Lets hear your crash stories.

  • Thread starter Quick_Nick
It's happened to the best of us. On bike, scooter, skateboard, skis, snowboard, rollerblades, we all crash sometimes.

Here's my stories:

One day I was riding downhill on my bike on this one lane road. I was approaching a wide right turn when a bee hits my eye & stings me. I couldn't negotiate the turn blind & so I crashed on the road. My knee was all scraped up & I still couldn't see that well. I was 3 miles from my house, so I just rode home. On the way home my left eye recovers sight. When I got home I looked in the mirror & saw that I got hit in the corner of my eye & it wasn't as bad as I felt. I always used to go downhill on this road, trip my stopwatch at the top & ride down as fast as I can. Once I almost hit a Volvo. Another time this guy came out of his house & said that he would contact to the police if I came back on that road. I was young then & didn't know if he could do that or not so I stopped riding on that road.

Another time before then, I crashed my bike on highway 9 just going up a curb on my way to this small grocery store. I gouged my arm bad. On my scooter once I was going off my ramp & I landed on my back wheel trying to do a manual & I landed flat on my back. It knocked the wind right out of me.

Lets see your stories.
I was riding my bike one time on a country road (about 15 miles from home). It was a sharp right hand turn going downhill. I had never been on that road before, and they had patched the side of the road and there was some small gravel in the middle of the that i wasn't prepared for and i ran right into it (whoa! that's a run on). My back wheel slid to the left and i started to correct but i fell to the left and rolled over my left arm, snapping it in the process. Besides a large bruise on my leg, some road rash all over me, and a broken radius I was fine. My arm was in a cast up to just above my elbow for about a month. That sucked really bad. Fortunatly the cell phone hadn't died so i called my friend to come pick me up and take me to the hospital.

Another time I was riding in the country, the side of the road dropped off about 3 inches and a huge gust of wind came out of nowhere and freakin blew me of the road!! I was super pissed. I only had a few scratches but my bike suffered the most damage. I put a huge scratch on the left seat-stay! In a fit of rage, I was cussin and screamin' because the bike was brand new. But I was able to finish the ride and promptly went to auto zone to buy some paint and patch up the scratch. No one can notice it but I see it every time i get on the damn thing. Fortunatly I'll be getting a new one in a few months.
I was heading to a store to buy the latest issue of super street and i always take the long route so i can go on the mountain style trail other mountain bikers set up in a forest. i wentup a hill , this hill was so big you could not see what was on the other side. someone decided it would be amusing to dig a big hole in the ground. i was doing around 20 kilometers at the time, the hole caught me by suprise, i cleared a good portion of the hole but my back tire hit the end of the hole and i flew off off my bike into a rose bush.
As a result of this thaughtless person i bent my bikes frame, broke a finger and sprained my left ankle when i flew of the bike and went into the rose bush. I also had thorns imbeded into my skin from the bush, in the words of ralph wiggum "bushes are fun!! except the ones that dont have prickers, this one did....(pulls thorn out of skin) ouch." lol best thing ralph ever said.
Once I was biking uberfast (down Dublin for Jeff and Steve) to get a haircut, because I didn't wanna be late, and I was having no problem doing mini-wheelies to go over the curb, but this one in particular was a good 2 inches higher so all i could think of was to squeeze the brakes as tight as I could...wrong move. Instead of slowing down I went into a nosestall, hit the curb, flipped over, had my bike fly over top of me, and me and the bike landed in this ladies bush/yard. I totally screwed the bush lol. The bike didn't really take too much damage, asside from the neck being twisted around the other way.

Another time, comming home from a friends' place, I was going down this other long hill (Eramossa for J&S), and the sidewalk has railings along it, and a cement wall on the other side, because it has 4 lanes of traffic in between. Anyway, I'm going down the sidewalk, on my inlines, when I realise I am going WAY too fast, because I notice the intersection comming up (not a major one, luckily). Soo...as anyone would do, I put on my brake.

Unfortunately, not to my knowledge, the brake has worn out (there's only one, on the right blade). It's totally worn out, and I'm basically trying to use the screw that held it in to stop, so I try and grab the railing but realize I'd rather have road burn than rusty flaky paint slicing my hand, so I maneuevre to the other side of the sidewalk to the cement wall and try and use my palms to eventually slow me down. Problem is, my palms were slightly too grippy (or I pushed too hard) and lost my balance. I fell forward and landed flat on my hands.

Another thing that didn't really help was the fact it was like 90 degrees that day, and I hadn't had anything to drink. Sooo...after getting up and dusting myself off, I still had another 15 metres to go until the intersection, but I wouldn't be going to fast by then so I just went along and turned at the intersection. By the time the next hill came up (upwards), I realized I was VERY dehydrated. I think I passed out on a bench nearby...so when I woke up I just bladed to my gramma's and phoned my mom for a ride home. Problem was, I was supposed to be at home with dinner ready lol.

[edit] holy frik thats long!
people always ask.. where u dropped as a child.. and my answer is yes .. i was dropped not once but twice and then kicked out the window, now look at me perfectly fine!! 💡 :indiff: :sly: :scared: :drool: :drool: :drool:

I just bought myself a new bike from costco. and drove down to the beach with it. I was going pretty fast and suddenly the traffic light turned to red and the car in front of me braked very hard. So, the problem was, where is the back and where is the front brake on my bike? LOL. So I ended up pushing the front one too hard and flew on the street about 3 meters. OUCH!

When I was 13 I got my first dirtbike and drove it on the street. It was an automatic yamaha. Truly, I was scared of that thing. Anyways....I stopped farther down the street and set in neutral, well thats what I though and flored it! So I flew backs of the bike and somehow landed on my knee. Blood was everywhere!

This accident also happened with a dirtbike. A kawasaki kx85. Very fast racing dirtkbike. I was riding int he woods in Germany. The ways through the trees and stuff were very narrow. At one part, there was a river on my right hand side. And a little cliff. So I was just flooring it a lil bit in 4th gear and was defenetly too fast. I accidently then got my front tire on the edge of the cliff, it hit a bigger rock and I flew forward of the damn thing. I did like a 360 flip around backside wahtever you call that **** and landed hard on my back. I was just lying there wondering what the hell just happened. I just looked to right and saw my dirtbiek falling down the cliff and LUCKILY it didnt fall into the river but a hit a tree and stopped there. Lucky ****!

This accident wasnt done by me, but its the funniest ever. It was done by my brother. He was 15 at the time. My dad mom and another brother were sitting int he kitchen eating dinner. My dad told my brother to park in our car (a mini van). Anyways, after about a minute we hear a loud hitting noise from our garage and the wall from our living room shaked! That wall part of the living room was coverd by a mirror...damn lucky it didnt fall off. So I ran to the garage and see our van in the wall. LOL, my brother came out of the car holding his hand on his head. I was like "what happened dude?" and he just replied "I pressed the gas instead of the brake", whaha. All the neighbours came out and were like "I hope it was my car!"....what a night.

Ive seen ever more, but too lazy to write......
I remember back in high school during the "peak" of my track career I was starting the Mile run and I got into a precarious position between two of my team mates. Long story short it was either step on the inside concrete perimeter or clip my team mates foot infront of me. Turned out I took the later and had to avoid everyone behind me with spikes on :scared:. after I was able to get up and start running I ended up doing a 5:30 mile "easy" meaning I could have gone faster probably. I still have the scar today on my knee. I suppose that's the only "major" crash I had.
If you're familiar with Taiwan you'll know that scooters are very popular here (50-150cc). One time I borrowed my math teachers for a joy ride, found a nice straightway to accelerate on. Came to a red light, hit the brakes, but didn't realize still had the throttle on. So the wheels lock up and the rear starts flipping out. Lost control and it slides sideways onto the ground. Then I realized I had oily stick stuff all over me, the fuel tank had cracked and was leaking fuel.

I'm forever grateful that thing didn't catch a spark and blow me back to the dark ages.
Oh I've got a bunch.

I was riding my 18 speed mountain bike around my neighborhood pedaling my guts out in the 18th gear. Heading to my house there is a big down hill section and then I turn on to the road where my house is. I was zooming down the hill doing maybe 30 mph and their were no cars so I moved to the right to set up for my turn. at full speed I turned in, but I felt a little hot so I put on the breaks. Not wanting to risk washing out I put on the back break and my tire locked. The back end slid out and I drifted from the Apex into the middle of the other street, where my back tire caught. Even with all the lean I had the bike stood up and fliped over the other way as I was thrown off. I flew about five feet where I landed on my hands, and athhough I managed to land on the tip of one of my shoes, scraping it up pretty good, the inside of my left knee hit the ground and got the same treatment as my shoe. the blood was all down my calf and as I got back on my bike to ride home my vision began to blur. Once I downed a pepsi though It was all good and I rode the rest of the day. I've still got the scar from that one.
I was riding my bike down our street and I put my feet on the front pegs (never done it before) and I couldn't turn but I was slightly going left. I couldn't do anything just wait. I hit a car and the handle bars smashed right into my stomach knocking the wind out of me and I got a good gash in my knee cap. I have an everlasting scar there forever.
Well, my worst crash ever happened to was when I was 11 for 3 years ago when I still lived in Hungary. I was going pretty fast down on a hill (asphalt) with my both arms up inthe air. Then suddenly I hit a bump. I glided 2-3 meters on the right side of my face on the asphalt. My step-brother was just in front of me so he helped me home (just about 500m from our house). And the next place was the hospital. The doctors was trying to figure out if I'd any braindamage afterwards i hit the ground pretty bad/hard. But i didn't have any damage in brain ofcourse, asses :dunce:
Results : 2 days at the hospital - 3 weeks later my face looked exactly the same as before :)
I was about 12 at the time and was coming back from my mates place up the road at about 11:30pm. There was a couple of us that were leaving his house and the others went right at the top of the court and i went left. So anyways i flawed it on my bmx because i was scared of people kidnapping me ( been followed already near my house). But then the chain snaps and i loose balance because i was pedaling so fast and sends me into the road very hard. My mates that went right were not far up and heard my calls for help which weren't so loud because i was winded. Only some bruises and a ripped jumper.
My most memorable wreck was my first time on a 2 wheel bike. I was flying down a hill and my shoelace got twisted in the pedal, and when I looked down to get it out, I hit my brakes and they didn't work. Either they weren't tightened enough or they weren't connected. Needless to say, I got to the end of the hill which ended in a turn, didn't make the turn, hit a cinderblock, slid in rocks that were kinda bigger than gravel, and ended up hitting the lower portion of a mobile home right in the front of it. Sounds made up, but its 100% authentic.
The one I sprained my ankle on was just me landing primo trying to do a 360 flip, but the funniest one was when i tried to jump over a flower pot on my bike and clipped the front wheel and did a front flip over the handlebars.
I found a 8 foot high mound of dirt in a field near my house. So i got my bike, up into top gear, going as fast as i can, flew up the mound a good 1.5 metres air from top of the hill, just to land short of the other side and end up in a heap at the bottom on the other side. The mound was about 3 metres wide, i was so close. Any way i got it on tape, it still makes me laugh today lol.
When I was six my friend and I were using one of those car stants that you drive up and it works like a jack to jump off of. Well I had never tried it before but he told me it was easy so we did a two man train the first time I tried and it tured out I didn't get enough spee to go up it a nd jump so I just tipped over. Meanwhile my friend realized I wasn't gunna make it and turned to bail but ended up goin straight to were I was laying on the ground. He ended up running me over the chset side ways which for some reason didn't hurt that bad.

The best one I did was a few weeks ago. My friend wanted to go pick this girl up from school that had stayed after class. The school is only a mile away so we rode our bikes there and met her walking home. About five minutes later her dad showed and he absolutely hates us so we just start riding as fast as we can. I ended up getting ahead of my friend so when I went around this corner I looked back to see where he was but I didn't check what was in front off me. Turns out the road I was on turns sharpley to the left and there was this truck parked on the right side so while i'm looking back I drift right into the side of this truck sacrtch the entire side of it with my handle bar and catch the back tire with mront peg and do a front flip. I ende up with road rash on my knee, shoulder, hands and the sid eof my head. To top it all of later when I was looking at the damage this guy yells at me about kicking off this guys truck. I guess he missed me flying through the air.
Me and my mates where riding a short ride into Brighton on the coast, now, about 2 miles into the short 6 mile ride, there is a massive massive hill, its so steep it really is close to vertical, normally i get down it fine on my own bike, but i was on my mates bike, as i didnt have time to pull mine out as we wwanted to just ride there quickly, only he hadnt screwed the seat in tight enough, started down the hill and the dam seat buckled about halfway down, going dam fast, my arse hit the rear wheel, i thought, **** the rubber burns im bailing, jumped off the back, rolled down the hill, tonnes of bruises and the bike just fell over...

Another one, there used to be a small mud jump next to my house, once i went over it really fast got some mahoosive air, and this was like my first ever jump so im thinking wow! landed lost control slammed straight into a wall.

Last one, On my ol old BMX (about 6 years ago now) i did a huge wheelie, got it right up, but when i landed it the front wheel turned sharply and i flew over the handlebars onto the road. Hurt a bit.
Another one, there used to be a small mud jump next to my house, once i went over it really fast got some mahoosive air, and this was like my first ever jump so im thinking wow! landed lost control slammed straight into a wall..

I did somethin similar except it was in the woods and I hit a log head on not a wall.
I have one, back when I was a skateborder round 11 years old this was and me and some pals went down the skatepark, me wanting to drop a ramp for the first time. So, to impress this chick, I climbed on top of a 8 footer (I know stupid stupid me!! Should have chosen the 3 footer) and looked at a pal of mine who gave me a thumbs up and a grin. I put my hemet on and put the tail of the bored on the kopin, took one deep breathe and lent forwards.

Too far.

I over rotated and fell face first into the ramp, I just kept my eyes closed and felt my jaw getting incredibly warm, I come to a stop on the over side of the ramp and just layed there for a little. I heard this girl sream to her hearts content, thats when I opened my eyes to find a whole load of red, better known as blood. My pal was standing next to me in tears and saying that he thought I was dead, I wasn't but in alot of pain, I disclecated my thumb and fractured my jaw.

Never been on a ramp since and instead done some street and then finally stopped when I was around 13.
I have a sort of V shaped cement ditch beside my house, and its always fun to sort of ride up and down the walls of it in an S motion. Well, one time, I'm going uber-fast and I decided it would be fun to ride in the ditch. As soon as I went in, I hit one of the sides, and it made my wheel turn sharply. The bike hit a fence that was on the side, and I flew over the fence into a bush. I got a lot of scrapes, but that was about it.

Another time, I was on my inline skates, and I was riding on a little cement walkway, that met up with some stairs in a way something like this. ------_____------ I had to step over to one step, then step back to the platform. When I was stepping back on the platform, my back wheel, since I only have 2 wheels on my skates, it caught the edge, and I fell on my arm, which broke, and proceeded to fall on my face. My dad thought my arm wasnt broken since I could move it still, and it didn't hurt that bad, so I ended up going to the hospital 3 days later.

Another time, when i was around 8 years old, we were playing tag with bikes with a bunch of people on my street, and my sister swerved into the back wheel of my bike, which caused me to slid into a 180, and scrape my arms up really bad.
i remember one time in 2003 when i jumped on my bike and was in kinda of a hurry to get something, but i putted my bike lock on the steering wheel(stupid me) and i was going quite fast and BAM!!!!. Bruises on my shoulders open wound at my chin. Had to go to the Hospital for stitches.
2 events, both on my Kona mountain bike.

First one was while I was living in germany. From my house the road is a downhill into the town, so I was bombing down the hill on my Kona. Anyway on the left side there is a huge hedge and out of the hedge comes a freakin cat and stops in my way with the classic 'cat in the headlights look'. Anyway, I slam on the brakes but just too close and my front wheel just smacks into the side of the cat, sending me for a short and inpromptu flying lesson, with a really bad landing. Scrapes and cuts all up my arms, legs and face. Funnily enough, never saw the cat again.

Second one happened where I am currently living about 4 years ago. Back then this estate was still much a building site so there were huge stones and rocks everywhere. Anyway, I get the stupid idea that I will race a Vauxhall Nova up the road. Halfway up, I hit a rock that sends the front wheel at right angles to the bike and wheeeeeeeee, once again I can fly. Landing was alot worse than the cat incident as this time as well as the cuts and scrapes, I gashed open a 1cm deep cut in my chin that needed stiching up. That one really shook me up because my friends had to help me home and I was lying on the kitchen floor in a daze.
I knocked my tooth out coming off my bike when I was 12. I hit something and wen't head first over the handlbars, smaked the pavement face first and my whole tooth came out without breaking, root and all. I went tot he dentist had it put back in, but I ended up cracking it in an incident. I've not been a big fan of bikes since. I've never had a car crash, or go-kart crash or crashed in/on anything but a bike. Oh hang on, I lie, I fell of, well sort of fell off a horse once. I was little and on a family holiday at Center parks, I slipped off a horse but my foot got caught in the stirrup and I was left-a-hanging with my head about 2 inches off the floor :lol:. Other than thoes two times I've never had any injuries from riding or driving anything.
Too many BMX'ing crashes to list here but the funniest one was probably back when I was trying to learn back flips. I was at one of my regular indoor skate parks (built in a church), they have a large roll-in ramp leading to a jump-box then from there it goes straight towards an eight foot quarter. They occasionally remove the top of the jump-box and turn it into a foam-pit, ideal for learning tricks like back-flips without hurting yourself. I'd been using the foam-pit the previous week to try back-flips and thought I'd got them pretty much nailed....WRONG :dunce:

My first attempt was pretty close, I landed it but didn't ride it out. I decided to try it again straight away, I hurtled down the roll-in pulled back flipped the bike, spotted my landing all was going well till I realized I hadn't rotated far enough! I landed on my front wheel thinking it was going to smash me face first into the ramp, instead I managed to nose manual all the way down the flat-bank of the jump-box (not on purpose, this part was just luck), the front wheel dug into the transition at the end then decided to pitch me face first into a scorpion face grind?!? :ill:

One broken cheekbone, (yes it was very painful), a cracked rib and dislocated my left middle finger.

I can pull back flips no problem now (it was a while after this till I tried again though), I think I still have the video footage of this accident (I'll try and put a link in here for it if I find it). Even I **** myself laughing when I watch it as it just looks so funny!!