Leaving GT7, Going back to Xbox/Forza! Anyone else?

  • Thread starter MARsSPEED1
So again, last night I learned how much setting up the wheel and getting it right in FM7 is. Still have to work on that more. Still many playing online in FM7. I'll get into FH4 and perhaps FH5 but I really don't like Arcade style racing.
The FH games are way way better than FM7 IMO. FH4 has a better ranked rating system than FM7, the only problem is you'll have at least one rammer ruining every ranked race. FM7 has just as much of a ramming problem but without the decent rating system. The FH4 tracks are light years ahead of the tracks in FM7.
I've played GT games to some extent since the very first one. I played Forza for the first time when the Xbox One X was released, getting FM7 with it. From there I got into FH, and played a lot of FH4. I got fed up with FH4 when they introduced the weekly chore list, sold my Xbox One X, bought a PS4 and GTS. After getting to A+ DR in GTS I got fed up with the terrible penalty system that meant you got skilfully dive bombed almost every corner, decided time trialling was more my thing, and went back to FH4, as it's a better game than GT for time trialling. But the game still had a lot of annoyances and the last straw was when FH5 was announced and everything they were talking about was better graphics, better sound. They were improving all the things that were absolutely fine in FH4, and not addressing any of the things I saw as bad in it. I realised back then that their goals for Forza were not what I wanted from a driving game, and stopped playing it. When GT7 came out, I bought that, and I'm happy with it, it's a good game for time trialling with the fixed condition races like the Tokyo 600 PP race. It would be great to have more of them, that's for sure.
I'm with ya. Hotlapping is something I enjoy as well. I think that is why I like FM series so much because you could hotlap every track in every PP class. There was actually a designated website that had a team rank based on Hotlap performance across the board. I think that was FM3 but not sure, maybe FM2.

I think GT7 added that. You can go and hotlap and their is a leaderboard by PP class. Not 100% sure since I didn't have a lot of time.
I think getting GT7 on PS4 pro sealed the deal on me upgrading my gpu instead of getting a PS5. During the pandemic I treated myself to a decent gpu and was blown away by how much better the racing experience is on pc. I always doubted people when they said pc was better and laughed it off but they were right all along and I was missing out. GT7 looks really nice sure,but it isnt anything special when compaired to something on pc. Don't get me wrong though I've been a fan since GT1 and credit this game with getting me into cars. I've had my enjoyment plus more.
This really warrants an entire thread? This could have just gone in general discussion.
Actually no, cause i wouldnt read it than.

Sorry, guess I shouldn’t have used up the bandwidth with this thread. Mods feel free to delete. Was just curious if others are disappointed, made the switch or are pondering it. My bad.
I liked your post
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FM7 is underrated. Based on a resent thread about what we would like to change GT7 it hit me "why bother, all this is allready in FM7".

No game will ever be totally perfect, but as a passionated car-guy and a skilled grease-monkey I do kind of feel at home in FM7. No, I won`t say anything good about FH. Way too childish even if the cars are ok
FM7 is underrated. Based on a resent thread about what we would like to change GT7 it hit me "why bother, all this is allready in FM7".

No game will ever be totally perfect, but as a passionated car-guy and a skilled grease-monkey I do kind of feel at home in FM7. No, I won`t say anything good about FH. Way too childish even if the cars are ok
Totally agree. I've been playing Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport in parallel since 2009, and FM definitely has what I want the most. The cars and classes, the real tracks, the customization, the tuning, the sharing and acquisition of liveries and setups on the go, the multiplayer matchmaking that keeps you playing without boredom, the time trials, the intuitive and well structured menus, the penalties they've implemented, the communication in race by mic, the ability to report crashers, the marshals racing with you (when they were there) and possibly kicking out crashers, the rewards and the economy system (after they fixed it) etc etc. There are so many other things, I can't list them all. Of course FM7 is not perfect, the best was FM4 with its amazing storefront and rating system, but it still has what I want.
I gave GT plenty of chances with GT5, GT6 and GTS. I bought GT7 (on ps4) only for two reasons:
1) my xbox one is broken so I can't play FM7 (and Xbox Series X are nowhere to be found here in Italy)
2) every time a new GT is announced, we are hopeful. Personally I was hopeful it would pick up the pace and be on par with FM7. It still isn't, and that's my opinion.
I came to the conclusion that what entertains me the most is the matchmaking online, with track rotation. GT still doesn't have it. I'm stuck with whatever cars and tracks PD want me to drive with/on. For an entire week. I'm limited to two races (I don't consider Race C, too long for me). This is all I do when I fire up GT7: Race A (when it's an acceptable car/track combo), get mad at stupid crashers and stupid penalties, wait a stupid amount of time to race again, get mad at crashers and penalties, change to Race B (when it's an acceptable car/track combo), wait a stupid amount of time to drive, get mad at collisions not caused by me, very small mistakes that cause mechanical damage, unfair penalties, which also leads to unfair SR decrease.
Rinse and repeat, until I end up closing GT7 because of frustration and boredom.