time Forza and Controller user but just got a PS5 along with TS300RS. I have never used the wheel. I’m installing my setup this evening. Hopefully that qualifies me as beginner! Thanks!

PS5 name is MARsSPEED1

Of course! I’ll get you all the details on PSN.
Season 2 Teams and Car Selections:
Digital-Nox (Ferrari)
scuudz-roach (Peugeot)
Agent - reaper (Aston Martin)
Reign-piler (Jaguar)
dowhat-killa (AMG)
Delta-Timmy (VW)
Crazy-Yen (BMW)
Tavox-Waxy (Porsche)

New Points System
Discussions have taken place on having a different points system for season 2. The goals for the new system are as follows:

  • Greater emphasis on the team aspect.
  • Make the point spread in the team championship a lot tighter.
  • Let all drivers in the league have a lot to race for all the way to the end of the season (no dead rubbers).

With that in mind, the new points system for season 2 is as per below:

- The league will be split into two groups - Group A (drivers who finished 1-8 in season 1) and Group B (drivers who finished 9-16 in season 1).

- Both groups will run the same race in the same lobby at the same time (all 16 of us will be on the track as usual).

- There will be separate Group A and Group B drivers championships, BUT still just one overall Team Championship.

- Group A and Group B points will be based on your position within your respective group. Points distribution will be:
1st - 10
2nd - 8
3rd - 6
4th - 5
5th - 4
6th - 3
7th - 2
8th - 1
So for example, Piler will be in Group B. If he finished 7th in the race but is ahead of all other Group B drivers, he will receive 10 points for the race. Using the same example, Reign is in Group A and if he finished 6th in the race, he'd get 3 points and their team total for the race would be 13 points.

The driver who finishes highest in qualifying within their group will get 1 bonus point in the driver and team table.

Group A - Digital, scuudz, agent, reign, dowhat, delta, crazy, tavox
Group B - waxy, yen, killa, piler, roach, reaper, timmy, nox
Sorry for the short notice but here are the one-off event details for tonight:

Reign will have the lobby up.
  • Sarthe
  • day/night cycle
  • random dynamic weather
  • ANY Gr3 car (not just European)
  • 800pp limit
  • 15 min qualy starting at 2045cdt.
  • 7 lap race.

FYI - this event has no bearing on the upcoming season. No points or prizes. Just a fun one-time race. You can use it to test your setup for the sarthe race in season 2 or just run a different car for fun.
New Wednesday Night Race Series

We’ve had quite a bit of interest in our league and unfortunately not enough room in our Monday night races to accommodate everyone. Therefore, we have decided to run a new Wednesday Night Race Series for new members. Details are as follows:

  • Individual Driver Championship

  • Will use Gr3 spec cars only.

  • Allowed manufacturers: any European Car Manufacturer that has Gr3 race cars. No hybrids, prototypes or VGT cars allowed.

  • 10 race season - all in Europe.

  • 1 race per week. Race will be 30-35 minutes long preceded by a 15-minute qualifying session.

  • 4x tire wear and 6x fuel consumption rate for all races.

  • Pit stops for fuel and tires allowed. No limits on tire compounds.

  • Raceday 1 will be on Wednesday, May 4th at 2045 CDT.

  • At least 2 of the 10 races will feature dynamic weather/rain. At least 1 will be a night race.

  • All penalties will be set to weak/ON.

  • The chosen cars shall have:
a) pp limit of 780
b) no additional turbos or superchargers than what the cars are already equipped with when purchased at Brand Central.

  • BOP ON. Tuning Allowed.

  • Grid Start.

  • The following points system will be used:

    Position 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th12th13th14th15th16th

    The top three placed drivers in qualifying will also receive points:

    Qualifying Position 1st 2nd 3rd

Please add Delta795 on PSN and send him a note to sign up for the Wednesday night league.
Adding a new night (see above) post on Wednesday night's. Great group of people who want to race and have a good time on GT7

Add Delta795 on PSN and send me a msg if interested
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Season 2 Race 1 Monday, May 2nd (same details for May 4th Wednesday Night Race Series)

St. Croix Layout B
Qualifying 2045cdt
Race 2100cdt
14 laps
TOD Afternoon
Variable Time Speed 1x
Preset Weather - S01
Tire Wear 4x
Fuel Consumption Rate 6x
Penalties set to weak/ON
BOP ON Tuning Allowed
780pp limit
New Wednesday Night Race Series

We’ve had quite a bit of interest in our league and unfortunately not enough room in our Monday night races to accommodate everyone. Therefore, we have decided to run a new Wednesday Night Race Series for new members. Details are as follows:

  • Individual Driver Championship

  • Will use Gr3 spec cars only.

  • Allowed manufacturers: any European Car Manufacturer that has Gr3 race cars. No hybrids, prototypes or VGT cars allowed.

  • 10 race season - all in Europe.

  • 1 race per week. Race will be 30-35 minutes long preceded by a 15-minute qualifying session.

  • 4x tire wear and 6x fuel consumption rate for all races.

  • Pit stops for fuel and tires allowed. No limits on tire compounds.

  • Raceday 1 will be on Wednesday, May 4th at 2045 CDT.

  • At least 2 of the 10 races will feature dynamic weather/rain. At least 1 will be a night race.

  • All penalties will be set to weak/ON.

  • The chosen cars shall have:
a) pp limit of 780
b) no additional turbos or superchargers than what the cars are already equipped with when purchased at Brand Central.

  • BOP ON. Tuning Allowed.

  • Grid Start.

  • The following points system will be used:


    The top three placed drivers in qualifying will also receive points:

    Qualifying Position1st2nd3rd

Please add Delta795 on PSN and send him a note to sign up for the Wednesday night league.
down to join on wednesday 4th if it has decent attendance :cheers:
Standings after Season 2 Race 1 (Monday)


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Hey guys, fun racing last night!

Reading through the rules for Mondays, just wanted to throw it out there, that if anyone can't make it for a Monday spot, I'd be happy to fill in for whatever Team needs a driver. Anyone can feel free to add me:

PSN: Juzeff
Hey guys, fun racing last night!

Reading through the rules for Mondays, just wanted to throw it out there, that if anyone can't make it for a Monday spot, I'd be happy to fill in for whatever Team needs a driver. Anyone can feel free to add me:

PSN: Juzeff
Thanks for jumping in! It was a fun time. I might need a sub for the catalunya race on Monday. I should know for sure by tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted!
Hi there, I am interested in joining the group. Not sure if you still have spots available, but if you do please let me know. I am a ex snail racer that is just interested in having with fellow racers. my psn name is COL_KLINK01.
Absolutely! We have spots on Wednesday race night. Always looking for more people to race & have fun.
I'll send you a request on PSN