Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage
Made by LindStyling @ turbobricks.com & svenska200klubben.se:

I thought I'd do something a little different and post my dashboard.

If you're wondering, everything there does get a fair amount of use, surprisingly. I love my Simpson's quotes widget the most.

My newest. Might not change for a while.
Ah, I see. A Devil Z wannabe?:D Though I probably haven't read/seen all of Wangan Midnight yet to see if the car actually got a carbon fiber bonnet before the end.

As for me, I recently change my wallpaper from this one.

...to this one.

Ah, I see. A Devil Z wannabe? Though I probably haven't read/seen all of Wangan Midnight yet to see if the car actually got a carbon fiber bonnet before the end.

Actually, I was just looking for some nice 240Z shots, and that was the only decent one. I haven't even read any Wangan Midnight so I wouldn't know..
Ha, finally figured out how to take a snap shot of your desktop. Just hit command-shift-3 if you're on a Mac. :dunce:

Anywho, here is mine... Stig FTW!!

Bah no windows vista, say NO! to microsoft and their terrible products.. :indiff:

Products like the Microsoft Word in your dock? :P Also, instead of having those folders on your desktop, why don't you put them in your dock?
XP crew in here. Haven't needed to load up Litestep as I'm not running a Dual Monitor setup on this box.

Click for full size.