LeMons v5.0 Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter BTK
No, I'm removing mine at 6:57 CST. Like a boss.


Keep it up woodcock, we'll play dodgeball with your car.

EDIT: Spreadsheet updated, please take a look at your parts lists. If there is something missing and you did not inform dabney or I about, and we find it during inspection, it's your loss. Not ours.
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I wish you would play dodgeball with my car. That will mean I'm not 20 seconds behind everyone else. :sly:

For some reason, the spreadsheet doesn't work for me. I can see the "standings" sheet, but none of the other sheets.
For some reason, the spreadsheet doesn't work for me. I can see the "standings" sheet, but none of the other sheets.

What web browser do you use? Don't reply "IE", just turn your computer off and go play outside.
I'm at work (Gov't computer) so it's IE or nothing. :( It may actually be our filters, and not the browser, but IE sucks so bad I'm inclined to blame it just on general principle.

Use Chrome at home, so I feel confident it will work there.
Round Eye huh. I prefer my real name, Thifton Von Thiftertontonne, III.

So be it. I had to put the comment on the names once I figured out Bowtie's nicknames for everyone.
I'll send it to you if you really want it. :lol:

Can you put the points for each place in parenthesis beside each person's finishing position in the races? The way it's set up makes it really hard to check the maths.

Seems like a couple of them aren't adding up.

Edit: It doesn't help that I can't tell how many points each place is supposed to be. :lol: That column is messed up for me.
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Points I assume needs to be switched? 15 pts for 1st, 12 for 2nd, 11 for 3rd etc. Seems like everything should be sorted on standings with place and points as static columns.
Yeah, it's upside-down. And I know when I looked at it yesterday 4th was 11pts, so I think there's a 13 missing in there for second place.


I think is what I saw on the spreadsheet originally, but I'm not positive.

Is that right?
Yeah, it's upside-down. And I know when I looked at it yesterday 4th was 11pts, so I think there's a 13 missing in there for second place.


I think is what I saw on the spreadsheet originally, but I'm not positive.

Is that right?

I have no idea wtf Bowtie did here.
Do you have any idea what it's supposed to be? :lol:

The OP says it just goes from 15 down to 1, but we don't have that many people.

I haz a confused.
Great race last night...although I can't help but think it may have turned out differently had we properly qualified. There were some fast cars on the track that may have had a better chance if they were out front.

I ended up on the pole but I know Esh had the fastest lap during practice. Nic stayed with me for several laps before falling back. I think the extra parts I had gave me enough of an edge on this track to prevent Nic from getting around me.

I think Nic held up Esh for a while. I saw my lead grow to about 5 seconds and then start to dwindle. When I saw the gap dropping I noticed Esh had made his way around Nic and was coming for me. He gained about 1-2 10ths per lap, sometimes more, sometimes less. I experimented a little with getting more speed out of my EXA but he was gaining time in places where there was nothing I could do.

Around lap 35 Esh finally caught me. It took him over 5 laps to get around though. I could tell he was being cautious. Eventually I left too much track near the apex of the brake zone before the esses. He got his nose in, and then fought for his piece of the track through the esses to get side by side across the start/finish. Entering turn 1 he out braked me and took the lead. Well executed and patient work on Esh's part. :tup I don't think I could have held him off for much longer.

I followed on his bumper for maybe 2-3 laps hoping he'd make a mistake but after that I just didn't have the tires to keep pace. I fell back about 2 seconds and then broke concentration to chat and lost another 3 seconds...knowing full well that I wasn't going to catch him.

During all my practice sessions I struggled to get 48s with my best lap being probably a 48.9. Last night during warm up I turned off ABS and changed the brake balance to 2/2. This was exactly what the car needed to turn in for turn 1 and turn 2. During the race I cooked the tires a few times but I always averaged faster exit speeds. I'm not sure I'll run ABS off next week, but it was definitely my secret weapon this week.

Since next week's track is basically two long straights, I vote we use no boost, high draft. It might allow some of the slower cars to hang in for a few more laps before they fall off pace. ...but in the end, I think it will come down to drivers who don't wreck on turn 1.
Nic stayed with me for several laps before falling back. I think the extra parts I had gave me enough of an edge on this track to prevent Nic from getting around me.
I had poor lap times from lap 3 to lap 15....I had to unplugged the usb key,find the usb port,plugged the wire then plugged the controller.(while driving):lol: ...The straight line is very short ,it doesn't let you much time. :lol:

I think Nic held up Esh for a while.
I don't remember , but I think I didn't held him at all.(I think I wasn't done with my controller at that point. :lol:)
Wait so what's wrong with the spreadsheet? I haven't been able to reach a computer
The OP says:

1st- 15 points
2nd- 14 points
3rd- 13 points
4th- 12 points
5th- 11 points
6th- 10 points
7th- 9 points
8th- 8 points
9th- 7 points
10th- 6 points
11th- 5 points
12th- 4 points
13th- 3 points
14th- 2 points
15th- 1 point
16th- 0 points

But the following has been mentioned a few times...


Which is correct? If the OP is correct, I should have 30 points (assuming we are doing 1 point for leading a lap). I placed 2nd twice but lead a lap during both races.