Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage
You guys all have Windows Vista? I guess your computer isnt as slow now eh edwin? Is it a new one?

Well I have GTP Forums as my homepage.
You guys all have Windows Vista? I guess your computer isnt as slow now eh edwin? Is it a new one?

Well I have GTP Forums as my homepage.

Nope, its a skin. WindowBlinds just screwed me good this morning, and I spent an hour uninstalling, reinstalling, then uninstalling and reinstalling that thing.
Daang Skip, you're a busy man! School and work? Are you an engineer or something? What's your design for?
You must be pretty absent minded, whenever I open a browser my finger automatically type gtpl.. out of instinct ;)

"gtpl"? not just "g" like me :P

I have GTPlanet as my homepage. Beat that!

Well I have GTP Forums as my homepage.

So do I, and accel, and windstream, and google, and NASCAR.com :D. *Edit, and UFG, and PetPlanet.

Dude, ITR, you're the biggest whore of all desktops now :lol:

If you were around when the first and second desktop threads were still alive, I posted just as much. I got away from it because I didn't feel like opening Photoshop, creating a new document, pasting it, saving it, making sure it was only 1-200kb, then uploading it. All I have to do now is press 3 keys and upload it.

Damn, do you have to post your desktops so big and in PNG format?

Yes. I only know of a handful of people who browse GTP on dial up, and as far as I know, Sage is the only one that even semi-regularly comes in this thread. This is 2006. Spend $15 a month for DSL.

Hey, I used that wallpaper before! :D

It's hard to have originality these days... now everyone's using the same 'paper site. :irked:

IFL is much better than DeviantArt. 👍

Well, of course. When you got a new toy that everyone wants you need to show it off.

That, and see reply to quote 1 :D

Edit: multi quote is awesome :D
Damn, do you have to post your desktops so big and in PNG format?
Just that image is 600kb+!
Usually I wouldn't complain, but I was browsing GTP on a dialup connection last night, your desktop images took aaaaaaaaages to load.

So, you go into a thread with dialup where it's common knowledge that tons of large pics will be posted.

Why are you guys acting like Revolution is out of line here?

640KB is fairly large for an 800x500 picture. Sorry, but there are still places where dial-up is the only reliable connection.
Why are you guys acting like Revolution is out of line here?

640KB is fairly large for an 800x500 picture. Sorry, but there are still places where dial-up is the only reliable connection.

I know that, but if I was using dialup for the moment, I would think it'd be common sense not to go to a thread with tons of photos in it.
The 3.0 thread wasn't getting ginormous yet, but following the recommendations of a few others, I'd decided to make a new thread so that people know about the new posting rules. And to those who don't know about them, here they are:

Everybody is required to post thumbnails of their desktops, linking to a full-size desktop, such as this post. Thumbnails are to be no larger than 400 x 400 pixels!

If you use GTP's attachment system, it'll automatically create a clickable thumbnail for you. If you use an outside host, but don't know how to make the code to create a clickable thumbnail, here's some example code (remove the extra spaces):

[ url=http://full-size-picture.jpg ] [ img ] http://thumbnail-picture.jpg [ /img ] [ /url ]
With that said:
I know that, but if I was using dialup for the moment, I would think it'd be common sense not to go to a thread with tons of photos in it.
Well if all these photos were at 400x400 and compressed to a reasonable size, there wouldn't be a problem, would there?
Do we really need to post our desktops at maximum quality in PNG format? Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't most users just browse through, click on one or two desktop pics if they look interesting, maybe type a comment and move on? I don't think anybody would mind (or notice) if there were maybe one or two JPEG artifacts floating around in there.
I agree with dougiemeats and think your harshness is annoying enough to warrant posting PM material. Especially when it's a page late.
I agree with dougiemeats and think your harshness is annoying enough to warrant posting PM material. Especially when it's a page late.

In all fairness, I don't detect any harshness. I originally posted the 600kb image because 1) I'm new to the MacOS and I did not know that I could use a program like Onyx to change it to take the snapshot as a jpg instead of a png, and 2) don't you think that if all you had to do was press 3 buttons and then upload the screenshot taken, you would do it too?
Also, Duck could be using the 100 posts per page setup like, making Revolutions post appear on this page. I also agree with Duck that it's common sense that if you are on a dial up connection, it's not wise to go into a thread where nearly 50% or more of the posts on each page contain an image. If you make that decision with the knowledge that it's going to take a long time to load, you have no right to complain.
In all fairness, I don't detect any harshness. I originally posted the 600kb image because 1) I'm new to the MacOS and I did not know that I could use a program like Onyx to change it to take the snapshot as a jpg instead of a png, and 2) don't you think that if all you had to do was press 3 buttons and then upload the screenshot taken, you would do it too?
...I also agree with Duck that it's common sense that if you are on a dial up connection, it's not wise to go into a thread where nearly 50% or more of the posts on each page contain an image. If you make that decision with the knowledge that it's going to take a long time to load, you have no right to complain.

Understood and agreed. I was irritated by the sterness of the original comments by you and Duck, which sounded almost like you were making fun of him. But now I know that wasn't your intention.

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