Leaving GT7, Going back to Xbox/Forza! Anyone else?

  • Thread starter MARsSPEED1


United States
Frederick, MD
Yep, I gave it a good run but GT7 just isn't cutting it. I was hoping for some decent updates but they never happened. Reasons I'm leaving:

1. Online play is horrible at best.
a. Sport mode/Ranked games only ever involve Gr classes and one track for an entire week per class. Gr 4....Alfa, Alfa, Supra, Alfa, Skyline. Boring. Gr3 has at least a little more parody.
b. Public mode is sparse for racing PP indexes. No where to use anything outside of single player mode. Tuning is exploited.

2. The updates are incredibly boring with the exception of one or two.
a. The most recent one being the worst!

3. PP system is broke even if there was good online racing.
a. Carolina Squat anyone?

4. In game credits/wheel spins
a. I don't have time to grind and PD has done a great job making people like me hate how much cars and parts cost. They even got for an extra $100.

5. Short career mode
a. Not really a gripe since most racing game struggle with single player, just not happy with it.

What I'll miss from GT7! (At least til the next Forza is out)

1. The graphics
a. I don't own an Xbox One X as of yet.

2. The FFB in GT7
a. So far it has been tough to find similar setting on my wheel on Xbox.

3. The GT7 ranking system
a. This was my favorite part of GT7 although two tracks per week racing again Alfas drove me nuts. Not a fan of Meta cars.

So yeah, guess I am going to spend time between FM7, FH4 and FH5 for the next couple of months. Maybe the Horizon series will grow on me, not really sure. Can always cop ACC if miss good racing like some found in Sport mode.

I actually thought I would be a GT lifer when I switched back to PS. I'm going to predict that a lot of yuns make the move to Forza next Spring if the next Forza is at least as good as FM7.

For the rest of you, glad you are happy and race on!
Yep, I gave it a good run but GT7 just isn't cutting it. I was hoping for some decent updates but they never happened. Reasons I'm leaving:

1. Online play is horrible at best.
a. Sport mode/Ranked games only ever involve Gr classes and one track for an entire week per class. Gr 4....Alfa, Alfa, Supra, Alfa, Skyline. Boring. Gr3 has at least a little more parody.
b. Public mode is sparse for racing PP indexes. No where to use anything outside of single player mode. Tuning is exploited.

2. The updates are incredibly boring with the exception of one or two.
a. The most recent one being the worst!

3. PP system is broke even if there was good online racing.
a. Carolina Squat anyone?

4. In game credits/wheel spins
a. I don't have time to grind and PD has done a great job making people like me hate how much cars and parts cost. They even got for an extra $100.

5. Short career mode
a. Not really a gripe since most racing game struggle with single player, just not happy with it.

What I'll miss from GT7! (At least til the next Forza is out)

1. The graphics
a. I don't own an Xbox One X as of yet.

2. The FFB in GT7
a. So far it has been tough to find similar setting on my wheel on Xbox.

3. The GT7 ranking system
a. This was my favorite part of GT7 although two tracks per week racing again Alfas drove me nuts. Not a fan of Meta cars.

So yeah, guess I am going to spend time between FM7, FH4 and FH5 for the next couple of months. Maybe the Horizon series will grow on me, not really sure. Can always cop ACC if miss good racing like some found in Sport mode.

I actually thought I would be a GT lifer when I switched back to PS. I'm going to predict that a lot of yuns make the move to Forza next Spring if the next Forza is at least as good as FM7.

For the rest of you, glad you are happy and race on!
Ok? Thanks for... telling us? What do you hope to achieve with this? Do you honestly think random people on the internet care one iota about what game/s you've decided to not play/play? Must be a younger generation attention seeking thing 🤔

Oh look, someone wants to add to the visible "I've had it with GT7" post count and is met with people who want to shut down free speech, just like my thread. The more people who make these threads, the more likely PD or Sony are going to notice. This can only be a good thing.

There are many many things wrong with GT7, but mostly it's the attitude of PD and Sony. The latter is unlikely to be fixed. If they can just sort out the lobby lag and the dead ffb I can tolerate the other issues. Until then I only do competitive stuff on GTS.

So good luck wherever you go. At least you know the game you pick will be in a playable state.
The more people who make these threads, the more likely PD or Sony are going to notice. This can only be a good thing.
If this were a Sony and/or PD endorsed forum, sure. But as this is a privately owned forum that has no association with Sony and/or PD, they have no obligation to read or react to anything here.

This site could have been rolling for all these years with Kaz being completely oblivious to its existence.

As such, these posts are largely seen as spam. If you want to stop playing the game, do so. PD are a lot more likely to pay attention to actual player numbers dropping than they are to someone announcing on a fan forum site to other users that they're exiting stage left.

And here is the rub - we will stop playing if we want to, not because someone else announced that they are.
Yeah, this isn't like real life where someone quits their job and asks, "Who's coming with me?!". People are already upset with the "real" car prices. Noone wants another real life problem, in a game. ;)
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Forza 7 was a huge let down for me physics-wise, I'd wait for Forza 8 in the spring of '23. Until then, you should maybe try the latest Forza Horizon.

This site could have been rolling for all these years with Kaz being completely oblivious to its existence.
There was a Q and A that Kaz arranged with us years ago to get our feedback.

He uh, either never responded to questions or just a couple. (My memory of that exactly isn't clear).

In my opinion, PD and Kaz couldn't give a monkeys about our threads here. Even though they have said before that they do read the boards.
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If this were a Sony and/or PD endorsed forum, sure. But as this is a privately owned forum that has no association with Sony and/or PD, they have no obligation to read or react to anything here.

This site could have been rolling for all these years with Kaz being completely oblivious to its existence.

As such, these posts are largely seen as spam. If you want to stop playing the game, do so. PD are a lot more likely to pay attention to actual player numbers dropping than they are to someone announcing on a fan forum site to other users that they're exiting stage left.

And here is the rub - we will stop playing if we want to, not because someone else announced that they are.
Who's demanding PD should read these threads? Can't agree with the "who's with me" part but certainly PD/Kaz can't read about these opinions if they don't exist. For me, it's a vain hope that they might do. It's a pretty big international forum after all especially considering PD don't have a forum of their own, t9 my knowledge.

Free speech is for everyone, not only to those who you agree with.
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I’m taking a wait and see approach as far as Forza Motorsport 8 to be honest. Forza has its own set of problems to the point that I ended up buying a PS5 instead of an Xbox Series X and just skipped Horizon 5.
Free speech is for everyone, not only to those who you agree with.
Indeed - and since people have freely given their opinions about the freely given original opinion, and nobody's been silenced for them, I'm wondering exactly what the "free speech" issue here is that we need two posts about it.

Not that anyone has free speech on a private, opt-in, conditional membership forum, but hey.
Forza 7 had plenty of issues too and sounds like the new one is copying things Gran Turismo Sport did like tire compounds and pit strategy.

I hope it’s great though. GT7 is a solid game under that horrible economy and severely lacking content. I haven’t played it in months.
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Im still trying to figure out what Gr.3 is mimicking for comedic relief.

Anyway yea ive seen quite a few of these threads and if yourr not enjoying the game definitely play something that brings you joy. For me, im enjoying it quite a bit. Just finished a beach day at Laguna actually. 😎⛱
I left back in 2011 and got an X360 slim JUST for FM4. That was and still is a ****ing awesome game. I still have the x360 console just to play that game. I hope FM8 turns out to be like FM4 but with graphics and cars from 2022.

PD's formula hasn't really changed except give us more bs with fanboys saying it will get better. We need to get out of the mindset of a game getting better with updates when it should have been great out of the box.

If FM8 blows me away, I'm selling my PS5 for $$$, maybe get a refreshed PS5 when PD gets their act together.
The more people who make these threads, the more likely PD or Sony are going to notice. This can only be a good thing.

There are many many things wrong with GT7, but mostly it's the attitude of PD and Sony.
I think Sony and PD look at just two things:
  • hard revenue numbers
  • statistics they get off their servers

Anything else is just anecdotal.
I've been playing ACC and iRacing rather than GT7... I only fire up the PS4 on the rare occasions I want to lap street cars at the Nordschliefe.
I'd love to play Forza but I haven't owned an Xbox since Forza 2. I can't just throw down a grand for a new Xbox and wheel either. I'm going back to Dirt Rally VR and also give F1 22 a try.
If i would stop playing GT, i would stop playing racing games. FM6, FM7, FH3 and FH5 did never really catch me. Something about it's presentation is so completely unappealing to me.

Another question: We always talk about PD and Kaz not really using this forum. Is there a japanese GT forum big enough to be consulted by PD and are the posts about GT7 (generaly) as negative as here?
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If I swap racing sims, it'll be to Sega Touring Car. That game is TOUGH. I might do Hard Drivin' instead. I can take the Lynx with me and play it.
I've never played Forza, but I do have a 360 in my collection of consoles.
Forza 7 had plenty of issues too and sounds like the new one is copying things Gran Turismo Sport did like tire compounds and pit strategy.
Is that copying GTS, or is that copying any of the other popular and well regarded sims that have been doing that for years? GTS didn't invent these things, and arguably neither did the other games given that they were just copying real life racing.
So, some great responses here. Thanks!!!

So got my setup on Xbox One now. Probably should have mentioned I never had a wheel until GT7, always was on controller...

I was a Gran Turismo guy up until I played FM2 and it got its hooks in me. Did the whole team thing with HLR for a while. The online community for FM2 was great but never recovered after FM4. Had our first child during FM4, missed FM5, FM6, and didn't get back to online racing until FM7. Got bored with FM7 and decided it was time to try GT7 along with a wheel and cockpit....

Played GT7 for 6 months and I don't need to harp on that anymore.

So again, last night I learned how much setting up the wheel and getting it right in FM7 is. Still have to work on that more. Still many playing online in FM7. I'll get into FH4 and perhaps FH5 but I really don't like Arcade style racing. It was kinda fun for the short time I spent playing though.

Major props to PD and GT7 for getting the wheel right from the start. That was pretty much just plug and play! The wheel is awesome on GT7, I will certainly miss that.
I've played GT games to some extent since the very first one. I played Forza for the first time when the Xbox One X was released, getting FM7 with it. From there I got into FH, and played a lot of FH4. I got fed up with FH4 when they introduced the weekly chore list, sold my Xbox One X, bought a PS4 and GTS. After getting to A+ DR in GTS I got fed up with the terrible penalty system that meant you got skilfully dive bombed almost every corner, decided time trialling was more my thing, and went back to FH4, as it's a better game than GT for time trialling. But the game still had a lot of annoyances and the last straw was when FH5 was announced and everything they were talking about was better graphics, better sound. They were improving all the things that were absolutely fine in FH4, and not addressing any of the things I saw as bad in it. I realised back then that their goals for Forza were not what I wanted from a driving game, and stopped playing it. When GT7 came out, I bought that, and I'm happy with it, it's a good game for time trialling with the fixed condition races like the Tokyo 600 PP race. It would be great to have more of them, that's for sure.