Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage
Looks like we have another one Bram! :lol:

I use Rainmeter to make up most of that desktop. It takes quite a bit of getting used too and does require some programming of the "skins" but nothing complex. After you use it for a while all will become much clearer.

If you have any issues at all PM Me or Bram and we can probably sort it out, or if you want just post in here and we will pick it up. Posting in here is probably a good thing as it could help others who may be having issues too. It seems people are getting into this Desktop Customization lark lately.
Looks like we have another one Bram! :lol:

I use Rainmeter to make up most of that desktop. It takes quite a bit of getting used too and does require some programming of the "skins" but nothing complex. After you use it for a while all will become much clearer.

If you have any issues at all PM Me or Bram and we can probably sort it out, or if you want just post in here and we will pick it up. Posting in here is probably a good thing as it could help others who may be having issues too. It seems people are getting into this Desktop Customization lark lately.

And I'll throw my expertise in now too, since I've gotten the hang of it all, or so I think.

EDIT: Sweetshop, I just realized you had the same wallpaper as me. lol.
Ha! Now this thread is filled with copycats! :P

We should all take that same background just for kicks and mess this whole thing up :lol:
Ha! Now this thread is filled with copycats! :P


Thanks again SSU. It turns out pretty easy to customize once you get the hang of it. I just decided to build on top of the enigma theme that comes with it. Now to make my taskbar match the rest of the theme....

Deviantart is your friend. Customization -> Skins & Themes -> Windows Utilities (incase you're running XP) -> Visual Styles. There you have tons of visual styles, be sure to check out some styles made by a member called "lassekongo83". That guy has some sweet styles. 👍

If you type in "Rocketdock" or "Rainmeter" in the search field, you can find some pretty neat stuff as well.
The visual style I am using is Kepsgubbe, by lassekongo83. And has Bram suggested, you should look over his stuff, some very good themes in there.

I went with Kepsgubbe because it fully inverts Windows, so all my text is White/Grey on Black/Dark grey. Much easier on my eyes, I feel.
No problem. :D

Any of you go the whole nine and customize your boot and logon screens as well?

I use to, way back in the day's of 2003, but I rarely see it anymore as I use a desktop at home and almost never end up locking my computer.
GaryyC, that's such an awesome Mac set-up. I'm in awe!

Also, Sage, I remember that image to the left being posted on Interfacelift a good while back, am I correctie?
Aargh, those paper-like cracks are seriously bothering me. That photo would've been so much more awesome if it showed the architecture clearly.