Life Story Thread

  • Thread starter Sakiale


I like reading people's life stories, so post your story.. your experiences, learnings, best and worst moments, how you got your first girlfriend, etc.

Eh, your story sounds like mine, except I've only gotten to the 8th grade part, and I have a girlfriend in 8th grade who as far as I'm aware isn't emo (no offence) or any other psychological problems, and I have ADHD. I believe I'm depressed, but no one else thinks so and I don't want to be evaluated by a psychologist. My parents are always yelling and fighting with each other and with me. They really mean well but too often they just lose it. At least once a day. Also, the worst part, my girlfriend who I really feel like I need now, having just moved to California which devastated me, is still in New York.

I got great grades in K--5 grade, but that was all under my mom's effort. For 1--5 grade I changed schools from the local school to gifted program school, which was gay because all we did was learn learn learn. We NEVER did anything fun and rarely had a field trip. PLUS our test scores were apparently lower than my school in kindergarten. More than once a month I've had to stay up to 2 or 3 am to do or redo homework until it is A level. I got max score on state reading and math tests. In 6th grade, I got to go to school in Manhattan--more than an hour away by bicycle, subway, and sometimes bus. And walking. This was the Lucy Moses School of music. The kids there were really nice. This is when I started liking rap music and rock music, and 'the hood' and 'gangsta' stuff. That is one of the things I miss about New York city, the streets and the subways... the neighborhoods... but most of all, my friends. LMS was a pretty easy school, and I was able to scrape a B average in the academic area. Also my whole grade only had 11 kids, so it was better in focusing. Everyone claims that I'm really bad at group work (my parents and psychologists), but in this year and in 7th grade, I think that I'm okay at it, as I had done 3 major projects that were best-in-class. Also there was some fiasco involving the girl I had a crush on, but that's actually pretty irrelevant. Nearing the end of the year, I am allowed to take the entrance exam for Hunter College High School, arguably the best High School in NYC, and miraculously, get in. This is due to my 5th grade test scores. Well I suppose its really not that miraculous, because I'm pretty good at tests. HCHS is 7th--12th grade, and in 7th grade I go there. It is great, and I love the school. This is also, however the year that my mom gets a job, and my dad moves to California. This is a very, very bad thing for me, because it means that I have control of all the computers in the house. Every Friday and Saturday night, and even some weekdays, I wake up at night to play Runescape, go to GTP, and watch TV or porn. (Yeah, this is the time I start watching porn.) Personally I think that its not so bad because my friends all do it, but my parents don't agree. Speaking of friends, I haven't really gotten any friends in these 8 years. They were all just people to hang out with that you forget about later, or people that don't like me.

7th grade, there is this girl in my class that I really like. She is really quiet, and I think she's cute. Over the year I become her good friend, but 3/4 through, I decide that I don't actually have a crush on her and start crushing on this prettier, Japanese girl--who of course ends up hating me. Me and the first girl still remain friends, though.

Also this year, due to my computer things and my unknown ADHD and my mom's absence from 4:30, when I get home, to 7:00, and my dad being gone, and my mom being really tired when she got home, I don't do ANY of my homework. Maybe 40% is undone. And I got mugged. There was a huge string of muggings that year, and the school's near Harlem. Personally I don't think this affected me, but I'm sure some psychologist will think differently.

Well one of my friends this year lives in SoHo. His problems are similar to mine, academically at least. We start going to Best Buy in SoHo together, to play games, after school and on half days. I also start going to a game store to play in Flushing after or before my dentist appointments. My grades are Cs, Ds, and Fs. Even in Comm. Arts and P.E., I think I got C-minuses. My parents had to meet with the asssistant principal, I have a tutor for Latin (C-)provided by the school and a tutor for math (Failing and Ds) which costs $60 (maybe more, don't remember) an hour. My mentor from one of the school clubs tutors me in math also. And I start trying to write rap songs. Well, apparently due to my grades, we decide to move to Cali, at the same time my friend is moving there. We take a cross-country road trip to get there, however my friend lives 70 miles away from us.

After I realize that L.A. is big and there is no way for me to pull the same s**t I pulled in 7th grade, and that the atmosphere could never replace NYC, I'm pretty bummed. However going to Jr. LDC 2006 summer camp helped since it was fun, and I met a girl who supposedly is my friend but hasnt emailed me for ages. I have a crush on her now, but then I realize that I still really like the first girl, from 7th grade. I get her email from an old friend. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Anyway, I go to Chapparral middle school for 8th grade, where the kids are really mean. I suppose this is my fault; I was really pro-NY and got into fights with too many wrong people. I get really depressed, and every day, people that I don't even know come up to me and insult me, throw things at me, and make fun of me. Someone even impersonated me on AIM and got a whole lot more people pissed off. My person that I hang out with tells me that I'm 'in deep s**t... from everyone'. Yeah. True.

To boost my popularity, I start writing rap songs about New York, my mugging, etc. These are a huge success, and while life is still the same in half the time, the other half involves a lot of girls screaming and crowds of people around me. It feels good. I still write, once in a while. It's fun.

I meet this Mexican guy, Richie, who says he's a gangster. Personally I don't really believe him, but he's pretty cool. I walk and talk with him. He says I'm one of the few white kids for which he has any respect. He also writes rap songs, but most people say that mine are better. He claims to have won a lot of freestyle battles. I haven't tried any. In Hunter there was a club around it, but in L.A., Asians and white kids aren't supposed to like rap.

This is also the year I start forging signatures. Since my parents are being extra vigilant, the first time I get caught but not suspended. However...

At the end of the first sememster I move to Walnut to a real permanent house. I go to Suzanne Middle School. The kids are nicer, probably also cause I was nicer, but the school is hard. My mom requested a progress report. It shows all Cs and Ds, and panicking, I forge it. Once again I am not suspended, as they are not aware that this is the second time. Everyone does it. A few weeks pass and I'm failing Lang. Arts. My mom meets with the counselor. More than half my homework was not done. Now I'm getting Cs and Bs.

My mom is 'tipped off' to my ADHD by a page that I had done extra in science. I dont really get that, but yeah. I deny I have ADHD. Now I accept it. Psychology and hypnosis doesnt help..

I email my girl. She emails back. She is one of perhaps 2 or 3 people who actually ever answer my emails. Somehow, she becomes my girlfriend. I'm overjoyed. I still can't believe it.

I've never had the balls to actually attempt suicide, but I've planned it countless times. And run away from home at least 5 times. None for more than a day, and none overnight. As I said I don't have the balls.

However, I often serioulsly consider packing up my stuff and my clothes and biking back to New York. With my $550 Chinese New Year's money and savings, I know I could make it. Now, I'm stuck here.

I passed the application for the I.B. Program. I don't want it to end up like Hunter, with Fs and Ds and Cs, but I really fear it will. My mom wants me to either repeat 8th grade or take a break from school for a year and go pray at Buddhist temples in China to cure my ADHD. I believe in that, and would do it if I wasnt going to get laughed at for getting 'left back' or something when I came back.

I also wear black a lot but that's more cause I like it.

Also I should give you some religious background. My mom is Buddhist and I think she is really too caught up in it. She is always teaching me ancient Chinese values and stuff, which while good, I think she overdoes. She now seriously really thinks the media and games are evil, especially after the shooting at VA Tech.

The $550 new years money has since been $200 blown on games and the other $350 taken by my mom. Drake Institute is helping me and my best friend Kevin Luu recover a lot. IB program is going pretty well except for Alg. 2H.

Wow. I think I'd need about 20 pages just to get the past few weeks in...
... What's concise mean? :dunce:

See Below. Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
con·cise /kənˈsaɪs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuhn-sahys] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
expressing or covering much in few words; brief in form but comprehensive in scope; succinct; terse: a concise explanation of the company's retirement plan.
That's like, the opposite of the philosophy of high school. They make us turn 'Lennie was sad' into something like 'Following the devastation of realizing that he had done something irreversible, Lennie's conscience tortured him, making him feel deep sorrow'. Or something like that. ****ing Jane Schaeffer.

And on essays where you need a certain number of words, everyone always puts as much useless crap in as possible.
And clearly not old enough to hear this as the most important element of writing...

"Be Concise, be concise, be concise"

The three rules, right there :P

I thought that was only for people going into business in college.
That's like, the opposite of the philosophy of high school. They make us turn 'Lennie was sad' into something like 'Following the devastation of realizing that he had done something irreversible, Lennie's conscience tortured him, making him feel deep sorrow'. Or something like that. ****ing Jane Schaeffer.

And on essays where you need a certain number of words, everyone always puts as much useless crap in as possible.

You know, decent English teachers won't care if you actually answer the question. I got away often with having 3 pages instead of 5 on history and English papers, because I could effectively answer the question with choice words.

And many college professors will put a limit on how big your paper can be, such as no more than 3 pages, etc.

High school is more or less retarded sometimes.

I thought that was only for people going into business in college.

Nope, Science, History, and most any field of writing. Most proper professors will destroy you for writing superfluous crap into papers just to fill space. Its quite funny to watch Freshmen, normally girls, have heart attacks when they get a D on a paper that they wrote 8 pages for, and the professor said around 4 or 5. That and his comments about how they just ramble on and on.

A good writing picks the words that best describe something in as few words as possible.
That's like, the opposite of the philosophy of high school. They make us turn 'Lennie was sad' into something like 'Following the devastation of realizing that he had done something irreversible, Lennie's conscience tortured him, making him feel deep sorrow'.

So you're studying Steinbeck at the moment? ;)
I'm sure I did that when I was your age! Things haven't changed in 20 years!!! :scared:
+ rep for life stories? Let's see if I can be concise.

I was born in San Antonio, TX back in March of 1987. My father own a remodeling business in Universal City, TX. My mother was a bookkeeper for my father. I went to school K-4th in La Vernia, TX. When I was fresh out of fourth grade my family decided to up and move to the Atlanta area.

I continued my education in Bartow County and went to school from grades 5-12 here. After graduating high school I moved out of my home to live on campus at UGA. I attended there for less than a semester due to a left hand injury I got when working for extra cash.

I'm now unemployed and trying to figure out what to do with my compensation money. I've hired a financial adviser and to date we're still planning on things to do that would benefit me. Buying a home is a big idea and a possible one. I'm very happy to be able to afford such a luxury at such a young age.

After my physical therapy is over I plan to go back to college and finish with a degree in philosophy. I may come off stupid here on the forum, but I save my hard thinking and writing for class. My major may change, but as of right now philosophy is what I'd like to learn.

That about does it. A concise story of my life.
That's like, the opposite of the philosophy of high school. They make us turn 'Lennie was sad' into something like 'Following the devastation of realizing that he had done something irreversible, Lennie's conscience tortured him, making him feel deep sorrow'.

Of course, in looking at that sentence change again, there is a radical difference between the two. One tells alot more than the other.

Now, I've seen the "Lennie is sad" turn into "Lennie was sorrowed by his life, looking out with gloom and remorse over his life."

The longer one doesn't really tell anything more, but I see crap like that alot from Freshmen here.
Yeah I know the longer actually tells more, but still...

Funny thing is, I studied both Tequila Mockingbird (To Kill a Mockingbird) And Of Mice and Men in 7th, and now I have to do it again :lol:
"Be Concise, be concise, be concise"

1988 - Born

1998 - grandmother dies, am sad

2002 - brother dies, am sad

2005 - dad dies, am sad

2007 - move to Alabama

future - ask me later
And because I can, and to stay on topic after my tangent... the Sparknotes version of Cody's life.

Born in the house my dad bought, and that I lived in pretty much till I went to college.

Started using a computer when I was 3, watched my dad work on them before that. At age 4 went to kindergarten (as my choice), then because in 1st grade the teacher was a tool, I was pulled for home schooling.

I was allowed to chance own interests, so reading was ignored till I went back into school in 4th grade following the death of my mother. Social awkwardness ensued. I couldn't read, which didn't help. Caught up by 5th grade, then exceeded level so I was advanced in it by 6th grade.

Middle school consisted of me doing algebra and geometry, reading whatever I wanted, and getting kicked out of science classes for knowing more than the teacher. That sucked, alot. Plus some run ins with drug head kids, etc. I was constantly in and out of relatively harmless trouble, just not adjusted socially. My dad also remarried at this time, some issues there.

High School was private prep school. Did well at first, then slacked. Most teachers considered me genius, and testing "proved" it. Got some good friends out of high school, stayed out of trouble, and discovered the fun of driving after I got my license. Took a slow and steady interest in cars.

Gradtuated with nothing great for a GPA, a 1330 SAT (out of 1600) and lots of AP credit. Went to WSU, got kicked out a year later for slacking. Became somewhat of a bum for bit, worked several jobs, went back to community college for Design and photography.

Meet a wonderful girl at a Halo party, got me into religion. Got my life together abit, got into religion alot, got married. Then realized I jumped the gun, and now I am getting a divorce. Having some issues in school again, working a bit too much, and my father is ill. Basically dying.

Bulleted format

-Home Schooled till age 9
-Mother died at age 9
-Learned to read at age 10
-Prep school freshmen year 13
-License and love for driving develops 16
-College kickout 18
-Random jobs 18-20
-Get religious and married 20-22
-Father gets sick 21
-Get divorce, un religious (to a degree) 22

EDIT from below
Jesus man, learn what funny is.

Hahaha... and its BlueMen, if you want to be techinical.

Though the name actually had nothing to do with blue when I came up with it! Just knew people could pronounce Azure.

And post in the premium area, its dead there, damnit Apple man.
How'd you manage to catch up on reading? Who'd you live with after parents deaths?
You get +rep for a relatively good reply.
How'd you manage to catch up on reading? Who'd you live with after parents deaths?
You get +rep for a relatively good reply.

Genius class IQ? I learn stupidly fast when I actually want to; I just don't do my home work. I went from being illiterate in 4th grade to reading a university level in 7th grade. For my 8th grade science project, I read a book regarding hyper spacial theories, though I did not get much on Maxwell's equations...

And the experiment related to tesseracts. My 8th grade science teacher didn't even know what I was talking about, I got an A- for talking too fast. She hated me though because I openly corrected her SEVERAL times in class regarding astronomy, and we she would say I was mistaken, I would open a reference book up to prove my point.
I learn pretty fast too, but don't do homework also. But not as fast as you. In elementary once, a substitute teacher was talking all about how fuel cells are so new and unexplored and said that none were ever sold or used by the public, and I mentioned the Honda FCX. Eventually, after insisting that it must be an electric or gas hybrid, she basically ignored me.
Ugh, life story is too long to type, but lately ive been coasting through my sophmore HS year with a full load. Chem, Alegebra 2, Euro History AP, and more, ive got about a 3.2 and ive got PSAT's tomorrow. Ive been playing golf a lot and love having my drivers permit.

For the last 5ish years, ive become really good friends with a lot of people, I guess im lucky since I can make friends really easy. Im really good friends with a lot of girls, but about one and a half years ago, I went to this party and met this girl. By-far the most amazing girl that I have ever met. Shes beautiful and smart (4.5 GPA Sophmore) and shes an amazing runner (made it to state her freshmen year) and things are getting really good with her. Came to my sisters 18th Birthday party/dinner and had a great time, and I asked her to Fall Formal and were going.

So far, my life has been going pretty good though. Last really bad thing that happened was my grandpa's death about 6 years ago. But life goin good. Its goin fast, but its fun. Ive got money in my pocket and in the bank, ive got a vehicle lined up for when I turn 16, and ive got a great family and friends that love and support me. I think ive been blessed so far.

* Heres a pic of my and the girl im talking about. I look like you-know-what, but shes stylin hahaha.

Haha, I'm taking Alg 2 now, in Freshman year! Good job with the girl, the car, the money.. continue having a good life 👍

Oh, and you do look weird. But she's hot :P
Posted life story on GTP.
Come to think of it, you could read every one of my posts in The Rumble Strip, and you'll probably get most of my life story* in some form or another.

* Some Assembly required.