Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage


I'm trying to get a shot of my actual desktop right now, but there's some weird stuff going on with my computer right now.

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You have to keep in mind that I don't own a TV and this is projected directly onto my wall making my awesome projector/ wireless keyboard and mouse combo seem absolutely futurist style. :sly:

And yes the task bar is hidden unless the mouse is over it. :)


I love the GT5 B-Spec widget!

I really shouldn't have downloaded Rainmeter. Ever since I did I haven't stopped :censored:ing with it. It's like an addiction to me, I see one thing I want to change and here I am 2 hours later with an entirely different skin and wallpaper.

I think that my new Wallpaper is effing badass!

I don't think Vinyl Scratch would approve of the song playing though!
A popular argument against Macs is that "they're only good for aesthetics".

So it makes sense.
What I really don't get is having the launcher/dock and also keeping the default Windows task/start bar. Redundant and excessively busy.

I've given up a bit on skinning my computer because 3 monitors is a hassle and I honestly have everything covered in windows 90% of the time anyhow... and I only reboot every week, maybe.
Well, I do have the G73 and I can say the bag it came with is pretty good at making it feel light (lugging it to class). On the other hand, I ought to point out that while the G53 is more compact in a way, it's also a little thicker (I think) and actually weighs almost the same (maybe 200g less?). Can't remember the exact specs.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Still laughing every time I see someone with the dock mod. Says a lot for the Mac haters, now doesn't it. :lol:

I really like the Mac OS but Apple computers are WAY too expensive!

And it makes all the logos look nice (as I said in the past)
ps. for the potential haters against my mac. I don't like it. And will be buying an Asus G series when I get the cash!
How come you hate your Mac?! I love Mine to bits!

Here's my desktop, simple yeah but I'm still yet to find a mac customiser I can get my head round :lol: And I like it being simple and un-cluttered
I'm currently using a Top Gear one. The one of the Stelvio pass and about 12 supercars. of course, I have about 15 and switch every month or so.
Love the look of that, disinfected. Very clean.👍

I opted for more of a Steampunk look this time around.

Pocket Watch. Ticks like a real watch. Love it.
Mass Effect Skin....oddly enough. Who'd have expected that to fit?

Took 40 minutes to track down the themes. Tested a whole bunch of layouts and hunted for a winamp skin but ultimately couldn't find one that looked right. I always control it from the task bar anyway, so there's not really a point in searching for one.

EDIT: Then I went simplistic. Dropped all but the clock.

Looking at this last page(40 post per). I feel like I should stop changing my desktop so often.
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