Left-handers, get in here!

I'm sure I'm not the only one:D

I use my left hand for writing, artwork, precision work etc. Our local script is also written from right-left making it rather easy for lefties over here;) Strangely enough, I cannot use my computer mouse very well with my left hand:odd:

Problem is that we cannot get some specialized tools in our country (knives, scissors) forcing us to adapt to right-handed equipment:ouch: However, tiller outboard boats (common here) have their controls located in a way which makes it easier for us to drive them:P

In my family, only my granddad happened to be a Lefty, and he lived during a time when our society was ignorant about left-handedness. I'm lucky not to go through what he had to:nervous:

Share your story:cheers:
I'm the only left-handed person in my family. I write, draw, text, carry and generally hit anything with my left hand. I can use right-handed scissors, but I don't see how anyone could play a left-handed guitar or any other left-handed instruments, as I play Cello right-handed.

In class I can't sit to the right of someone otherwise we bash elbows together, and sports like Tennis and Badminton can be tricky when my racket is on the same side of the court as my opponents.

Also, I can't tie shoelaces, and it's confusing when watching a right-handed person do it. :D

Also, I can't tie shoelaces, and it's confusing when watching a right-handed person do it. :D

Funnily enough up until the age of around 8 I suffered from this affliction due to being left handed. I used to have a different technique whereby I tied the two loops together like a knot. I struggled to visualizes how to tie shoes properly cause I was always shown by right handed people. Eventually I got the hang of it.

Now the only issue with being a lefty is that I tend to smudge my writing unless I write holding the paper slanted.
Left handed, but there's certain things due to my right-eye prominent eyesight that causes me to use my left hand.

How do you smudge papers so much Syntax Error? I mean sure, the hands always rubbing up and down the paper but then it just ends up on my hand.
I am so similar to zedextreme8177 that its not funny, but it was my father who wasnt tolerated for being a lefty, when he was young he had his left hand tied behind his back until he learnt to write with his right (catholic schooling in the 50's.)

I work with two other left handers as well and all three of us cant use a mouse left handed to save our lives.

I also have trouble with footy (rugby to the rest of you) because i overcompensate with my left so my passes to the left are a little funny.
I'm left-handed and I always used to smudge my writing when I was younger, which was annoying. I don't have any problem using right-handed scissors though, but I did have some difficulty tying my own shoelaces until I was about 9 years old.

For some reason I only ever hold a spoon with my right hand but never with my left hand. I guess I just learned to use a spoon with my right hand from a young age.
Lefty here. I also struggled with shoelaces when I was younger from being showed the right handed technique, now I just do a mirrored way of the regular shoelace knot :)

Did any other lefties struggle with writing on black/white boards? I can remember finding it almost impossible due to smudging every thing.
Yup, me too. I can't use scissors properly (still can't). I'm typing on a keyboard that is right-hand orientated (and so many tasks must be performed backwards, which is probably only temporary). My shoelace tying skills are not too bad these days; but up until the last few years, I've never been able to properly secure those laces.

My handwriting is dreadful as a result of many things, but one of the major reasons is that I never found a comfortable, smooth technique. I was either writing at obscure angles, or smudging my work; what a pain in the arse. Chalkboard writing was also done without hand contact on the board itself, which resulted in some rather spectacular takes on the english language!

Still, there are statistical benefits to being amongst the 11% or so of left-handers. The chief one being that although we are generally less ambidextrous, that 'ability' isn't lost, but rather concentrated in our dominant sides. Most of the recent US presidents (including Barrack Obama) and the current British prime minister, David Cameron, are all left-handed. I was looking on the wikipedia page, and apparently, left-handed college leavers also tend to earn more (on average) than their right-handed counterparts. So, the world might not always be ready for us, but don't let it hold you back; we have our strengths, and achieve many great things with our uncommon realities!
Even though I was prone to smudging the ink when I wrote, my teacher actually told me that my handwriting was brilliant when I was about 11 years old. Also, I think being left-handed has affected my ability to write my signature properly, it just looks identicle to my handwriting rather than a typical signature.
Lefty here. I also struggled with shoelaces when I was younger from being showed the right handed technique, now I just do a mirrored way of the regular shoelace knot :)

Did any other lefties struggle with writing on black/white boards? I can remember finding it almost impossible due to smudging every thing.

When writing on white boards my hand generally erased whatever I had just written. Pretty annoying. As well as smudging writing, etc.

Helps quite a bit in fights though (Muay Thai, MMA, Boxing) act right-dominant then bust out the left when they're least expecting it.

I think i'm strange in that my strong punching arm (left) is my weak throwing arm but i'm also better at catching with my left.
I write left handed, but pretty well everything else is done with my right hand/foot. I am however, better than average at using my 'wrong' hand for sporting stuff.
I was always smudging writing when I was at school, but developed a weird curled wrist approach to avoid it. Then you get to uni and have to use those stupid fold out half-tablet things in lecture theatres which are completely useless to a lefty.
I still struggle with scissors now, and I used to have a lot of trouble in my early teens with shoelaces. I also found my handwriting is not the neatest and it's almost impossible to write with a stylus on the PDA's we use at my work.
I'm left handed primarily in basketball (dribbling, shooting) but most of my game is basically ambidextrous, and I'm right handed at everything else.
Lefty here aswell , the only weird thing is when eating with a knife and fork I use them as if i was right handed , my mum who is right handed uses hers as if she was right handed :dunce:

I did try for a while to use my right hand when due to a Accident I lost the use of my left arm for around 2 years , so i sorta ended up ambidextrous for a while :dopey:
When eating with a knife and fork, the fork goes in your left and knife in your right no matter what your favored hand is.
Oddly, I'm the only lefty in the house and also the only person that has the fork in the left and knife in the right. The two right-hookers do it rong. My hands do get confused with forkyspoony though, like pasta.
I also used yo struggle with shoelaces, but that was when i was 10 or something. I am now starting to do stuff with right, cause i want to get two-handed

Btw writing is harf with right!
I can write more legibly with my right foot than my right hand.
I can only write well with my right hand if I'm doing a mirror image of whatever I'm writing with my left hand. The problem with this is that the left hand would have to be writing things flipped horizontally to what they should be.

I bet Famine trimmed the hairs off his "toe knuckles" just for that picture too :lol:
The flash bleached them out on the white background. In reality I have hobbit feet.
Only me and a close cousin are left handed.

I would draw / write / and for better control use my left hand. For everything else it would be my right hand. I have more power behind right handed punches for example, but I could not carry a simple plate with my right.

Im honeslty bad with my left and rights becasue of this. Perfect example, on the day of my driving test, I brought my learner license and a sharpie marker to write "L" and "R" on my thumbs becasue it takes me a while to figure out which way is which. The instructor found it quite funny but was then blown away by my incredible driving lol :D