I would like to put a call out for help from any LotS members that know alot about routers and how how connection works and the ideal set up to have. I would realy appreciate any help at all.
My internet service provider is: Virgin Media
My download speeds is: 20mb
My upload spead is: 1mb - 2mb
My router is a Netgear WGT624v3
My connection is Wired.
My NAT type is 2.
I have my PS3 set in a DMZ I belive? Please tell me if this is not how to set the PS3 into a DMZ
I done this by assigning my PS3 a static IP folowing this guide
I went into my router and set the DMZ option to use the same IP as I chose for my PS3 and applied it. Is there anything else I should have done?
I have done port forwarding from this guide
But I could not get,
Starting Port : 3658
Ending Port: 3658
To work as it had a confilct with another port, I dont know why.
The main problem I get is players having a constan loading stripe under their name so we can never see each other on track.
The people I get this most reguarly with are:
SolidSnake7735 (not as much as I used too)
If any of these people are hosting if I try to join it will usualy give me a 755 error. Or I will join and dissconect in under a minute.
People who I have had this problem happen occasionly with but not reguarly are:
(There is others who I get this problem with I just named the most regular LotS users I get it with, and of course other random players who join our lobby's but im not going to name every single one)
Other times It doesnt matter who's hosting I get constantly disconnected for no explainable reason.
And sometimes it all works fine with not a single problem (This is rare though)
So if anyone has any help or sugestions please reply.
And for the people who I reguarly get this problem with could you please tell me your internet setup, is it the same as mine? or something very different?
I appologize for the off topic post but I figure as you guys are the people who I most reguarly race with some of you may be able to help.
Posting in this thread:
Which I have done many times has just let me see that other users get this problem and none of them no what to do to help.