Learn from NR2003(16minute video)

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Learn from NR2003 how to make a proper online racing game.

Despite being 5 years old, NASCAR 2003 remains to this day a very active multiplayer racing game with over 150 drivers racing at any given moment with dozens of leagues.

Why so popular after 5 years?

The Game's multiplayer functions are the best there is. Papyrus used their vast experience to create and perfect the ultimate online racing experience.

Below is a 16 minute video highlighting NASCAR 2003's multiplayer features. I even put some racing action in to make it worth watching.

Hopefully PD can learn from great games like NASCAR 2003. I've played Motorstorm, rFactor and tons of other racing games online and they all fall well short of NASCAR 2003. NR2003 is the pinnacle of online racing. Up to 42 cars on track at once, vast customizations ...

I present to you a walkthrough of NR2003's online features and racing:
I must admit, Papyrus had the online component nailed. I can remember playing against 24 cars with minimal lag..... using a 56k modem!.

That said, GT5P is somewhat graphically superior to NR2003 - plus GT5P is designed for one piece of hardware. If the games 60 FPS max out at 16 cars offline, then it'll probably take some sort of hit online - hence the need to reduce it to 12 cars.

Would be interesting to know how much difference dropping the output to 720p (instead of 1080p) would make on the CPU/GPU load? ie more cars/track detail?
I used to play NR2002 then NR2003 a lot, just for the racing (not a huge Nascar fan), sad day when I learnt Papyrus went under.
Papyrus made some great games. In my book, Nr2003 and GPL are two of the best racing games ever made. It would be great if the GT5 replay, online, best lap, and customization features were similar to Papy's
Good features, but this isn't really what GT5p is about... It is supposed to work with home, i hope i can walk around in a room inviting ppl to my race and then just start it and everyone is right there. If that works, i'm fine :)
Yeah the main thing I'm worried about with GT5:P and GT5 is if a jerk enters your race and you have no power to get rid of him.

I remember playing Motorstorm and there was this jerk in a race who kept screaming into the microphone and there was nothing anybody could do about it but leave.

You couldn't eject him, you couldn't mute him, you couldn't report him, you couldn't add him to a block list or anything.

If PD realizes the amount of jerks out there that will play their game online they will add some features to cut into their ability to ruin the online experience.

That and the ability to jump into a race with others after meeting in HOME would be enough to make the experience enjoyable. 👍
Yeah the main thing I'm worried about with GT5:P and GT5 is if a jerk enters your race and you have no power to get rid of him.

I remember playing Motorstorm and there was this jerk in a race who kept screaming into the microphone and there was nothing anybody could do about it but leave.

You couldn't eject him, you couldn't mute him, you couldn't report him, you couldn't add him to a block list or anything.

If PD realizes the amount of jerks out there that will play their game online they will add some features to cut into their ability to ruin the online experience.

That and the ability to jump into a race with others after meeting in HOME would be enough to make the experience enjoyable. 👍

They should have an "ass kicking" option for the Home service. I think that would make Home so much better when it's integrated with GT5. If some jerk comes in and starts acting like a moron, everyone else in the room can go up to him and beat the crap out of him until his character is considered "OWNED" and therefore booted from the room. They can make the control similar to Street Fighter II so we can do some dragon punches to these jerks who has nothing better to do than go into a lobby and ruin other people's fun. 💡
Hope any game will adquire the aerodynamic simulation of Nascar 2003, just that.

Online games are nice, but GT is not only an online game. In fact Motorstorm musn't be mixed with GT or any kind of similar sims like rFactor, they're are totally different kind of games, focused on totally different kind of people.

Another guy will come here to talk about hardcore simulation, about damage system, about online support, about cars and tracks, about... and so on to the infinite. If we were able to merge all those advantage from different games, we could have created God into a PS3.
