Many thanks for these vids Faisal. Well done.
One question: On the IA10 2 lap race, I see that you occassionally touch another car. When I do this, I get immediately disqualified

The result is that the best I have done is to be in 8th position half way around the first lap, and I've only ever finished on one occassion! What is your secret?
Thank you, and thank you as well, :-) For asking me such as a quastion,
yes, i did occassionally touch other cars in that licence؛ okay here is what I did,
when I occassionally touch other cars, I have to know wich side I hit,
of course, there is touchable sides and situations, that when you hit cars and those hits are not count as a disqualified.
for example, I'll post photos, of the four hits in AI-10 licence, and explain :-
the lamborghini miura, he was behind me, while overtaking him
there is a hit at the rear bumper؛ and that's not count as a disqualification.
the lamborghini countach lp400, was on my way and he did'nt accelerate at all when i was trying to overtake him,
so i did not accelerate also, and by then there is a hit, and that's not count as a disqualification.
I was braking and going by the corner too fast, wich I immedeiatelly going to
get a disqualification

, but the thing is I tried to take the hit from rear bumper؛
and luckly I did

and it did'nt count as disqualification.
as for the Ferrari Enzo, he brakes early, even thou I was not on the speed,
and I brake early as well, so it did'nt count as disqualification.
To watch the video again, and identifie the hits, please see ( IA-10 ) licence at
any other quastion i would love to answer, or to help. Thanks Again :-).