Supposedly, since he posted bail, there was no federal seizure, and thus The Album is still in his possession.
Do we have a thread for Wu-Tang's single-copy album? It just adds more weird intrigue into this situation.
Weird intrigue to say the least.
I'm going to throw my tinfoil hat on here...and bring me down if I'm waaaaay out there. But come with me for a bit, just for fun.
So, Shkreli pops up in mainstream media when he jacks the price by 5000%. After doing a little reading, I found out this is actually a rather common practice in the pharma industry...he just cranked it up to 11...brought light to the practice.
Shortly after, we hear he is connected to the purchase of the Wu Tang album, which he eventually purchases for an unprecedented $2million.
Ghost Face Killa then talks down on Shkreli on TMZ, which sets off the "Shkreli vs Ghost" beef. Both of them have some light, indirect back and forth through various outlets like TMZ, or NBC, etc. Things take a turn for the weird when Martin posts this video
Then Shkreli appears on the Breakfast Club, the morning show on NY's Power 105.1. The interview reveals there may be a little more to him than meets the eye.
As of now, Ghost has had the last word, with this very strange video he posted, featuring his mother and sister.
Notice what the video ends with???? Wadda ya know,
Ghost has CBD oil for sale!!!
What struck me as really odd was the rant that the "sister" (I didn't catch if she was actually ghosts sister, or just a platonic sister...she looks older than the mother) goes on about some $
700 cancer pill. Since when did Shkreli have anything to do with a cancer pill? I thought the pill he jacked the price on was for AIDS??
So here's my theory. Shkreli and the Wu may or may not have known each other prior to the $2mil album deal (personally I think he's lying in the breakfast club interview. I think he's really a die hard nut hugging Wu fan). Either way, over the course of making the deal, they make another deal.
Buy shining the light on the pharma industries practices, Martin knows he has trouble headed his way (sure enough he eventually gets investigated and arrested). So, he plays the role of the Villian by doing two things: shining that light on the pharma industry, and challenging Ghost in a way that is quite unheard of in the hip hop world. The end result is that Ghost gets to promote his CBD oil, which itself is an attempt, valid or not, to "stick it to the pharma industry". Ghost comes off looking like the hero...a hero who happens to be able to supply you with CBD oil for this low low price
What does Martin get out of the deal? If he's the nut-hugger fan I think he is, "working" with the Wu is number one, and maybe some form of protection if he ends up going to jail as well (for those who don't realise, Wu Tang is actually a rather large organization, and having been established in NY for 20+ years, it's not a huge stretch to imagine that they have the means to provide someone in jail with some form of protection).
The whole thing just smells fishy.
...tinfoil hat off....
Or Shkreli is just a sociopath with a death wish