Led Zeppelin VS Lynyrd SkynyrdMusic 

Who is better? Skynyrd or Zeppelin? Skynyrd has Free Bird, but Zeppelin has Stairway to Heaven. I'll let you decide. Have a good clean argument.
I literally know like two, three Lynyrd Skynyrd songs, but I do prefer their sound over Zeppelin's. Nothing personal against Zeppelin, and I really do respect the band, especially their songwriting, but I just never liked them.

Having said that, I have Zeppelin's Greatest hits I & II, but no Lynyrd Skynyrd CDs. :P
Stairway to Heaven is incredibly overrated, first of all. No where near Led Zeppelin's best song. Freebird is quite a masterpiece of melody and lyrics, but other than that, what did Lynyrd Skynyrd actually have? I can think of only a couple of other songs, while Led Zeppelin has dozens.
Skynyrd > Zeppelin.

I like Skynyrd's sound better, and isn't overrated like Zeppelin is.

(Don't get me wrong, Zeppelin is good, and I like it on occasion, but it's just too overplayed)
Since when overrating became a synonym of popularity? A lot of naive listeners auto-declare themselves the Ambassadors of music in general by calling a song "overrated" if: That song is popular and you don't like it. Does your musical taste speaks for everyone else's too? I beg to differ.

Who is better? Skynyrd or Zeppelin? Skynyrd has Free Bird, but Zeppelin has Stairway to Heaven. I'll let you decide. Have a good clean argument.

Like Toronado said, Stairway to Heaven is nowhere near being the band's best song; I don't even think they have a "best song", they're all good, and a lot of them don't sound like eachother. Their music style wasn't concrete, therefore you can't judge them by a couple of songs since those songs may not be like the ones they might have realeased in other albums.

If you only know and understand about 5-10 songs from Led Zepp, no offense, but I think you're opinion is pretty much invalid in this thread.

Led Zeppelin shouldn't be compared to bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd. They (Lynyrd Skynyrd) don't even come close to Led Zepp's achievements and music style.

*Two different bands, in every possible way, period.

Haven't actually listened to skynard (sorry :nervous:).
Ugh, learn some Rock n' Roll boy! :P
I literally know like two, three Lynyrd Skynyrd songs, but I do prefer their sound over Zeppelin's. Nothing personal against Zeppelin, and I really do respect the band, especially their songwriting, but I just never liked them.

Having said that, I have Zeppelin's Greatest hits I & II, but no Lynyrd Skynyrd CDs. :P

Same here!:cool:
Learn some rock n' roll? I guess i have listened to skynard, i just never knew because i don't like it. The sound is just too, for loss of a better description, southern sounding. Just not my style.

Oh, and i have all Zepplin's cds :D
I dont know how you can compare. Two different types of rock. If I had to choose though I would take Skynard. I think Zeppelin is overrated.
Hmm. I'd choose Stairway To Heaven over Freebird.

Freebird is a very nice song with a long guitar solo on the end of it... Stairway gives me more. I thought it was good when I first heard it, but not as good as its reputation, but the more I hear it, the more I find in it to enjoy.

I'd choose Sweet Home Alabama over Freebird too, come to think of it.

Can hardly say one is "better" than the other. What measurement would you use to determine such a result?

What I can say though is that if I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life, I'd choose Stairway to Heaven over Freebird (or Sweet Home Alabama), because it's the one that would take me the longest to get bored of.

In terms of bands overall instead of single songs, I haven't heard enough Lynyrd Skynyrd to make a choice - but that in itself really indicates that I've already chosen Zep.
Who is better? Skynyrd or Zeppelin? Skynyrd has Free Bird...
...which would never even have existed if it weren't for the ballad-builds-to-rocker-tension-and-release structure brought forth by Jimmy Page.

Sorry, Skynyrd fans, but Zeppelin wins it all in this one. They are sonically, musically, and compositionally more inventive by far than Skynyrd ever dreamed of being. Absolutely no comparison here. Jimmy Page is probably second only to Hendrix in how much new material he added to the electric guitar's vocabulary.

I've got nothing against Skynyrd at all, but they are definitely one-trick ponies compared to Zeppelin. If you had picked the Allman Brothers instead of Skynyrd, it would have been a slightly closer battle, but Zep still would have reigned supreme for the sheer volume of new sounds they added to rock's musical lexicon.
You can't really compare them...because one is harder rock and the other is a southern rock...

Anyway, like someone else said Led Zeppelin as a whole is not overrated, they deserve all the credit they get.

Stairway to Heaven is an amazing song...but I suppose slightly overrated. For me "Achilles Last Stand" is my favorite Zep song.

I haven't heard all of Zeppelin's songs (Getting box set eventually...) but I have heard a lot of them, and everyone is sooo good.

Lynyrd Skynyrd is great too, but not all of their songs are as unique and distinguishable.

LS has great guitarists too, but Jimmy has such variety.

Overall Zep > Skynyrd
I like Free Bird more than Stairway, but I like Led Zeppelin as a band 10 times more
This is a pretty silly comparison really. Zeppelin is a shoe-in for top 3 rock bands of ALL TIME. Most would put Zeppelin at the top of the heap (I actually have conducted a poll here that proves that). There's only one band that I consider to be a legitimate comparison with Zeppelin, and that's Pink Floyd. You have to be truly upper echelon to play with the big boys, and Skynyrd practically defines 2nd-tier.

Nothing against Skynyrd (like most have said). I love Freebird. But Freebird is a jam-song, and shouldn't be compared to real masterpieces. I mean, I love Stevie Ray but you don't see me claiming that Texas Flood is up there with a song like Stairway.

If you had picked the Allman Brothers instead of Skynyrd, it would have been a slightly closer battle, but Zep still would have reigned supreme for the sheer volume of new sounds they added to rock's musical lexicon.

Actually I'd think the real battle should be beween the Allman Brothers and Skynyrd. I'd pick Skynyrd every time, but it would be a more reasonable comparison.
Even Pink Floyd is hard to compare to Zep (If you look at genre/style alone).

The only thing they both share is a major influence on music and their time frames...

Personally I think Pink Floyd > Zeppelin.
I listened to both alot in my twenties. I still listen to Led Zeppelin now in my forties. Skynyrd seems so "White Trash" now, with all those songs about drinkin', druggin', guns an goin' after other guys chicks.

Hey there feller
with the hair colored yeller!
Wachooo tryin' to do?
That's a my girl there,
An I'm a man who care,
and this-a might be all for you.

Zep! no contest.

and another + for the Allman Brothers over Skynyrd

A true Lynyrd Skynyrd fan calls them "Skynyrd Man".

When asked what he was listening to after he rolled his ranchero into the ditch, Joe replied "Skynyrd Man"


What was your favorite concert, Bubba?
"Skynyrd Man"
skynard 100% i like all of their songs. But i find it hard to truely compare them since the majority of skynard died, and had a considerably shorter musical career.

and i dont like all of zeppelins songs, id say about 1/2 of their songs i truely like.
Led Zeppelin is better, hands down. Everyone in Led Zepplin had a mastery of thier instrument. Not to mention, Skynyrd only has about a half-dozen highly recognizable song, where as Zeppelin has far more. In 'Musical Ability', Popularity, and 'Song Structure' Zeppelin is just better.

I do love some of those guitar riffs from Skynyrd tho.
skynard 100% i like all of their songs. But i find it hard to truely compare them since the majority of skynard died, and had a considerably shorter musical career.

and i dont like all of zeppelins songs, id say about 1/2 of their songs i truely like.

That is the major difference, either you'll like the majority of Skynyrd songs or you won't. But with Zeppelin, and the wide range of abilities, and the range of styles they played, they have a handful of songs for virtually any crowd.
This is a no-brainer for me. When I want to truly enjoy music as an art form through Rock stylings I listen to Led Zeppelin. If I am just looking for fun music then Skynyrd is one of the hundreds of artists I will choose from.

I may be slightly biased as I have seen Zeppelin (as Page & Plant) in person. I even bought the Coverdale Page album where David Coverdale teamed up with Jimmy Page. It was a marketing failure, but I thought it had some decent merit.

But if you want to look at the pure talent of the band members I think it can easily be said that Zeppelin had some of the best musicians for their individual instruments. I definitely put Jimmy Page in the top 3 guitarists, most probably number 1.

And since the initial song comparison made was Freebird vs. Stairway to Heaven:

Stairway, live with guitar solo.

Freebird, live in two parts because it is too long for You Tube. If you have no interest in a seven minute guitar solo then just listen to part 1.

Now, no one can claim they haven't heard one or the other.

Also, according to Tenacious D, Stairway to Heaven is a weapon against demons.
Actually I'd think the real battle should be beween the Allman Brothers and Skynyrd. I'd pick Skynyrd every time, but it would be a more reasonable comparison.
Well, I agree that Allmans vs. Skynyrd is a more likely comparison within the genre; however, I think that the Allmans are a more diverse, inventive band than Lynyrd Skynyrd and therefore were more suited to represent Southern blues-rock versus Zeppelin and British blues-rock. This same opinion leads me to prefer the Allmans over Skynyrd in general, though again I do enjoy Skynyrd quite a bit.
I guess it depends on your tastes. I love both bands, but you aready know who my pick is.

Free Bird
Sweet Home Alabama
That Smell
Simple Man
Saturday Night Special
Gimme Three Steps
You Got That Right
Workin for MCA
Whiskey Rock-A-Roller
Whats Your Name
Call Me The Breeze
The Ballad Of Curtis Lowe
Gimme Back My Bullets
All I Can Do Is Write About It

These are just the great songs from their pre-crash 1977 era. Listen also to the new music from their albums since (am I dating myself using the term "album"?) and you'll find that they have more depth that you may realize.

R.I.P Billy Powell 1952-2009

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