Lets hear your crash stories.

  • Thread starter Quick_Nick
my cousin has an atv, and i was riding in the trailer collecting food for katrina victims , when we came up on a sharp turn too fast, cart flipped, i rolled twice. scraped up my elbow bad, then the next day, i was riding my electric scooter down a hill and couldn't stop, slid 10 feet down a hill before landing in a ditch.

i've had alot of wrecks on that hill

The Wall.....Runner
I have plenty crashing stories, though I can only be bothered with a few.

First one happened last year, I think, or this year.

I was riding down into a quarry with a few friends. To get down we had to ride down a very long, steep dirt hill, with a big ditch running all the way down on the right side, caused by running water I reckon.
so, I was riding down the hill at about 35kmh, then I noticed I was getting very close to the ditch. I tried to turn to the left, but turning too hard would cause me to crash, so I continued on going into the ditch, hoping everything would turn out fine. I was in the ditch for a bit doing fine, then I must've hit a little hole, because all of a sudden I was sliding out sideways, I slipped with the bike still "on" me. I slid for about 10m on dirt, mud and wet grass. When I stopped, I was about 2ft from a big concrete drain pipe. Phew

Another story is when I was skateboarding. I tried sorta slde down a kicker, but the coping was a bit big, my trucks rear trucks hooked up, which sent me flying head first to the ground from about a 2m height.
I woke up on the ground, last thing I remember was flying to the ground then blacking out.

Another one wasn't the usual crash.
I was messing with a shopping trolley(Some of you may have seen my thread with the cool gash).
Basically, I slipped, sending my leg into a sharp metal corner. Blood shot out, I laughed, went home, told mum about the accident, then went to the doctors.

I can't really remember any other significant ones.
Was riding my MTB at our country property around 4-5 in the afternoon going around 45 clicks on gravel, when a damn kangaroo leaped out of nowhere, as they always do. I swerved to avboid it, but began entering a fair fishtail that I was unable to recover from. Got out of it relatively allright though, even with clip pedals.

Certainly a lot of fractures here, I usually just strain or rupture ligaments. Already On my second knee reconstruction in 2 years.

:ouch: :indiff:

^I've never liked the idea of clip in pedals.^

It's just another thing to think about before bailing out! I seem to be doing that a lot lately? But then clip in pedals and dirt jumping are not things that go together really. :lol:
A couple from back-in-the-day on my BMX.

Firstly, managing for the first time to do a totally flat, inverted table-top - but landing in that exact same position :ouch:

Secondly, turning into a 90 degree blind corner at high speed only to find a work truck coming slowly (thankfully) in the opposite direction, me skidding to avoid but sliding partially under the truck, who proceded to run over and bend both my wheels but not me. The guys in the truck just didn't see me coming until it was too late. They stopped to see if i was ok but i was so dazed i just said "yer, fine" before i realised my wheels were now bent at comical angles!
My worst is due to skating, I ollied a four foot ish drop into a rather steep bank. I landed with my front wheel on a stone (anyone who skates knows how annoying this is, your board just stops dead :grumpy: ) and preceded to take a full force of a four foot drop and the speed of the run-up on my right sholder.
I snapped my collar bone and had about an inch overlap, by the time it healed, the overlap was about half a centimeter and it's left one hell of a lump :D
brain scran
My worst is due to skating, I ollied a four foot ish drop into a rather steep bank. I landed with my front wheel on a stone (anyone who skates knows how annoying this is, your board just stops dead :grumpy: ) and preceded to take a full force of a four foot drop and the speed of the run-up on my right sholder.
I snapped my collar bone and had about an inch overlap, by the time it healed, the overlap was about half a centimeter and it's left one hell of a lump :D

Dang! I hate it when that happens while skatin. I've never had as catostrophic results as that though.

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