Left or Right foot brake??

  • Thread starter gatordaryl
I dont like to left foot brake... in fact i hate it but... i was in the beginning of the comp... only cause i saw everyone else was... but my most recent time was done right foot braking... i will only use left foot braking when i absolutely have to... and with cars that typically have separate brake and gas peddals
I dont like to left foot brake... in fact i hate it but... i was in the beginning of the comp... only cause i saw everyone else was... but my most recent time was done right foot braking... i will only use left foot braking when i absolutely have to... and with cars that typically have separate brake and gas peddals
There are cars with the same pedal for brake and gas? That must be a crazy car to drive :D
I honestly dont want to see that car you were driving.



Edit: Ohnoes choate cant see pics :( It's the flintstones car buddy :D
lolollolol I mean... cars that have the left foot area separate from the right foot area... like Go Karts.... lolol that's funny stuff haha
I used to left foot brake all the time when playing the other games in the GT series. I would now and I really believe it would help me improve my times but due to a motorcycle accident I cant use my left foot like that anymore. I'm currently 151st I think. Really struggling to get better.
Very interesting discussion. I played GT4 for a short while with left-foot braking but with GT5 I decided to stick to right-foot braking since I drive stick IRL. I'm also pretty tall with large feet and physically can't get my left foot over to the brake pedal without jamming my knee in the steering column.

With that said, I'm having trouble getting the 370z front end around in corners, but that could just be that I need more practice with trail braking. I'm over a second off the pace after several hours of practice so I need work in lots of areas regardless of RF/LF braking.
Depends on pedal set up and racing rig; I left foot brake with my G 25 and Playseat Evolution - the central post doesn't do any favours for right foot braking or heal and toe for that matter.
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I tried some left-foot-braking last night. Didn't help much with my times but I think my trail-braking is a little smoother because i'm not so eager to take my foot off the brake to get on the gas.
I am having a hard time registering the fact that left foot breaking will translate to real driving. Being a manual car driver for many years, I have a hard time using me left foot for breaking.

I still think left foot breaking will be a hard transition when it comes to using clutch, break and gas paddles. I just got into 1:06.xxx times after figuring out on how to rotate the care with trail braking on my dfgt wheel. I still got a good second to go before getting in to top 100 at Tsukuba, hopefully right foot breaking will get me there.

Ive been learning alot on this new game engine, it is much different and getting those times is surelly a lot more diffficult. 7 days to go...
Left foot braker here in GT. I also use my left foot for braking while driving my M3 otherwise if it's a "full" manual, then it's heel toe time.
Hmmm, I guess I too use my right foot for braking (grrr, drive a 5 speed Civic IRL).

Although I have tried left foot, but it feels weird, will start practicing using my left foot (as some people mentioned that it shaves off some time).

Last I checked I was ranked in the high 180's ...have only a few weeks to catch up! :(

...well, I've gotten some time to get used to using my left foot, have definitely improved!! 👍
I only use my right foot and I think I'm still at 10 overall in the SE. I would like to use my left foot but seeing as I own a playseat I just can't figure a way to do it where I feel comfortable. I think however I can still get into the top 8 for round 3 as I have not put a lot of time into round 1. At least I hope haha.

On a side note every video I have seen of the x2010 challenge they are left foot braking to get a gold. I have not tried it yet as I'm only at lvl 28 but if I want to gold it I might have to.